Crops ›› 2020, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (2): 34-40.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2020.02.006

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Screening of the Rapeseed Resoures for Resistance to Flea Beetle in Spring Rapeseed Region

Liu Haidong,Yu Qinglan,Wang Ruisheng(),Du Dezhi()   

  1. Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, Qinghai University/Key Laboratory of Qinghai Province for Spring Rapeseed Genetic Improvement/The Qinghai Research Branch of the National Rapeseed Genetic Improvement Center/Spring Rape Scientific Observation Experimental Station of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Qinghai Spring Rape Engineering Research Center, Xining 810016, Qinghai, China
  • Received:2019-08-16 Revised:2019-11-25 Online:2020-04-15 Published:2020-04-13
  • Contact: Ruisheng Wang,Dezhi Du;


Flea beetle is a serious pest during the seedling stage of the oilseed rape. In this study, 42 rapeseed varieties (lines) were used as materials to explore the resistance to flea beetle and to select resistant resources. We identified the natural hazard index and the activities of four main defensive enzymes including phenylalanine ammonialyase (PAL), polyphenol oxidase (PPO), peroxidase (POD) and superoxide dismutase (SOD). The results of two years field experiments showed that Dalajie and Bajie (B. juncea) and Qingza 12 and Qingza 2 (B. napus) had low hazard index. Defence enzyme activities results also elucidated that the Qingza 12, Dalajie and Baijie had high activities of PAL, PPO, POD and SOD. Comprehensively these two results, it exhibited that Qingza 12, Dalajie and Bajie had the strongest resistance to the flea beetle damage and could be used as resistant resources.

Key words: Spring rapeseed region, Flea beetle, Rapeseed variety, Resource screening

Table 1

Ecotypes and sources of different rapeseed varieties (lines)"

Variety (Line)
Ecotype type
Variety (Line)
Ecotype type
青油14 Qingyou 14 中国青海 甘蓝型 春性 ZG2017Y 中国青海 甘蓝型 春性
46 中国青海 甘蓝型 春性 33R 中国青海 甘蓝型 春性
青杂5号Qingza 5 中国青海 甘蓝型 春性 中双7号Zhongshuang 7 中国湖北 甘蓝型 半冬性
青杂6号Qingza 6 中国青海 甘蓝型 春性 中双9号Zhongshuang 9 中国湖北 甘蓝型 半冬性
青杂2号Qingza 2 中国青海 甘蓝型 春性 中双11号Zhongshuang 11 中国湖北 甘蓝型 半冬性
青杂7号Qingza 7 中国青海 甘蓝型 春性 中油821 Zhongyou 821 中国湖北 甘蓝型 半冬性
1244R 中国青海 甘蓝型 春性 AG-5 加拿大 甘蓝型 春性
144A 中国青海 甘蓝型 春性 QU 加拿大 甘蓝型 春性
青杂9号Qingza 9 中国青海 甘蓝型 春性 AG-21 加拿大 甘蓝型 春性
青杂11号Qingza 11 中国青海 甘蓝型 春性 浩油11号Haoyou 11 中国青海 白菜型 春性
青杂12号Qingza 12 中国青海 甘蓝型 春性 青油241 Qingyou 241 中国青海 白菜型 春性
杜4695 Du 4695 中国青海 甘蓝型 春性 青油9号Qingyou 9 中国青海 白菜型 春性
105A 中国青海 甘蓝型 春性 大黄Dahuang 中国青海 白菜型 春性
ZG842 中国青海 甘蓝型 春性 青油21号Qingyou 21 中国青海 白菜型 春性
403R 中国青海 甘蓝型 春性 2017ZZY 中国青海 白菜型 春性
杜4380 Du 4380 中国青海 甘蓝型 春性 严小村芥Yanxiaocunjie 中国青海 芥菜型 春性
1186R 中国青海 甘蓝型 春性 白芥Baijie 中国青海 芥菜型 春性
ZG852 中国青海 甘蓝型 春性 大辣芥Dalajie 中国青海 芥菜型 春性
1831R 中国青海 甘蓝型 春性 YZ867 中国青海 芥菜型 春性
杜409 Du 409 中国青海 甘蓝型 春性 39 巴基斯坦 芥菜型 春性
青杂4号Qingza 4 中国青海 甘蓝型 春性 塔油2号Tayou 2 中国新疆 芥菜型 春性

Table 2

Analysis of the hazard index of jumping armor among different rapeseed varieties (lines) %"

Variety (Line)
2017 2018
Qingyou 14
57.03±2.45abcABC 50.05±0.97bcdefABCDEF
46 56.81±2.45abcdABCD 51.82±2.65abcdABCD
Qingza 2
32.51±5.19opNOP 35.76±2.03ijklmHIJK
Qingza 4
39.63±5.13ijklmnopIJKLMNOP 40.88±2.82efghijklDEFGHIJ
Qingza 5
45.49±5.75ghijkFGHIJKLM 41.99±1.48defghijklBCDEFGHIJ
Qingza 6
42.90±3.14hijklmnHIJKLM 41.40±4.60defghijklCDEFGHIJ
Qingza 7
59.29±2.60abAB 50.79±1.12abcdeABCDE
Qingza 9
49.13±3.75cdefghCDEFGHI 46.63±5.41bcdefghBCDEFGH
Qingza 11
43.39±1.51hijklmnGHIJKLM 44.89±1.11bcdefghijBCDEFGHIJ
Qingza 12
31.65±2.48opP 33.65±4.07lmJK
1831R 38.51±2.57jklmnopJKLMNOP 39.01±1.22ghijklEFGHIJ
105A 47.92±2.67efghiCDEFGHIJK 44.17±3.10bcdefghijkBCDEFGHIJ
1244R 36.44±2.55mnopLMNOP 39.69±2.09fghijklEFGHIJ
144A 65.06±5.60aA 61.06±4.52aA
`AG-5 42.80±3.17hijklmnHIJKLM 41.31±5.30defghijklDEFGHIJ
AG-21 36.61±4.36lmnopLMNOP 38.11±2.0hijklFGHIJ
QU 46.04±3.13ghijkFGHIJKL 43.79±3.34bcdefghijklBCDEFGHIJ
Du 4695
41.63±3.18hijklmnIJKLMNO 37.62±1.67hijklGHIJ
杜409 Du 409 46.60±2.16fghijkEFGHIJK 41.35±1.11defghijklCDEFGHIJ
Du 4380
40.46±1.63hijklmnoIJKLMNOP 39.46±0.96fghijklEFGHIJ
403R 32.24±1.49opOP 38.24±0.4hijklFGHIJ
1186R 48.12±2.72defghiCDEFGHIJ 46.37±2.84bcdefghiBCDEFGH
33R 45.65±3.37ghijkFGHIJKL
ZG842 44.31±2.99ghijklmnGHIJKLM 43.06±1.24cdefghijklBCDEFGHIJ
ZG852 45.40±4.02ghijklGHIJKLM 43.40±2.28bcdefghijklBCDEFGHIJ
ZG2017Y 32.44±4.49opNOP 35.45±3.14jklmHIJK
Qingyou 241
42.83±1.00hijklmnHIJKLMN 42.33±0.79cdefghijklBCDEFGHIJ
Zhongshuang 7
47.17±2.53fghijDEFGHIJK 45.92±4.48bcdefghijBCDEFGHI
Zhongshuang 9
44.36±3.45ghijklmnGHIJKLM 44.86±3.03bcdefghijBCDEFGHIJ
Zhongshuang 11
43.29±1.51hijklmnGHIJKLM 44.67±4.35bcdefghijkBCDEFGHIJ
Zhongyou 821
38.20±3.31klmnopKLMNOP 38.70±2.67hijklEFGHIJ
Haoyou 11
45.00±1.97ghijklmGHIJKLM 43.75±1.08bcdefghijklBCDEFGHIJ
Qingyou 9
43.07±3.25hijklmnGHIJKLM 44.07±1.61bcdefghijklBCDEFGHIJ
大黄Dahuang 52.42±2.05bcdefgBCDEFGH 49.67±2.51bcdefgABCDEFG
Qingyou 21
46.20±1.33ghijkEFGHIJKL 44.95±1.96bcdefghijBCDEFGHIJ
2017ZZY 42.26±2.05hijklmnIJKLMN 40.26±3.50efghijklDEFGHIJ
35.64±3.71nopMNOP 38.64±2.96hijklFGHIJ
白芥Baijie 31.15±1.48pP 34.01±2.99klmIJK
大辣芥Dalajie 31.00±1.69pP 25.05±16.62mK
YZ867 52.91±2.80bcdefgBCDEFG 53.05±2.04abcABC
39 56.02±2.90bcdeABCDE 54.02±1.68abAB
Tayou 2
55.30±1.62bcdefABCDEF 49.66±3.40bcdefgABCDEFG


Chi-square distance clustering for the hazard index of different rapeseed varieties (lines) in 2018"


The results of four defense enzyme activities in different rapeseed varieties (lines) at seedling stage in 2018 "*" and "**" indicate enzyme activity are significant higher than Qingza 5 at 0.05 and 0.01 probability level, respectively"

Table 3

Correlation coefficient between hazard index and the activities of four defense enzymes in 2018"

相关系数Correlation coefficient (R) 为害指数Hazard index PAL活性PAL activity PPO活性PPO activity POD活性POD activity
为害指数Hazard index
PAL活性PAL activity -0.79**
PPO活性PPO activity -0.78** 0.73**
POD活性POD activity -0.87** 0.78** 0.90**
SOD活性SOD activity -0.79** 0.75** 0.84** 0.87**
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