Crops ›› 2021, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (4): 191-195.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2021.04.029

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Comparison Test of Different Triticale Varieties in Winter Fallow Saline Farmland

Wang Zhihua1(), Zhang Lingyun2(), Wei Lixing1   

  1. 1Dongying Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Dongying 257091, Shandong, China
    2Dongying Vocational Institute, Dongying 257091, Shandong, China
  • Received:2020-11-13 Revised:2021-06-22 Online:2021-08-15 Published:2021-08-13
  • Contact: Zhang Lingyun;


Triticale has high biological yield, strong adaptability, disease resistance, cold resistance and saline-alkali resistance, few insect pests occurs in the whole growth period, no pesticide spraying is required, it can achieve green high-quality feed production, it is a forage crop with high nutritional value. In the north of China, planting triticale in saline-alkali farmland in winter can solve the problem of lack of land for grain and forage. In this study, six triticale materials were introduced, through the comparison of growth period, lodging resistance, yield and quality of them, the results showed that Jisi No.2 and Triticale 3241 were suitable for growing period, and they had good performance in forage yield, lodging resistance and forage quality, they were suitable for planting in winter fallow saline-alkali farmland in the Yellow River Delta.

Key words: Triticale, Growth period, Lodging resistance, Forage yield, Forage quality

Table 1

Growth period of different triticale varieties 月-日 Month-day"

Sowing date
Emergence stage
Heading stage
Flowering stage
Maturation stage
中饲1048(对照) 2018-2019 10-18 10-26 05-08 05-13 06-20
Zhongsi 1048 (CK) 2019-2020 10-20 10-30 05-11 05-15 06-21
小黑麦3241 2018-2019 10-18 10-26 05-01 05-07 06-14
Triticale 3241 2019-2020 10-20 10-30 05-03 05-08 06-16
小黑麦2712 2018-2019 10-18 10-26 05-01 05-07 06-14
Triticale 2712 2019-2020 10-20 10-30 05-03 05-08 06-16
冀饲1号 2018-2019 10-18 10-26 04-26 05-02 06-14
Jisi No.1 2019-2020 10-20 10-30 04-27 05-04 06-16
冀饲2号 2018-2019 10-18 10-26 04-28 05-03 06-14
Jisi No.2 2019-2020 10-20 10-30 04-29 05-04 06-16
冀饲1423 2018-2019 10-18 10-26 05-04 05-09 06-16
Jisi 1423 2019-2020 10-20 10-30 05-06 05-12 06-18

Table 2

Comparison of lodging resistance indexes of different triticale varieties"

Lodging resistance index
Zhongsi 1048 (CK)
Triticale 3241
Triticale 2712
Jisi No.1
Jisi No.2
Jisi 1423
株高Plant height (cm) 2018-2019 175.60aA 162.60bB 162.10bB 159.25bB 160.36bB 172.80aA
2019-2020 180.10aA 166.20bB 165.50bB 165.00bB 165.20bB 175.50aA
第2节长The second node length (cm) 2018-2019 19.37aA 18.10bB 18.52bB 16.95cC 16.86cC 19.14aA
2019-2020 19.53aA 18.20bB 18.40bB 17.00cC 17.00cC 19.10aA
第2节粗The second node thick (mm) 2018-2019 5.40aA 5.35aA 5.11aA 4.78aA 4.85aA 5.00aA
2019-2020 5.40aA 5.30aA 5.20aA 4.82aA 4.85aA 5.10aA
第2节干重 2018-2019 286.50bB 348.00aA 302.50bB 250.90cC 273.90bB 304.00bB
The second node dry weight (mg) 2019-2020 278.00cC 351.30aA 303.80bB 248.20cC 280.50cC 305.60bB
第2节充实度 2018-2019 14.79cC 19.22aA 16.33bB 14.80cC 16.25bB 15.88bB
The second node density (mg/cm) 2019-2020 14.23cC 19.30aA 16.50bB 14.60cC 16.50bB 16.00bB

Table 3

The biological yields of different triticale varieties at harvest period"

Biological yield
Zhongsi 1048 (CK)
Triticale 3241
Triticale 2712
Jisi No.1
Jisi No.2
Jisi 1423
鲜草产量Fresh yield (kg/hm2) 2018-2019 38 502.0cC 48 253.5aA 40 285.0cC 36 801.0cC 47 169.0aA 40 929.0bB
2019-2020 40 107.7dD 56 944.6aA 53 066.9bB 45 072.5cC 52 175.5bB 52 026.4bB
干草产量Hay yield (kg/hm2) 2018-2019 11 050.1bB 13 028.3aA 10 463.6bBc 11 813.1bB 14 292.2aA 10 641.5bB
2019-2020 11 693.2dD 15 307.7aA 13 606.8cC 15 227.2aA 15 310.6aA 14 683.1bB
鲜干比 2018-2019 3.48bB 3.70aA 3.85aA 3.12bB 3.30bB 3.85aA
Ratio of fresh yield to hay yield 2019-2020 3.43bB 3.72aA 3.90aA 2.96cC 3.41bB 3.54bB

Table 4

The quality traits of different triticale varieties %"

Quality trait
Zhongsi 1048 (CK)
Triticale 3241
Triticale 2712
Jisi No.1
Jisi No.2
Jisi 1423
粗蛋白含量 2018-2019 6.84bB 7.23aA 7.01aA 7.25aA 7.29aA 6.59bB
Crude protein content 2019-2020 7.32bB 7.53bB 8.38aA 8.13aA 8.50aA 7.37bB
粗脂肪含量 2018-2019 2.38aA 2.47aA 2.50aA 2.59aA 2.20aA 2.49aA
Crude fat content 2019-2020 2.20bB 2.81aA 2.50aA 2.55aA 2.55aA 2.80aA
中性洗涤纤维含量 2018-2019 65.01bB 62.05cC 63.25cC 64.72bB 62.56cC 66.60aA
Neutral detergent fiber content 2019-2020 53.14bB 53.06bB 53.72bB 54.96aA 54.34aA 55.21aA
酸性洗涤纤维含量 2018-2019 37.69bB 37.38bB 37.56bB 38.94aA 36.84cC 38.84aA
Acid detergent fiber content 2019-2020 31.70bB 30.50aA 30.62aA 31.87bB 31.52bB 31.09aA
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