Crops ›› 2016, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (4): 105-111.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2016.04.017

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Research on Productive Performance and Nutritive Value of 11 Oat Varieties in Ningxia Irrigation Area

Guo Xingyan,Liang Danni,Lan Jian   

  1. College of Agronomy, Ningxia University,Yinchuan 750021,Ningxia,China
  • Received:2016-04-27 Revised:2016-06-06 Online:2016-08-15 Published:2018-08-26
  • Contact: Jian Lan


In order to select high-quality oats cultivars suitable for the irrigation area of Ningxia and enrich forage grass resources in the region, 11 oat cultivars from abroad were grown in Pingji Fort area of Ningxia province. By comprehensive analysis of its production performance and the nutritional quality, the results showed that the 11 oat cultivars grew well in Ningxia region and the average growth period was about 90d. Hay yield and stem-leaf ratio were different.The Sweet yan No.1 and Local oat had higher forage yield, the Molasses had the smallest stem-leaf ratio and the palatability was best. Different oat cultivars of crude protein, crude fat, Ca, P, acid detergent fiber, neutral detergent fiber and so on were significant different(P<0.05), which Sweet yan No.1 had the highest content with crude protein and crude fat, Cayuse1 had the highest Ca content, Baler had the highest P content and Molasses had the lowest acid detergent fiber and neutral detergent fiber content. Grey correlation comprehensive analysis with 13 traits index of 11 oat cultivars showed, Molasses and Sweet yan No.1 had the excellent performance, they could be used as the breeding resources of oat cultivars and extension crops in the irrigation area of Ningxia.

Key words: Oat, Cultivars, Forage yield, Productive performance, Nutrition quality

Table 1

List of experimental materials"

品种Variety 来源Source 种子净度Seed pure(%) 原产地Origin area 千粒重1000-seedweight(g)
小马Cayuse1 北京猛犸种业有限公司 98 美国 30.57
塔娜Otana 北京正道生态科技有限公司 98 加拿大 27.25
牧马人Cayuse2 北京正道生态科技有限公司 98 加拿大 32.57
贝勒Baler 北京正道生态科技有限公司 98 加拿大 31.59
青牧Qingmu 北京正道生态科技有限公司 95 中国青海 33.25
锋利Sharp 北京正道生态科技有限公司 98 加拿大 32.38
牧乐思Molasses 北京正道生态科技有限公司 98 加拿大 40.82
甜燕1号Sweet yan No. 1 北京正道生态科技有限公司 98 加拿大 39.99
当地燕麦Local oat 宁夏固原 95 中国宁夏 29.05
加燕2号Jiayan No.2 北京正道生态科技有限公司 98 加拿大 26.25
大燕麦Big oat 北京正道生态科技有限公司 95 中国甘肃 20.96

Table 2

Growth period of different oat varieties"

品种Variety 出苗日期
Seedling stage
Jointing stage
Booting stage
Heading stage
Mature stage
Growth period
小马Cayuse1 6-10 7-01 7-18 7-22 8-25 86
塔娜Otana 6-09 6-30 7-17 7-21 8-22 84
牧马人Cayuse2 6-08 6-30 7-15 7-20 8-23 86
贝勒Baler 6-09 7-01 7-19 7-24 8-24 86
青牧Qingmu 6-07 6-28 7-19 7-23 8-25 89
锋利Sharp 6-08 6-29 7-21 7-28 8-26 89
牧乐思Molasses 6-08 6-29 7-25 8-04 9-12 106
甜燕1号Sweet yan No. 1 6-09 6-30 7-20 7-29 8-29 91
当地燕麦Local oat 6-10 6-30 7-20 7-27 8-28 89
加燕2号Jiayan No.2 6-11 7-01 7-21 7-26 8-25 87
大燕麦Big oat 6-10 7-01 7-21 7-28 8-27 88

Table 3

Plant height of 11 oat varieties in different growth periods cm"

品种Variety 出苗期
Seedling stage
Jointing stage
Booting stage
Heading stage
Flowering stage
Filling stage
Mature stage
小马Cayuse1 7.89±1.08d 40.27±4.58c 69.85±4.90e 82.63±3.88d 90.27±2.46f 86.70±1.93de 90.61±3.95g
塔娜Otana 13.56±0.67abc 49.00±5.54ab 80.68±2.80ab 92.53±3.05b 95.42±1.15de 93.07±4.63cd 97.66±2.17ef
牧马人Cayuse2 10.89±0.65c 45.27±5.45abc 72.28±2.76cde 86.45±3.25cd 92.43±1.21ef 88.63±2.55de 92.84±2.20fg
贝勒Baler 13.22±0.65abc 43.22±5.15bc 70.95±3.41de 85.02±2.70cd 92.82±1.94ef 85.40±0.83e 89.89±2.64g
青牧Qingmu 14.67±1.09a 52.75±5.28a 84.50±2.54a 102.58±2.42a 104.40±1.40a 101.50±4.60ab 104.50±3.09bcd
锋利Sharp 13.44±0.88abc 49.72±5.51ab 79.30±2.64abc 88.75±4.10bc 93.50±1.89ef 92.00±3.21cde 94.83±1.86efg
牧乐思Molasses 13.77±0.70ab 41.75±5.50bc 67.33±6.60e 87.95±3.53bcd 102.05±0.85bc 102.03±3.95ab 105.89±2.86abc
甜燕1号Sweet yan No. 1 13.56±0.60abc 45.87±6.29abc 72.95±5.01bcde 90.58±2.83bc 99.30±1.38cd 96.53±2.42bc 101.00±1.59cde
当地燕麦Local oat 14.78±0.70a 51.83±5.92a 85.32±4.04a 103.17±3.18a 109.58±2.32a 106.73±2.54a 109.06±2.71ab
加燕2号Jiayan No.2 14.44±1.23a 48.17±4.96abc 78.47±3.61abcd 92.48±1.83b 98.55±1.46cd 97.67±2.40bc 98.05±1.46def
大燕麦Big oat 11.22±0.95bc 42.30±4.95bc 73.97±2.79bcde 107.55±3.16a 109.68±3.27a 108.00±4.05a 111.33±0.92a
F值F value 5.46** 2.60** 5.68** 20.57** 17.79** 10.99** 12.24**

Table 4

Leaf-stem ratio and hay yield of different oat varieties at booting stage"

品种Variety 茎/叶(%)
Stem-leaf ratio
Hay yield
小马Cayuse1 0.70±0.16abcd 5 875.03±1.90bcd
塔娜Otana 1.03±0.20ab 6 463.36±2.82abc
牧马人Cayuse2 1.10±0.11a 5 466.70±2.62d
贝勒Baler 0.85±0.19abc 5 803.36±3.22cd
青牧Qingmu 0.78±0.22abcd 6 353.36±2.99abcd
锋利Sharp 0.55±0.11cd 5 728.36±3.68cd
牧乐思Molasses 0.32±0.04d 6 040.03±2.90abcd
甜燕1号Sweet yan No. 1 0.38±0.01d 6 858.36±4.63a
当地燕麦Local oat 0.60±0.11bcd 6 786.70±2.94ab
加燕2号Jiayan No.2 0.42±0.08cd 6 190.03±3.09abcd
大燕麦Big oat 0.41±0.05cd 6 220.03±3.30abcd
F值F Value 3.76** 2.36*

Table 5

Analysis of nutrient composition in different oat varieties %"



小马Cayuse1 0.12±0.00b 0.50±0.01a 0.35±0.01bc 12.99±0.41abc 8.67±0.55abc 35.62±1.16a 57.22±0.77a
塔娜Otana 0.12±0.01b 0.47±0.02ab 0.37±0.01bc 11.58±0.51cde 7.23±0.64c 32.91±0.56abc 56.29±2.21a
牧马人Cayuse2 0.13±0.00ab 0.50±0.03a 0.33±0.01c 12.12±0.67bcde 8.70±0.67abc 35.59±0.66a 58.36±2.03a
贝勒Baler 0.13±0.00ab 0.42±0.01b 0.41±0.02a 10.71±0.49e 9.03±0.74ab 33.20±1.58abc 55.06±1.83ab
青牧Qingmu 0.13±0.00ab 0.42±0.01b 0.35±0.01bc 11.59±0.58cde 7.21±0.78c 34.76±1.67ab 56.37±1.17a
锋利Sharp 0.12±0.00b 0.49±0.02a 0.33±0.01c 12.77±0.25abcd 7.97±0.64bc 32.97±0.64abc 54.18±1.46abc
牧乐思Molasses 0.14±0.01a 0.47±0.02ab 0.39±0.01ab 11.77±0.95cde 8.46±0.37abc 31.24±1.09c 49.79±1.32c
甜燕1号Sweet yan No. 1 0.14±0.00a 0.47±0.02ab 0.33±0.01c 14.08±0.39a 9.60±0.75a 31.50±0.29bc 50.29±1.15bc
当地燕麦Local oat 0.14±0.00a 0.50±0.02a 0.33±0.02c 12.42±0.56bcd 9.10±0.58ab 36.29±1.25a 55.81±1.72a
加燕2号Jiayan No.2 0.13±0.01ab 0.45±0.02ab 0.36±0.01bc 11.24±0.55de 7.82±0.56bc 33.48±0.86abc 54.56±1.95abc
大燕麦Big oat 0.14±0.00a 0.47±0.02ab 0.38±0.01ab 13.64±0.25ab 8.33±0.68abc 34.07±0.53abc 53.87±0.46abc
F值F Value 2.21* 2.78** 3.89** 3.89** 2.73** 2.71* 2.79*


Comparation of RFV and RFQ of 11 oat varieties Different small letters in the same column show significant difference at 0.05 level"

Table 6

Grey correlative coefficient values of 11 oat varieties"

品种Variety ξ1(k) ξ2(k) ξ3(k) ξ4(k) ξ5(k) ξ6(k) ξ7(k) ξ8(k) ξ9(k) ξ10(k) ξ11(k) ξ12(k) ξ13(k)
小马Cayuse1 0.4144 0.5065 0.3501 0.4636 0.3333 1.0000 0.4000 0.6072 0.5624 0.3657 0.3658 0.3552 0.3551
塔娜Otana 0.6379 0.3545 0.5018 0.4708 0.3333 0.5714 0.5000 0.4026 0.3352 0.6019 0.3973 0.4162 0.4162
牧马人Cayuse2 0.3333 0.3333 0.3478 0.4532 0.5000 1.0000 0.3333 0.4623 0.5677 0.3673 0.3333 0.3333 0.3333
贝勒Baler 0.3974 0.4239 0.3333 0.6402 0.5000 0.3333 1.0000 0.3333 0.6771 0.5642 0.4485 0.4541 0.4541
青牧Qingmu 0.5795 0.4588 0.7771 0.5789 0.5000 0.3333 0.4000 0.4036 0.3333 0.4177 0.3944 0.3836 0.3836
锋利Sharp 0.3811 0.6290 0.5084 0.6269 0.3333 0.8000 0.3333 0.5626 0.4230 0.5934 0.4939 0.4894 0.4894
牧乐思Molasses 0.4595 1.0000 0.3461 1.0000 1.0000 0.6667 0.6667 0.4218 0.5118 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
甜燕1号Sweet yan No. 1 1.0000 0.8667 0.3902 0.3447 1.0000 0.5714 0.3333 1.0000 1.0000 0.9066 0.8955 0.8642 0.8638
当地燕麦Local oat 0.9066 0.5909 1.0000 0.3333 1.0000 1.0000 0.3333 0.5037 0.7050 0.3333 0.4158 0.3698 0.3698
加燕2号Jiayan No.2 0.5101 0.7959 0.6886 0.4532 0.5000 0.4444 0.4444 0.3724 0.4017 0.5299 0.4732 0.4578 0.4578
大燕麦Big oat 0.5215 0.8125 0.6733 0.4566 1.0000 0.5714 0.5714 0.7892 0.4848 0.4715 0.5123 0.4700 0.4701

Table 7

Grey correlative degree and order of 11 oat varieties"

品种Variety 等权关联分析
Equal-weighted correlation analysis
Weighted correlation analysis
小马Cayuse1 0.4676 8 中等 0.4485 10
塔娜Otana 0.4569 10 中等 0.4553 9 中等
牧马人Cayuse2 0.4383 11 0.4260 11
贝勒Baler 0.5046 6 中等 0.5399 5 中等
青牧Qingmu 0.4572 9 中等 0.4619 8 中等
锋利Sharp 0.5126 5 中等 0.4891 7
牧乐思Molasses 0.7748 1 0.7640 1
甜燕1号Sweet yan No. 1 0.7720 2 0.7320 2
当地燕麦Local oat 0.6047 3 0.6025 4
加燕2号Jiayan No.2 0.5023 7 中等 0.5010 6 中等
大燕麦Big oat 0.6004 4 0.6085 3
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