Crops ›› 2024, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (1): 1-7.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2024.01.001

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Development and Challenge of Crop Breeding by Design System in China

Du Ming1(), Wang Ahong2, Feng Qi2(), Fang Yu1,3()   

  1. 1Shanghai ZKW Molecular Breeding Technology Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200234, China
    2Center for Excellence in Molecular Plant Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences / National Center for Gene Research, Shanghai 200233, China
    3Institute of Crop Science & Institute of Bioinformatics, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, Zhejiang, China
  • Received:2022-12-07 Revised:2023-02-11 Online:2024-02-15 Published:2024-02-20
  • Contact: Feng Qi,Fang Yu;;


Crop breeding by design is a crucial area of research in global breeding technology. In order to create crop varieties that satisfy a range of environmental requirements and are useful for a variety of purposes, it aims to combine advantageous alleles and overcome obstacles related to gene spatial expression. Crop breeding by design is a multidisciplinary field that necessitates the integration of genetics, biotechnology, information technology, mechanical engineering, agriculture, and materials science. From phenotype-based selection in the beginning to genome-based or gene-level design in the present, it has changed, demonstrating a process of incremental development and technological breakthrough. This paper summarized the development history of crop breeding, based on the development rules and requirements, and outlined the future trend of crop breeding by design formation. This paper also highlighted the challenges facing the integration of new and conventional breeding technologies and commercialization of crop breeding by design. Ultimately, it aimed to explore a future commercial crop breeding by design system that meets the evolving needs of Chinese seed industry, driven by underlying technologies.

Key words: Breeding by design, Crops, Molecular breeding, System


Development pathway of crop breeding by design"

Table 1

Breeding technology of different development stages"

育种阶段Breeding stage 文献 [14] Reference [14] 文献 [11] Reference [11]
覆盖过去上万年的作物育种发展历程,耕作者的偶然选择 原始驯化选育(通过人工选择,优中选优,将野生种驯化为栽培种并进一步选育为优良品种与种质)
2.0 始于19世纪末,统计和试验设计提高选育能力 常规育种(包括杂交育种、诱变育种、杂种优势利用等育种方法)
贯穿20世纪末至今,遗传与基因组数据的集成(目前国际上的技术水平) 分子育种(将分子生物学技术手段应用于育种中,通常包括分子标记辅助育种、转基因育种和分子模块育种等)
能够实现任何已知等位基因的最优组合,一些作物会很快实现 正在向设计育种或智能化育种(将基因编辑、生物育种、人工智能等技术融合发展,实现性状的精准定向改良)发展
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