Crops ›› 2018, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (4): 48-52.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2018.04.009

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Mining Elite Alleles for Germination Ability in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) under Salt and Alkaline Stress

Liang Xiaoyu,Lin Chunyu,Ma Shumei,Wang Yang   

  1. Department of Agricultural Resource and Environment, Heilongjiang University, Harbin 150080, Helongjiang, China
  • Received:2018-03-19 Revised:2018-07-10 Online:2018-08-15 Published:2018-08-23


The genotyping data of 260 SSR markers on representative 281 varieties were used in this study and the index of germination under salt and alkaline stress were surveyed. The association analysis between SSR loci and the index of germination under salt and alkaline stress was performed using GLM software in the version of Tassel 2.0. Elite alleles and their carriedmaterials were determined on the average phenotypic value of all accessions.Out of 15 SSR loci associated with the index of germination under salt stress, RM184 and RM171 had the highest contribution rate 29.51% and 31.67%, respectively. The RM184-211 in variety of 'Diantun 502 xuanzao' had the highest positive phenotypic effect (0.31). Out of 20 SSR loci associated with the index of germination under alkaline stress, RM168 and RM6314 had the highest contribution rate 39.17% and 50.02%, respectively. The RM6314-179 in variety of 'Yue 6(N202)' had the highest positive phenotypic effect (0.58).

Key words: Rice (Oryza sativa L.), Salt stress, Alkaline stress, Germination ability, Elite allele

Table 1

Mean lnP(D) values and ΔK values for different K parameter"

K 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
lnP(D) -81360.3 -69464.2 -60659.4 -53147.1 -49199.0 -42724.4 -38217.2
ΔK 54.10 29.08 47.73 32.46 92.17 22.64 22.04

Table 2

SSR markers significantly associated with salt tolerance index of rice and its contribution rate to phenotypic variation"

Genetic distance
Contribution rate
Genetic distance
Contribution rate
RM1358 2 48 6.49 RM72 8 61 17.82
RM3467 3 28 17.92 RM3600 9 63 18.87
RM338 3 62 7.96 RM410 9 79 9.92
RM7403 3 82 15.86 RM184 10 42 29.51
RM5951 4 56 13.56 RM258 10 49 16.39
RM142 4 60 26.71 RM5352 10 71 3.66
RM3170 6 29 15.84 RM171 10 73 31.67
RM3138 6 111 18.05

Table 3

SSR markers significantly associated with alkaline tolerance index of rice and its contribution rate to phenotypic variation"

Genetic distance
Contribution rate
Genetic distance
Contribution rate
RM8059 1 61 19.24 RM7579 6 85 9.67
RM9 1 92 13.37 RM5380 7 67 16.28
RM486 1 154 9.87 RM25 8 52 16.38
RM7 3 37 14.56 RM524 9 43 34.94
RM232 3 77 13.43 RM3533 9 65 13.39
RM168 3 123 39.17 RM184 10 42 22.61
RM16 3 132 7.24 RM1125 10 47 23.04
RM6314 4 42 50.02 RM6100 10 54 4.47
RM471 4 54 18.61 RM6327 11 2 44.90
RM161 5 97 25.43 RM6544 11 20 2.70

Table 4

The salt tolerance alleles identified by SSRs associated analysis and their carried variety"

Phenotypic effect value
Carried variety
Phenotypic effect value
Carried variety
RM1358-152 0.16 越76(7133) RM184-211 0.31 滇屯502选早
RM3467-89 0.28 聚子光 RM258-149 0.28 越7(TBR1)
RM3467-121 0.28 补血糯 RM5951-57 0.24 垦稻12
RM3467-127 0.28 香珠糯 RM142-206 0.26 南农粳3786
RM338-177 0.17 越18(AYTO1-D12) RM142-238 0.26 龙沟种
RM7403-248 0.06 帽子头 RM3170-180 0.29 滇屯502选早
RM3138-95 0.27 越33(8603) RM3600-96 0.27 三百粒头
RM72-157 0.27 越6(N202) RM5352-130 0.08 南农粳62401
RM410-177 0.10 千斤稻 RM171-280 0.17 帽子头

Table 5

The alkaline tolerance alleles identified by SSRs associated analysis and their carried variety"

Phenotypic effect value
Carried variety
Phenotypic effect value
Carried variety
RM8095-109 0.51 越21(94-3-1) RM6544-145 0.29 越21(94-3-1)
RM9-218 0.51 越49(AC5) RM168-83 0.51 越37(2)
RM486-114 0.49 越23(LCV10) RM16-178 0.51 越108(73)
RM7-180 0.36 南农粳62401 RM6314-179 0.58 越6(N202)
RM233-145 0.52 越21(94-3-1) RM25-160 0.52 越61(D19)
RM471-116 0.46 越57(254) RM5380-129 0.56 越50(KHAO 85)
RM161-320 0.50 昆农8号 RM524-204 0.48 越87(69)
RM7579-72 0.40 越57(254) RM3533-223 0.51 越48(D6)
RM184-211 0.39 南农粳62401 RM6100-120 0.40 越54(B0T1)
RM1125-99 0.53 越38(70) RM6327-172 0.44 越21(94-3-1)
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