Crops ›› 2016, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (4): 142-145.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2016.04.024

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Effects of Salt Stress on Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics of Roots in Peanut

Zheng Zhurong,Zhang Ruixiang,Yang Tingting,Wen Lichao,Shen Xuefeng   

  1. College of Agronomy, South China Agricultural University,Guangzhou 510642,Guangdong,China
  • Received:2016-06-01 Revised:2016-06-21 Online:2016-08-15 Published:2018-08-26
  • Contact: Xuefeng Shen


To determine the effect of salt stress on the growth and physiological and biochemical characteristics of peanut roots, peanut seeds of Yueyou45 were treated with different NaCl concentrations (0, 25, 50, 75 and 100mmol/L) in this study. The main results showed: with the increase of NaCl concentration, the root dry weight of peanut seedlings was decreased gradually, while the root length, root average diameter, root surface area and root fresh weight showed the same results, and the content of root soluble protein was decreased. In addition,the root activity and antioxidant enzyme activity showed a trend of decline.

Key words: Peanut, Salt stress, Antioxidant enzymes activities

Table 1

Effects of salt stress on root morphological and root weight of peanut seedlings"

Main root length
Root average diameter
Root surface
Root fresh weight
Root dry weight
CK 16.631±0.850a 0.650±0.020a 7.885±0.851a 1.072±0.023a 0.092±0.103a
T1 15.510±0.461ab 0.611±0.024ab 7.190±0.462ab 0.991±0.044ab 0.079±0.068b
T2 14.131±0.551b 0.572±0.032b 6.752±0.551b 0.956±0.052b 0.069±0.089c
T3 12.280±0.582c 0.501±0.050c 6.062±0.583c 0.805±0.035c 0.062±0.058d
T4 10.752±0.640d 0.454±0.043d 5.283±0.640d 0.654±0.047d 0.050±0.044e


Effects of salt stress on root activity of peanut seedlings Different letters in figure indicate a significant difference at 0.05 level between treatments,the same below"


Effects of salt stress on content of root soluble protein of peanut seedlings"


Effects of salt stress on antioxidant enzymes activities in root of peanut seedlings"

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