Crops ›› 2020, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (4): 135-142.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2020.04.019
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Cao Changlin(), Lü Huiqing(
), Hao Zhiping, Gao Xiang, Zhou Zhongyu
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[1] | Zhang Xiaoyan, Wang Xiaonan, Cao Kun, Sun Yufeng. Correlation Analysis of Fiber Yield and Yield Components in Five Industrial Hemp Varieties (Lines) [J]. Crops, 2020, 36(4): 121-126. |
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[3] | Fan Yuanyuan, Wu Haimei, Pang Lei, Lu Jianlong, Xia Bowen, Yang Xuhai. Effects of Straw Mulching on Wheat Yield in Different Ecological Regions in Northern Semi-Arid Areas of China Based on Meta Analysis [J]. Crops, 2020, 36(4): 143-149. |
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[6] | Chen Ying, Du Baozhi, Wang Wenxuan, Lu Cuihua, Liu Chun’an, Dai Guijin, Yu Guangxing, Liu Xianping, Gong Diankai. Investigation on the Pattern of Fertilizer and Density for Rice Stable Yield under Low Nitrogen Rate Cultivation in Different Regions of Liaoning Province [J]. Crops, 2020, 36(4): 183-187. |
[7] | Yang Yongqing, Gao Fangfang, Ma Yajun, Chen Xin, Zhang Jie. Effects of Different Fertilizer Treatments on Yield, Quality and Economic Benefit of Foxtail Millet in Dry Farming Area of Shanxi Province [J]. Crops, 2020, 36(4): 195-201. |
[8] | Wang Zhongqiu, Ying Pengfei, Chen Mengtao, He Qiongying, Hu Xin. Analysis of Grain and Quality Traits of Chromosome Arm Substitution Lines of Triticum dicoccoides in the Background of Triticum aestivum [J]. Crops, 2020, 36(4): 37-44. |
[9] | Yang Bin, Yan Xue, Wen Hongwei, Wang Shuguang, Lu Lahu, Fan Hua, Jing Ruilian, Sun Daizhen. Study on the Evaluation of Stay-Green Traits of Wheat and Its Correlation with Yield-Related Traits under Different Water Conditions [J]. Crops, 2020, 36(4): 45-52. |
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[11] | Shan Zilong, Ban Jinfu, Zhao Yankun, Cao Qiao, Tian Guoying, He Mingqi, Gao Zhenxian. Detection of Quality-Related Genes in the Wheat Varieties Authorized in Hebei Province by KASP Markers [J]. Crops, 2020, 36(4): 64-71. |
[12] | Zhu Zhengbin, Yang yong, Feng Linhao, Lu Yan, Shen Xuelin, Liu Qiaoquan, Zhang Changquan. Study on Physicochemical Properties of Local Waxy Rice Varieties Yaxuenuo and Suyunuo from Taihu Lake Area [J]. Crops, 2020, 36(4): 91-98. |
[13] | Song Xiao, Huang Chenchen, Huang Shaomin, Zhang Keke, Yue Ke, Zhang Shuiqing, Guo Doudou, Zhang Yuting. Effects of Tillage and Organic Fertilization Modes on Soil Physical and Chemical Properties and Wheat Yield [J]. Crops, 2020, 36(3): 102-108. |
[14] | Zhang Yang, Zhang Wei, Zhao Weijun, Shao Rongfeng, Wang Guan, Xue Dingding, Li Jinmei. Variety Screening and Study of Cultivation Technology for Forage Triticale Varieties Based on Principal Component and Grey Relation Analysis [J]. Crops, 2020, 36(3): 117-124. |
[15] | Tian Yucong, Duan Menjun, Zhu Jie, Feng Xiangzhao, Gao Zhenzhen, Liu Zhangyong, Chen Fu, Jin Tao. Effects of Meteorological Conditions on Formation of High Quality Ratoon Rice [J]. Crops, 2020, 36(3): 125-131. |