Crops ›› 2021, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (3): 126-132.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2021.03.019

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Effects of Transplanting Dates and Mulching Methods on Dry Matter Accumulation and Economic Characteristics of Dark Sun-Cured Tobacco in Jiaohe

Chen Chengli1(), Wang Jing1, Fu Quanshan2, Hou Zhenwu2, Jiang Weifeng1, Li Liping3, Guo Shuyang2, Rao Chaoqi1,4, Fu Yunpeng1()   

  1. 1College of Tobacco Science, Henan Agricultural University, Zhengzhou 450002, Henan, China
    2Jilin Jiaohe Tobacco Co., Ltd., Jiaohe 132500, Jilin, China
    3Meteorological Bureau of Jiaohe, Jiaohe 132500, Jilin, China
    4Jiangxi Tobacco Industry Co., Ltd., Nanchang 330000, Jiangxi, China
  • Received:2020-12-10 Revised:2021-04-15 Online:2021-06-15 Published:2021-06-22
  • Contact: Fu Yunpeng;


To reveal the effects of different transplanting dates and mulching methods on the relationship between the dynamic characteristics of dry matter accumulation and effective accumulated temperature of dark sun-cured tobacco, the local sun-cured tobacco variety, Piaohe No. 1, was used as the plant material to study the effects of three transplanting periods (May 24, May 29, June 4) and two coverage methods (no coverage and mulching method) on the growth period of dark sun-cured tobacco, effective accumulated temperature, dry matter accumulation characteristics, and tobacco economic properties. The results showed that advancing date could extend the root spreading period of dark sun-cured tobacco. Advancing the transplanting date and mulching film could extend the days of maturity period, improve the effective accumulation temprature and dry matter accumulation before harvest of dark sun-cured tobacco. Effective accumulative temperature and rapid increase period begin and end the accumulated temperature during the rapid increase period were both advanced, the average accumulation rate of dry matter decreased and the accumulation of dry matter during the rapid increase period inceased. When the transplanting date was advanced, the yield of each treatment decreased, and the output value first raised and then decreased. The proportion and average price of equal cigarettes had gradually increased. Correlation analysis showed that the average dry matter accumulation rate and the accumulated temperature of the peak dry matter accumulation rate were crucial to the formation of economic properties of dark sun-cured tobacco. Therefore, Jiaohe sun-cured tobacco should be transplanted from May 24 to May 29 and cultivated with plastic film mulching.

Key words: Dark sun-cured tobacco, Transplanting date, Mulching method, Dry matter accumulation, Logistic model, Economic characteristics

Table 1

Comparison of dark sun-cured tobacco field growth period with different treatments d"

Root spreading period
Fast growing period
Maturity period
Field growth period
A1B1 32a 24b 40b 96a
A1B2 24c 26ab 44a 94ab
A2B1 30a 24b 43ab 97a
A2B2 23cd 26ab 42ab 91bc
A3B1 27b 27a 40b 94ab
A3B2 20d 27a 41ab 88c

Table 2

Comparison of effective accumulated temperature of dark sun-cured tobacco with different treatments ℃"

Root spreading
Fast growing
Field growth
A1B1 248.8a 272.1b 487.8bc 1008.7a
A1B2 183.8b 269.6b 542.9a 996.3ab
A2B1 239.6a 278.8b 495.5b 1013.9a
A2B2 166.6b 283.9b 512.6ab 963.1bc
A3B1 232.2a 325.5a 448.4c 1006.1a
A3B2 162.1b 293.9b 497.4b 953.4c


Change of dry matter accumulation of dark sun-cured tobacco with effective accumulated temperature after transplanting under different treatment conditions"

Table 3

Model coefficients of dry matter accumulation of dark sun-cured tobacco with different treatments"

参数Parameter 决定系数(R2
Determination coefficient
a b c
A1B1 6339.136 86.197 0.0081 0.9953**
A1B2 6434.047 140.306 0.0115 0.9970**
A2B1 6300.546 78.298 0.0091 0.9951**
A2B2 6700.594 78.340 0.0103 0.9954**
A3B1 6784.616 87.688 0.0091 0.9949**
A3B2 7447.385 71.180 0.0094 0.9968**


Comparison of the accumulation rate of dry matter of dark sun-cured tobacco with different treatments"

Table 4

Characteristics of derivative parameters of dry matter accumulation of dark sun-cured tobacco with different treatments"

rate of dry matter
Parameters of maximum rate
Rapid growing stage
Maximum rate
The temperature of
occurrence (℃)
at beginning (℃)
at ending (℃)
temperature (℃)
Dry matter
A1B1 6.03 12.79 552.14 484.09 715.31 231.22 2661.84
A1B2 6.65 18.41 431.87 383.89 546.92 163.03 2697.85
A2B1 6.13 14.30 480.20 419.70 625.22 205.52 2644.37
A2B2 6.76 17.25 423.55 370.20 551.45 181.25 2814.80
A3B1 6.41 15.48 490.29 430.09 634.61 204.52 2841.06
A3B2 7.05 17.58 451.64 393.47 591.09 197.62 3118.02
FA 53.610** 12.858** 12.858** 16.854** 6.640* 0.599 71.589**
FB 381.280** 125.185** 125.185** 129.914** 97.878** 32.283** 52.894**
FA×FB 0.407 14.652** 14.652** 12.421** 15.189** 9.962** 9.372

Table 5

Comparison of economic characteristics of dark sun-cured tobacco with different treatments"

Yield (kg/hm2)
Output value (yuan/hm2)
Average price (yuan/kg)
Proportion of premium smoke (%)
A1B1 2848.80c 40 366.36c 14.17a 56.00c
A1B2 3220.20ab 47 458.66a 14.74a 65.00a
A2B1 3104.10b 44 102.43b 14.21a 53.00c
A2B2 3313.65a 48 055.88a 14.50a 60.00b
A3B1 3127.35b 43 376.97b 13.87a 44.00d
A3B2 3372.45a 47 697.23a 14.14a 55.00c
FA 1.630 0.784 0.323 12.301**
FB 7.085* 12.137** 0.626 24.106**
FA×FB 0.225 0.454 0.039 0.397

Table 6

Correlation between dry matter accumulation derived parameters and economic characteristics"

Economic characteristic
Average accumulation
rate of dry matter
Parameters of maximum rate
Rapid growing stage
Maximum rate
The temperature
of occurrence
Continuous accumulated
Dry matter
产量Yield 0.658** 0.526* -0.626** -0.345 0.546*
产值Output value 0.760** 0.701** -0.787** -0.555* 0.539*
均价Average price 0.110 0.234 -0.334 -0.302 -0.125
上等烟比例Proprtion of premium smoke 0.293 0.412 -0.536* -0.491* -0.155
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