Crops ›› 2021, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (2): 87-95.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2021.02.012


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Effects of Transplanting Date and Mode on Growth, Development, Yield and Quality of Flue-Cured Tobacco

Wang Dequan1(), Sun Yanguo2(), Du Yuhai1, Liu Yang1, Wang Yi1, Ma Xinghua2, Zhang Yuqin2, Zhang Riqiang2   

  1. 1Shandong Weifang Tobacco Limited Company, Weifang 261061, Shandong, China
    2Institute of Tobacco Research, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Key Laboratory of Tobacco Biology and Processing, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Qingdao 266101, Shandong, China
  • Received:2020-06-03 Revised:2021-03-01 Online:2021-04-15 Published:2021-04-16
  • Contact: Sun Yanguo;


To identify the suitable transplanting date and transplanting mode of flue-cured tobacco in central Shandong, a field experiment with three transplanting date treatments (04-30, 05-10, 05-20) and three transplanting mode treatments (conventional transplanting on the mulch, transplanting under the mulch, well cellar type transplanting) was carried out to study their effects on growth and development, leaves yield, and quality of tobacco. The results showed that delaying the transplanting date shortened the early growth duration, accelerated the growth process, promoted stem and leaves growth, improved the flue-cured tobacco leaf grade structure, improved the chemical coordination, and increased the economic yield and the sensory evaluation quality first and then decreased slightly. Different transplanting modes had different effects under different transplanting dates. Transplanting under the mulch and well cellar type transplanting could improve the temperature and humidity environment of root soil, then promoted the early growth of tobacco seedlings, and improved the sensory quality of tobacco in early transplanting date. However, when transplanted too late, transplanting under the mulch had a negative effect on the growth of tobacco seedlings due to the high soil temperature, which in turn affected the yield and quality of tobacco leaves. The transplanting date mainly regulated the changes of temperature conditions during the growth period to affect the tobacco plant, which was the key influence factor. Transplanting modes had a minor regulation effect on the growth of tobacco plants by changing the micro-environment in the early growth period. The well cellar type transplanting treatment on May 10th had the best comprehensive performance, which could be used as a suitable transplanting date and mode to demonstrate and apply in the central Shandong tobacco area.

Key words: Transplanting date, Transplanting mode, Flue-cured tobacco, Development, Yield, Quality


Meteorological changing pattern during tobacco growth period in Shandong"

Table 1

Growth period of flue-cured tobacco of different treatments d"

Transplanting date
Transplanting mode
Root spreading period
Fast growing period
Early maturity period
Late maturity period
Full growth period
A1 B1 39 31 21 43 134
B2 36 30 21 44 131
B3 37 30 21 44 132
A2 B1 35 29 20 43 127
B2 34 29 21 43 127
B3 34 29 21 43 127
A3 B1 30 27 21 43 121
B2 32 27 20 42 121
B3 30 27 21 43 121

Table 2

Root activities of flue-cured tobacco of different treatments mg/(g·h)"

Transplanting date
Transplanting mode
Days after transplanting
7d 14d 21d 28d 35d
A1 B1 2.77b 3.84b 4.74b 5.76c 6.93b
B2 2.96b 4.02ab 5.01b 6.15bc 7.08b
B3 2.89b 4.14ab 4.98ab 5.91c 7.33b
A2 B1 3.40ab 4.05ab 5.18ab 6.48abc 7.46ab
B2 3.66ab 4.52ab 5.26ab 6.14bc 7.12b
B3 3.86a 4.40ab 5.16ab 6.40abc 7.65ab
A3 B1 3.53ab 5.04a 5.41ab 7.09ab 8.08a
B2 3.25ab 4.84ab 5.27ab 6.24abc 7.27b
B3 3.40ab 5.09a 5.69a 7.22a 8.13a
A 0.003** 0.004** 0.081 0.006** 0.006**
B 0.854 0.702 0.655 0.415 0.005**
A×B 0.745 0.914 0.588 0.318 0.181

Table 3

Soil temperature and humidity during root extension period"

temperature (℃)
temperature (℃)
temperature (℃)
Difference of
extreme value (℃)
Soil relative water
content (%)
A1 B1 24.24 27.92 20.46 7.46 59.26
B2 24.83 28.97 20.38 8.60 68.90
B3 23.65 26.60 20.48 6.12 65.96
A2 B1 25.44 28.06 22.52 5.54 64.97
B2 25.98 29.59 22.68 6.91 71.97
B3 25.22 27.34 22.71 4.63 70.02
A3 B1 26.53 28.62 24.15 4.47 69.70
B2 27.25 30.20 24.44 5.77 73.71
B3 26.20 27.47 24.34 3.13 71.38

Table 4

Correlation analysis of root activity and the temperature and humidity of soil"

根系活力Root activity 移栽后天数Days after transplanting
7d 14d 21d 28d 35d
平均温度Average temperature (℃) -0.6725* -0.8614** -0.6076 -0.6252 -0.3135
最高温度Maximum temperature(℃) -0.5678 -0.6563 -0.1112 -0.0594 -0.5027
最低温度Minimum temperature (℃) -0.6872* -0.9089** -0.7392* -0.7538* -0.6070
极差Difference of extreme value(℃) -0.1633 -0.6849* -0.7411* -0.7927* -0.8575**
土壤相对含水量Soil relative water content (%) -0.2736 -0.8141** -0.6292* -0.3977 -0.2635

Table 5

Changing pattern of stem traits of flue-cured tobacco of different treatments"

Transplanting date
Transplanting mode
株高Plant height (cm) 茎围Stem circumference (cm)
10d 30d 50d 70d 10d 30d 50d 70d
A1 B1 7.97b 27.67d 100.07e 134.33ab 2.00c 2.93e 7.50c 8.57b
B2 8.63b 29.63d 104.23e 138.33a 2.03bc 3.10de 7.67bc 8.97b
B3 9.57b 29.03d 101.83e 136.57a 2.03bc 3.30cde 7.60c 8.90b
A2 B1 9.73b 38.70bc 134.33bc 128.50bc 2.27abc 3.90abc 8.20abc 10.50a
B2 8.80b 35.47c 121.77d 125.50c 2.03bc 3.57abcd 8.00abc 10.37a
B3 9.23b 36.80c 128.40cd 127.03c 2.37ab 3.83abc 8.43ab 10.40a
A3 B1 14.57a 42.53b 151.07a 127.50c 2.47a 4.10ab 8.50a 10.63a
B2 13.37a 36.10c 138.73b 125.10c 2.27abc 3.63abcd 8.20abc 10.30a
B3 14.37a 46.63a 149.57a 126.10c 2.53a 4.27a 8.43ab 10.47a
A 0.000** 0.000** 0.000** 0.000** 0.001** 0.000** 0.003** 0.000**
B 0.113 0.010** 0.017* 0.962 0.111 0.126 0.621 0.986
A×B 0.788 0.002** 0.058 0.492 0.520 0.532 0.808 0.827

Table 6

Changing pattern of tobacco leaves area of different treatments"

Transplanting date
Transplanting mode
最大叶面积Maximum leaf area (cm2) 叶面积指数Leaf area index
10d 30d 50d 70d 10d 30d 50d 70d
A1 B1 45.47b 346.01b 823.24d 1041.86c 0.02c 0.50c 1.97e 3.53d
B2 52.73b 386.35b 870.58cd 1098.25bc 0.03bc 0.52bc 2.09de 3.70d
B3 50.37b 375.51b 867.10cd 1091.71bc 0.03bc 0.53bc 2.02de 3.65d
A2 B1 78.29a 557.62a 949.41bc 1169.76ab 0.05ab 0.68ab 2.54abc 4.42abc
B2 76.87a 536.51a 882.44cd 1105.69bc 0.04abc 0.64abc 2.28cde 4.15c
B3 77.95a 547.86a 923.18bcd 1158.08ab 0.05ab 0.72a 2.64abc 4.37bc
A3 B1 82.02a 617.44a 1069.86a 1210.49a 0.06a 0.76a 2.88a 4.68a
B2 77.70a 542.16a 997.20ab 1107.24bc 0.05ab 0.67ab 2.44bcd 4.32c
B3 79.54a 634.21a 1079.00a 1216.02a 0.06a 0.76a 2.83ab 4.66ab
A 0.000** 0.000** 0.000** 0.000** 0.001** 0.000** 0.000** 0.000**
B 0.978 0.485 0.327 0.043* 0.675 0.437 0.095 0.072
A×B 0.714 0.356 0.359 0.070 0.770 0.873 0.245 0.091

Table 7

Tobacco agronomic traits at flat top stage of different treatments"

Transplanting date
Transplanting mode
Plant height (cm)
Stem circumference (cm)
Number of leaves
Maximum leaf area (cm2)
Leaf area index
A1 B1 114.52c 9.20c 21.78a 1048.58e 3.57d
B2 118.46bc 9.79bc 22.67a 1136.38cd 3.77cd
B3 115.04c 9.63c 22.33a 1110.38de 3.75cd
A2 B1 126.18a 10.62a 22.33a 1216.93abc 4.06ab
B2 124.87a 10.34ab 22.11a 1174.69bcd 3.94bc
B3 125.18a 10.54a 22.56a 1238.06ab 4.08ab
A3 B1 126.33a 10.84a 22.67a 1257.88ab 4.13ab
B2 124.23ab 10.34ab 22.56a 1179.15bcd 3.95bc
B3 128.81a 10.90a 22.89a 1267.44a 4.17a
A 0.000** 0.000** 0.463 0.001** 0.000**
B 0.922 0.780 0.684 0.118 0.140
A×B 0.351 0.449 0.773 0.047* 0.102

Table 8

Tobacco leaf economic traits of different treatments"

Transplanting mode
Output value
Average price
High grade tobacco
proportion (%)
Mid-high grade tobacco
proportion (%)
A1 B1 1921.66d 29083.43e 15.14b 28.01d 81.63d
B2 1941.78d 29907.82e 15.41b 29.61cd 83.68cd
B3 1967.35cd 30354.45e 15.45b 30.31cd 82.98cd
A2 B1 2244.32a 37455.09ab 16.69a 36.75ab 90.13ab
B2 2059.56bcd 33646.34cd 16.34a 33.48abc 88.10ab
B3 2271.83a 37980.32a 16.71a 36.99a 91.92a
A3 B1 2115.08abc 35327.81bc 16.70a 35.18ab 89.54ab
B2 2007.16cd 32738.56d 16.31a 32.45bc 86.55bc
B3 2153.24ab 35780.19abc 16.62a 35.80ab 90.22ab
A 0.000** 0.000** 0.000** 0.008** 0.000**
B 0.016* 0.002** 0.357 0.270 0.167
A×B 0.299 0.060 0.486 0.639 0.198

Table 9

Tobacco leaf chemical composition of different treatments"

Transplanting date
Transplanting mode


Ratio of
sugar to
Ratio of
nitrogen to
Ratio of
to chlorine
A1 B1 18.97c 20.07d 2.94a 2.08a 1.21a 0.34a 6.46b 0.71a 3.65a 82.36b
B2 19.60bc 20.77bcd 2.90ab 2.03a 1.17a 0.35a 6.79b 0.70a 3.33a 83.36b
B3 19.13bc 20.37cd 2.91ab 2.06a 1.17a 0.34a 6.59b 0.71a 3.42a 82.58b
A2 B1 20.97a 22.53a 2.56c 1.91a 1.20a 0.32a 8.20a 0.75a 3.73a 91.56a
B2 20.73ab 22.37ab 2.57c 2.00a 1.15a 0.35a 8.09a 0.78a 3.34a 89.43a
B3 21.27a 22.93a 2.60bc 1.97a 1.18a 0.32a 8.18a 0.76a 3.87a 91.52a
A3 B1 20.70ab 22.13ab 2.40c 1.92a 1.22a 0.35a 8.64a 0.80a 3.51a 92.20a
B2 20.43abc 21.93abc 2.41c 1.95a 1.19a 0.37a 8.49a 0.81a 3.26a 90.89a
B3 21.07a 22.37ab 2.49c 1.94a 1.20a 0.33a 8.49a 0.78a 3.69a 92.12a
A 0.001** 0.000** 0.000** 0.140 0.853 0.613 0.000** 0.045* 0.815 0.000**
B 0.774 0.762 0.776 0.924 0.688 0.226 0.965 0.870 0.153 0.565
A×B 0.795 0.851 0.998 0.918 0.998 0.911 0.958 0.981 0.972 0.869

Table 10

Tobacco leaf sensory evaluation score of different treatments"

A1 B1 10.67 15.50 18.33 12.25 8.88 3.00 3.00 71.63
B2 10.83 15.67 18.58 12.50 8.88 3.00 3.00 72.47
B3 10.80 15.80 18.67 12.50 8.88 3.00 3.00 72.65
A2 B1 11.08 16.15 19.08 12.85 8.88 3.00 3.00 74.04
B2 11.00 16.08 18.62 12.75 8.90 3.00 3.00 73.35
B3 11.10 16.20 19.17 12.88 8.88 3.00 3.00 74.23
A3 B1 11.08 16.07 18.85 12.85 8.80 3.00 3.00 73.65
B2 10.93 16.05 18.70 12.58 8.80 3.00 3.00 73.06
B3 11.00 16.15 18.87 12.83 8.88 3.00 3.00 73.73
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