Crops ›› 2021, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (4): 46-50.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2021.04.007

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Comprehensive Evaluation of Some Maize Hybrids in Heilongjiang Province

Feng Yanfei(), Yang Wei, Ren Guoxin, Deng Jie, Li Wenlong, Gao Shuren()   

  1. College of Agriculture, Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural University/Heilongjiang Provincial Key Laboratory of Modern Agricultural Cultivation Technology and Crop Germplasm Improvement, Daqing 163319, Heilongjiang, China
  • Received:2021-01-23 Revised:2021-05-13 Online:2021-08-15 Published:2021-08-13
  • Contact: Gao Shuren;


Comprehensive evaluation of maize hybrids are an important basis for the breeding, certification, and popularization of new varieties. In this experiment, some maize hybrids planted in Heilongjiang province were used as experimental materials. Eight characteristics were measured such as yield (14% water content), grain water content, unit weight, bald tip length, cone rate of seed, axle diameter/ear diameter, 100-grain weight, and ear length using the grey correlation method to evaluate the tested 28 maize hybrids. The results showed that the first three of the weighted correlation degree of maize hybrids were Demeiya 3, Xianyu 696 and Xianyu 335, which had the excellent comprehensive performance.

Key words: Maize, Grey relational grade, Comprehensive evaluation

Table 1

The statistic weight of the agronomic traits"

项目Item X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8
Weight coefficient (Wk)
0.30 0.15 0.15 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.05 0.05

Table 2

The F-values of agronomic traits among hybrids"

项目Item X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8
FF-value 1.85** 1.85** 3.70** 4.70** 2.71** 10.93** 2.05** 2.07**

Table 3

The agronomic traits of tested materials"

杂交种Hybrid X1 (kg) X2 (%) X3 (g/L) X4 (cm) X5 (%) X6 X7 (g) X8 (cm)
理想品种Ideal variety 7.75 23.42 711.67 0.47 89.49 0.47 45.10 27.10
中单103 Zhongdan 103 5.81 29.29 613.33 2.65 81.89 0.54 35.27 23.42
中试6323 Zhongshi 6323 7.18 32.60 620.50 1.51 85.98 0.58 39.36 27.10
先玉335 Xianyu 335 6.69 30.41 655.00 1.13 82.49 0.51 38.03 25.88
龙214 Long 214 5.61 31.68 636.67 0.92 77.37 0.51 30.77 22.21
誉成1号Yucheng 1 5.25 35.82 639.33 1.26 79.01 0.57 41.17 24.74
先玉696 Xianyu 696 7.75 32.27 644.67 0.83 82.32 0.49 42.15 25.63
ZH08 5.47 32.58 645.33 2.19 75.07 0.62 39.96 22.53
ZH04 6.51 33.42 633.33 1.66 84.35 0.58 33.01 23.69
ZH02 4.32 34.28 621.33 1.74 78.22 0.71 30.72 22.56
ZH01 5.74 30.83 633.33 1.03 89.49 0.71 35.28 23.51
龙单81 Longdan 81 6.70 32.62 634.67 1.05 75.84 0.78 45.10 25.45
龙313 Long 313 6.46 31.97 603.67 2.04 79.98 0.55 35.57 23.25
鑫鑫1号Xinxin 1 5.66 32.68 639.67 1.90 79.28 0.76 41.11 26.85
龙410 Long 410 5.75 31.73 620.33 1.59 79.94 0.54 39.90 22.47
杂交种Hybrid X1 (kg) X2 (%) X3 (g/L) X4 (cm) X5 (%) X6 X7 (g) X8 (cm)
东265 Dong 265 5.02 30.22 658.00 1.86 81.55 0.54 43.22 24.83
黑283 Hei 283 6.70 30.90 629.00 1.58 79.85 0.58 37.15 23.42
黑285 Hei 285 5.82 32.72 636.00 1.20 79.87 0.56 40.18 25.02
垦单10 Kendan 10 6.24 30.08 645.00 2.11 80.13 0.61 38.32 24.00
东266 Dong 266 5.02 32.44 629.67 2.11 85.60 0.47 29.81 21.08
黑3104 Hei 3104 5.94 30.04 671.67 1.30 83.22 0.52 35.98 23.17
德美亚3号Demeiya 3 6.07 25.48 658.33 0.47 82.92 0.55 41.53 24.51
克334 Ke 334 4.88 25.90 673.50 3.23 86.69 0.65 35.40 24.25
克436 Ke 436 6.11 26.43 653.00 2.22 81.26 0.61 41.61 26.21
克玉15 Keyu 15 5.72 26.30 659.00 1.39 81.78 0.56 33.12 22.45
克044 Ke 044 4.77 24.84 690.67 2.01 80.31 0.58 36.95 23.69
德美亚1号Demeiya 1 5.01 23.42 711.67 1.13 83.54 0.56 31.86 21.78
东1412 Dong 1412 6.03 29.73 614.33 2.07 70.35 0.55 31.90 23.93
龙辐玉5号Longfuyu 5 4.67 32.64 607.33 2.11 65.25 0.62 34.04 22.49

Table 4

The correlation coefficients of agronomic traits between tested varieties and ideal variety"

杂交种Hybrid X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8
中单103 Zhongdan 103 0.9214 0.9214 0.9551 0.3876 0.9719 0.9517 0.9309 0.9558
中试6323 Zhongshi 6323 0.9756 0.8822 0.9582 0.5702 0.9868 0.9262 0.9585 1.0000
先玉335 Xianyu 335 0.9555 0.9077 0.9736 0.6765 0.9741 0.9718 0.9493 0.9849
龙214 Long 214 0.9140 0.8928 0.9654 0.7541 0.9559 0.9718 0.9024 0.9421
誉成1号Yucheng 1 0.9010 0.8472 0.9665 0.6359 0.9616 0.9324 0.9712 0.9712
先玉696 Xianyu 696 1.0000 0.8860 0.9689 0.7931 0.9734 0.9857 0.9782 0.9819
ZH08 0.9089 0.8825 0.9692 0.4452 0.9480 0.9020 0.9626 0.9457
ZH04 0.9483 0.8730 0.9639 0.5370 0.9808 0.9262 0.9163 0.9589
ZH02 0.8690 0.8636 0.9586 0.5208 0.9589 0.8519 0.9020 0.9460
ZH01 0.9188 0.9027 0.9639 0.7113 1.0000 0.8519 0.9310 0.9568
龙单81 Longdan 81 0.9559 0.8820 0.9645 0.7041 0.9506 0.8166 1.0000 0.9797
龙313 Long 313 0.9464 0.8894 0.9509 0.4678 0.9651 0.9452 0.9329 0.9538
鑫鑫1号 Xinxin 1 0.9159 0.8813 0.9667 0.4911 0.9626 0.8263 0.9708 0.9969
龙410 Long 410 0.9192 0.8922 0.9581 0.5520 0.9649 0.9517 0.9622 0.9450
东265 Dong 265 0.8929 0.9100 0.9750 0.4982 0.9707 0.9517 0.9860 0.9723
黑283 Hei 283 0.9559 0.9019 0.9619 0.5542 0.9646 0.9262 0.9434 0.9558
黑285 Hei 285 0.9218 0.8809 0.9651 0.6540 0.9647 0.9388 0.9642 0.9745
垦单10 Kendan 10 0.9378 0.9117 0.9691 0.4570 0.9656 0.9079 0.9513 0.9625
东266 Dong 266 0.8929 0.8840 0.9622 0.4570 0.9854 1.0000 0.8965 0.9297
黑3104 Hei 3104 0.9263 0.9122 0.9812 0.6244 0.9767 0.9650 0.9356 0.9529
德美亚3号Demeiya 3 0.9312 0.9709 0.9751 1.0000 0.9756 0.9452 0.9737 0.9685
克334 Ke 334 0.8880 0.9652 0.9821 0.3333 0.9895 0.8846 0.9317 0.9654
克436 Ke 436 0.9328 0.9581 0.9727 0.4409 0.9696 0.9079 0.9743 0.9889
克玉15 Keyu 15 0.9181 0.9598 0.9754 0.6000 0.9715 0.9388 0.9170 0.9448
克044 Ke 044 0.8842 0.9798 0.9901 0.4726 0.9662 0.9262 0.9420 0.9589
德美亚1号Demeiya 1 0.8925 1.0000 1.0000 0.6765 0.9779 0.9388 0.9091 0.9373
东1412 Dong 1412 0.9297 0.9160 0.9555 0.4631 0.9321 0.9452 0.9094 0.9617
龙辐玉5号Longfuyu 5 0.8808 0.8818 0.9524 0.4570 0.9155 0.9020 0.9229 0.9452

Table 5

The comprehensive evaluation values of varieties"

Weighted correlation value
德美亚3号Demeiya 3 0.9605 1
先玉696 Xianyu 696 0.9515 2
先玉335 Xianyu 335 0.9278 3
德美亚1号Demeiya 1 0.9194 4
中试6323 Zhongshi 6323 0.9150 5
龙214 Long 214 0.9133 6
黑3104 Hei 3104 0.9129 7
克玉15 Keyu 15 0.9098 8
龙单81 Longdan 81 0.9098 9
ZH01 0.9063 10
黑285 Hei 285 0.9061 11
黑283 Hei 283 0.9058 12
克436 Ke 436 0.8994 13
ZH04 0.8982 14
龙410 Long 410 0.8955 15
誉成1号Yucheng 1 0.8925 16
克044 Ke 044 0.8923 17
垦单10 Kendan 10 0.8922 18
龙313 Long 313 0.8921 19
东农265 Dongnong 265 0.8906 20
东农1412 Dongnong 1412 0.8872 21
中单103 Zhongdan103 0.8834 22
东农266 Dongnong 266 0.8803 23
鑫鑫1号Xinxin 1 0.8784 24
ZH08 0.8754 25
克334 Ke 334 0.8741 26
龙辐玉5号Longfuyu 5 0.8602 27
ZH02 0.8596 28
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