Crops ›› 2021, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (1): 168-174.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2021.01.023

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Study on the Optimization of Organic-Inorganic Fertilization Model for Maize Based on Orthogonal Design

Liu Yan(), Gong Liang(), Xing Yuehua, Bao Hongjing   

  1. Institute of Plant Nutrition and Environmental Resource, Liaoning Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Shenyang 110161, Liaoning, China
  • Received:2020-05-02 Revised:2020-06-22 Online:2021-02-15 Published:2021-02-23
  • Contact: Gong Liang;


In order to optimize the combination of organic-inorganic fertilization, an orthogonal design experiment of L9(34) was used to study the effects of different amounts of N, P, K and straw returning on soil physical, chemical properties and maize yield. The results showed that the organic material straw had a significant effect on the improvement of soil physical properties, but the effect of inorganic fertilizer was not significant. The effects were significant of straw and nitrogen application on the contents of soil organic matter and alkaline N, and the rates of P and K had significant effects on the contents of available P and available K, respectively. Through analysis and comparison of different levels of four factors, the technical model with the application of 180kg/ha of nitrogen, 90kg/ha of phosphorus, 120kg/ha of potassium and 6 000kg/ha of straw could reach the best effect of improving soil structure and quality, and increasing yield and efficiency in the main maize area of central Liaoning.

Key words: Orthogonal design, Organic fertilization, Maize, Yield

Table 1

Factors and levels of orthogonal experiment kg/hm2"

Nitrogen rate
Phosphorus rate
Potassium rate
Straw return rate
1 120 90 90 0
2 180 120 120 6 000
3 240 150 150 12 000

Table 2

Design parameter combination of orthogonal test and results of organic-inorganic fertilizer"

100-grain weight(g)
土壤化学性质Soil chemical property 土壤物理性质Soil physical property
Alkaline nitrogen
Available phosphorus
Available potassium
N1P1K1S1 7 517.7 32.9 27.69 64.6 32.2 127 1.23 27.89 33.20 21.74
N1P2K2S2 8 419.0 35.3 30.71 100.9 23.5 136 1.18 27.52 30.81 26.83
N1P3K3S3 7 947.9 27.4 29.30 103.4 33.5 177 1.17 28.88 32.53 24.93
N2P1K2S3 8 544.4 36.3 28.15 109.3 40.8 162 1.18 29.75 30.09 27.28
N2P2K3S1 8 041.3 32.2 26.64 110.6 33.2 137 1.24 25.03 30.14 24.46
N2P3K1S2 9 358.1 32.3 29.18 110.2 39.8 176 1.19 27.46 30.90 26.60
N3P1K3S2 8 738.3 32.7 31.35 107.6 41.3 167 1.18 25.75 28.07 30.70
N3P2K1S3 9 603.1 31.5 31.30 114.0 30.3 164 1.16 28.01 30.29 28.82
N3P3K2S1 9 291.0 33.9 26.29 100.5 36.5 144 1.20 26.71 33.85 32.07

Table 3

Range analysis of soil physical indexes"

因素Factor N P K S
容重 K1 1.19 1.20 1.19 1.22
Bulk density (g/cm3) K2 1.20 1.19 1.19 1.18
K3 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.17
R 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.05
田间持水量 K1 28.10 27.80 27.80 26.50
Field capacity (%) K2 27.40 26.90 28.00 26.90
K3 26.80 27.70 26.60 28.90
R 1.30 0.90 1.40 2.30
毛管孔隙度 K1 32.20 30.50 31.50 32.40
Capillary porosity (%) K2 30.40 30.40 31.60 29.90
K3 30.70 32.40 30.20 31.00
R 1.80 2.01 1.34 2.47
非毛管孔隙度 K1 24.50 26.60 25.70 26.10
Non-capillary porosity (%) K2 26.10 26.70 28.70 28.00
K3 30.50 27.90 26.70 27.00
R 6.03 1.29 3.01 1.95

Table 4

ANOVA of soil physical indexes"

Source of difference
Sum of square(Ⅲ)
Mean square
容重 N 0.020 2 0.010 3.867 0.040
Bulk density (g/cm3) P 0.004 2 0.002 0.885 0.430
K 0.001 2 0.000 0.150 0.862
S 0.035 2 0.018 6.929 0.006
误差 0.046 18 0.003
田间持水量 N 8.396 2 4.198 2.046 0.158
Field capacity (%) P 19.870 2 9.935 4.842 0.021
K 25.347 2 12.674 2.022 0.161
S 8.298 2 4.149 6.177 0.009
误差 36.933 18 2.052
毛管孔隙度 N 12.123 2 6.061 0.702 0.509
Capillary porosity (%) P 13.109 2 6.555 0.759 0.483
K 31.281 2 15.641 1.811 0.192
S 58.107 2 29.053 3.365 0.049
误差 155.432 18 8.635
非毛管孔隙度 N 65.833 2 32.916 2.252 0.134
Non-capillary porosity (%) P 2.575 2 1.287 0.088 0.916
K 31.349 2 15.675 1.072 0.363
S 211.007 2 105.503 7.218 0.005
误差 263.117 18 14.618

Table 5

Range analysis of soil chemical indexes"

因素Factor N P K S
有机质 K1 29.2 29.1 29.4 26.9
Organic matter (g/kg) K2 28.0 29.6 28.4 30.4
K3 29.7 28.3 29.1 29.6
R 1.7 1.3 1.0 3.5
碱解氮 K1 89.6 93.8 96.3 91.9
Alkaline nitrogen (mg/kg) K2 110.0 108.5 103.6 106.2
K3 107.4 104.7 107.2 108.9
R 20.4 14.7 10.9 17.0
有效磷 K1 29.7 38.1 34.1 34.0
Available phosphorus (mg/kg) K2 37.9 29.0 33.6 34.9
K3 36.0 36.6 36.0 34.9
R 8.2 9.1 2.4 0.9
速效钾 K1 146.7 152.0 155.7 136.0
Available potassium (mg/kg) K2 258.3 145.7 147.3 159.7
K3 258.3 165.7 160.3 167.7
R 11.7 20.0 13.0 31.7

Table 6

ANOVA of soil chemical indexes"

Source of difference
Sum of square (Ⅲ)
Mean square
有机质 N 0.127 2 0.064 2.380 0.121
Organic matter (g/kg) P 0.171 2 0.086 3.209 0.064
K 0.058 2 0.029 1.080 0.360
S 0.572 2 0.286 10.703 0.001
误差 0.481 18 0.027
碱解氮 N 2 338.068 2 1 169.034 11.410 0.001
Alkaline nitrogen (mg/kg) P 974.684 2 487.342 3.757 0.052
K 541.986 2 270.993 2.645 0.098
S 1 508.745 2 754.372 7.363 0.005
误差 1 844.171 18 102.454
有效磷 N 336.968 2 168.484 3.029 0.022
Available phosphorus (mg/kg) P 433.443 2 216.721 5.614 0.021
K 26.851 2 13.426 0.719 0.509
S 5.345 2 2.672 0.143 0.868
误差 335.877 18 18.660
速效钾 N 816.667 2 408.333 2.271 0.132
Available potassium (mg/kg) P 1 880.667 2 940.333 3.884 0.076
K 780.667 2 390.333 5.471 0.014
S 4 880.667 2 2 440.333 6.156 0.009
误差 3 094.000 18 171.889

Table 7

Range analysis of the maize yields and 100-grain weight of different treatments"

因素Factor N P K S
产量 K1 7 961.5 8 266.8 8 826.3 8 283.3
Yield (kg/hm2) K2 8 647.9 8 687.8 8 751.5 8 838.5
K3 9 210.8 8 865.7 8 242.5 8 698.5
R 1 249.3 598.9 583.8 555.1
百粒重 K1 31.9 34.0 32.2 33.0
100-grain weight (g) K2 33.6 33.0 35.2 33.4
K3 32.7 31.2 30.8 31.7
R 1.73 2.77 4.40 1.70

Table 8

ANOVA of the maize yields and 100-grain weight of different treatments"

Source of difference
Sum of square(Ⅲ)
Mean square
产量Yield (kg/hm2) N 23 988.176 2 11 994.088 5.512 0.014
P 12 811.882 2 6 405.941 2.944 0.078
K 13 666.027 2 6 833.013 3.140 0.068
S 4 318.482 2 2 159.241 0.992 0.390
误差 39 164.880 18 2 175.827
百粒重100-grain weight (g) N 3.542 2 1.771 0.277 0.761
P 0.872 2 0.436 0.068 0.934
K 20.016 2 10.008 1.567 0.236
S 34.819 2 17.409 2.726 0.092
误差 114.941 18 6.386

Table 9

Analysis results of comprehensive balance method of each factor level"

Nitrogen rate
K3 K2 K2 K1 K1 K3 K3 K2 K2 K2 K2
Phosphorus rate
K3 K1 K1 K1 K3 K3 K2 K2 K1 K3 K1K3
Potassium rate
K1 K2 K3 K2 K2 K2 K1 K3 K3 K3 K2K3
Straw return rate
K2 K2 K1 K3 K1 K2 K2 K3 K2 K3 K2
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