Crops ›› 2024, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (2): 139-147.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2024.02.017

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Effects of Irrigation and Foliar Nitrogen Application on Yield, Quality and Photosynthetic Characteristics of Late Sowing Wheat

Xu Zheli(), Zhu Weiqi, Wang Litao, Shi Feng, Wei Zhiying, Wang Lina, Qiu Hongwei, Zhang Xiaoying, Li Huili()   

  1. Zhaoxian Experimental Base, Shijiazhuang Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, Zhaoxian 051530, Hebei, China
  • Received:2023-11-28 Revised:2024-02-04 Online:2024-04-15 Published:2024-04-15


In response to the problem of delayed sowing date affecting the growth of wheat in production, spring irrigation and foliar nitrogen application were used as the main cultivation measures to study the effects on the yield and quality of late sowing wheat. Using split-split plot design, the main plot was the variety, and two strong gluten cultivars “Gaoyou 2018” and “Shiluan 02-1” were selected. The subplot was the spring irrigation treatment. Four irrigation levels were set: W0 (no irrigation), W1 (900 m3/ha irrigation at the jointing stage), W2 (450 m3/ha irrigation at the jointing stage and flowering stage) W3 (irrigation of 300 m3/ha at jointing stage, flowering stage and filling stage). The split-split plot was foliar nitrogen application at ten days after flowering, and three levels were set: N0 (no nitrogen fertilizer), N1 (1% nitrogen) and N2 (2% nitrogen). The results showed that the yield of Gaoyou 2018 was higher than that of Shiluan 02-1, but the processing quality of the latter was generally better than the former. Under late sowing condition, when the total amount of spring irrigation was the same, the average yield of W3 was the highest, which was 10 430.9 kg/ha, the yield was shown as W3 > W2 > W1 > W0. Compared with W0, irrigation at the jointing and flowering stage could significantly increase the 1000-grain weight of wheat, with an average increase of 5.9%. Foliar nitrogen application at filling stage can significantly increase the yield and 1000-grain weight of late sowing wheat, with an average increase of 288.8 kg/ha and 0.93 g. Irrigation at jointing stage could increase the LAI. Irrigation at flowering could increase the SPAD and Pn of flag leaves, respectively. The SPAD and Pn of W3 at the middle filling stage were higher than the other treatments with significant differences, respectively. Compared with W0, spring irrigation reduced the processing quality of late-sowing wheat, W1 W2, and W3 reduced protein contents, wet gluten contents, and sedimentation. Compared with N0, N1 and N2 increased protein contents, wet gluten contents and sedimentation values. Therefore, for late sowing wheat, appropriate irrigation treatment in spring and foliar nitrogen application at the early filling stage can improve yield and quality to a certain extent.

Key words: Late sowing, Wheat, Irrigation, Foliar nitrogen application, Yield, Quality


Precipitation during the growth period of wheat"


Effects of irrigation and foliar nitrogen application on wheat yield and its components Different lowercase letters mean significant difference among treatments at the 0.05 level. The same below."

Table 1

Effects of different treatments on yield and its components of different wheat varieties"

Yield (kg/hm2)
Spikes number (×104/hm2)
Grain per spike
1000-grain weight (g)
Biomass yield (kg/hm2)
Gaoyou 2018
W0 N0 9254.2h 645.5b 33.9e 44.58f 21 257.9d 0.435cd
N1 9442.7gh 651.8b 33.8e 45.51e 21 598.9d 0.437cd
N2 9553.3g 656.7b 33.6e 45.91e 21 783.3cd 0.439cd
W1 N0 9979.9f 706.1a 36.2a 43.20g 22 950.5ab 0.435d
N1 10 112.3ef 713.5a 35.5abc 43.35g 22 749.1ab 0.445cd
N2 10 117.8ef 714.4a 35.8ab 43.42g 22 632.6bc 0.447bc
W2 N0 10 329.3de 705.0a 35.3abcd 46.78d 23 368.3ab 0.442cd
N1 10 497.5cd 716.9a 34.7bcde 47.25cd 23 593.8a 0.445cd
N2 10 695.6abc 720.5a 35.1bcd 47.50c 23 356.2ab 0.458ab
W3 N0 10 566.5bcd 706.3a 34.7bcde 49.06b 23 680.2a 0.446bcd
N1 10 824.3ab 704.4a 34.6cde 49.36b 23 623.4a 0.458ab
N2 10 900.8a 718.1a 34.3de 50.26a 23 389.2ab 0.466a
Shiluan 02-1
W0 N0 8485.4h 707.6b 31.1c 41.03cd 19 594.9e 0.433d
N1 8699.7gh 711.2b 31.0c 41.38bc 19 693.8e 0.443bcd
N2 8861.7fg 712.8b 30.8c 41.93b 19 624.3e 0.452abc
W1 N0 9045.5f 776.5a 33.4ab 39.58g 20 452.5de 0.442cd
N1 9382.7e 758.1a 33.6a 39.84fg 20 943.0cd 0.448bc
N2 9444.7e 764.2a 33.8a 40.68de 20 406.7de 0.463a
W2 N0 9604.9de 759.0a 32.4b 40.31ef 21 781.2abc 0.441cd
N1 9866.5bcd 766.8a 32.4b 41.47bc 21 709.1abc 0.455ab
N2 9950.5bc 768.3a 32.7ab 41.55bc 21 471.0bc 0.464a
W3 N0 9830.5cd 770.3a 32.4b 40.90cde 22 239.8ab 0.442cd
N1 10 151.2ab 762.2a 32.3b 42.87a 22 547.6a 0.451bc
N2 10 312.2a 760.0a 33.1ab 43.42a 22 272.5ab 0.463a


Effects of irrigation and foliar nitrogen application on wheat leaf photosynthetic characteristics"


Effects of irrigation and foliar nitrogen application on wheat quality"

Table 2

Effects of different treatments on wheat quality"

Bulk weight (g/L)
Protein content (%)
Wet gluten content (%)
Sedimentation (mL)
Gaoyou 2018
W0 N0 809.3ef 15.12c 32.6c 52.0d
N1 806.7ef 15.37b 33.1ab 53.4b
N2 802.0f 15.57a 33.4a 54.3a
W1 N0 820.0d 14.85de 32.0d 50.3f
N1 812.0e 15.16c 33.0b 52.2d
N2 807.3ef 15.37b 33.2ab 52.9c
W2 N0 835.7ab 14.68e 31.5e 48.7h
N1 829.3bc 14.88d 32.2d 50.3f
N2 826.3cd 15.10c 32.6c 51.1e
W3 N0 843.0a 14.10f 30.5f 46.5i
N1 839.0a 14.67e 31.4e 48.4h
N2 837.7a 14.82de 31.9d 49.4g
Shiluan 02-1
W0 N0 812.7f 16.08d 34.7cd 59.4d
N1 811.3f 16.34bc 35.4b 61.0b
N2 806.7f 16.48ab 35.8a 61.9a
W1 N0 831.3cde 15.78e 34.0e 57.5f
N1 826.3e 16.15cd 34.9c 59.4d
N2 812.3f 16.54a 35.5ab 60.5c
W2 N0 836.7bc 15.27f 32.8g 55.2g
N1 833.3bcde 16.02d 34.3de 57.6f
N2 828.0de 16.28c 34.9c 58.9e
W3 N0 847.7a 14.49g 31.2h 51.7i
N1 839.3b 15.23f 32.5g 53.9h
N2 835.0bcd 15.64e 33.2f 55.2g
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