Crops ›› 2017, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (6): 109-119.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2017.06.019

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The Grain Filling Characteristics of Large Panicle Mid-Season Indica Hybrid Rice Influenced by Different Weather

Zhang Changhai   

  1. Tongcheng City Seed Administration Bureau of Anhui/Tongcheng Rice Research Institute,Tongcheng 231400,Anhui,China
  • Received:2017-05-12 Revised:2017-08-14 Online:2017-12-15 Published:2018-08-26


The medium indica hybrid Longliangyouhuazhan, Fengliangyou938,Wandao187,Y liangyou900, Xiangliangyou2,Chaoyou1000 was used as material, the panicle of these materials was divided into 3 parts: the upper part of the panicle, the middle part of the panicle and the lower part of the panicle, each part then was divided the primary branch grain and the secondary branch grain into the upper part, the middle part and the lower part 3 grain positions, and altogether 18 sub particle parts. In 2014 and 2015, the planting materials of different years and different sowing dates were examined by field sampling in the grain filling stage, and the grain filling characteristics of different grain parts were compared. The results showed: In the primary branch, the grains close to the secondary branch or the "lower" grains had the priority for filling, followed by the "central" grains, and then the "upper" grains. In the grouting process, the fertilization rate of grain was bigger at the earlier growing stage, but smaller at the later growing stages. In the secondary branch grain, the trend was opposite, the grains were filled from the top to lower. For large panicle hybrid indica rice, in case of the long rainy, serious lack of light or too weak light intensity, the assimilated materials could be reduced and the seed setting rate and grain weight could be decreased.

Key words: Rice, Mid-season indica hybrid rice, Filling, Filling rate, Fertilization rate, Fertilized grain 1000 grain weight

Table 1

18 grain parts and code"

序号Order number 部位名称Part 代号Code name
1 穗上部一次枝梗上部 UPU
2 穗上部一次枝梗中部 UPM
3 穗上部一次枝梗下部 UPL
4 穗中部一次枝梗上部 MPU
5 穗中部一次枝梗中部 MPM
6 穗中部一次枝梗下部 MPL
7 穗下部一次枝梗上部 LPU
8 穗下部一次枝梗中部 LPM
9 穗下部一次枝梗下部 LPL
10 穗上部二次枝梗上部 USU
11 穗上部二次枝梗中部 USM
12 穗上部二次枝梗下部 USL
13 穗中部二次枝梗上部 MSU
14 穗中部二次枝梗中部 MSM
15 穗中部二次枝梗下部 MSL
16 穗下部二次枝梗上部 LSU
17 穗下部二次枝梗中部 LSM
18 穗下部二次枝梗下部 LSL

Table 2

Characteristics of grain filling period and panicle of 2014-2015 year test varieties"

Start heading date
Mature date
Spikelet number per panicle
Average number of primary branches per panicle
Average number of primary branches seeds per panicle
Ratio of primary branches seeds (%)
隆两优华占Longliangyouhuazhan 8-19 10-06 254.83 13.06 70.11 27.51
峰两优938 Fengliangyou 938 8-18 10-08 230.06 12.11 64.22 27.91
皖稻187 Wandao 187 8-17 10-08 252.44 12.06 64.56 25.57
Y两优900 Y liangyou 900 8-17 10-04 334.81 16.56 90.67 27.08
湘两优2号Xiangliangyou 2 8-17 10-04 243.33 14.06 79.05 32.49
超优1000 Chaoyou 1000 8-16 10-09 361.14 15.44 82.00 22.71
皖稻187 Wandao 187 8-16 9-28 261.29 11.94 68.76 26.32

Table 3

1000-grain weight of fertilized grain at different parts of the primary branches of large panicle mid-season indica hybrid rice g"

Date of sampling
隆两优华占 8-25 16.00 17.00 16.14 11.40 13.40 14.88 10.00 7.00 8.82
Longliangyouhuazhan 9-01 14.89 15.00 17.14 13.89 9.18 14.40 13.54 9.50 10.18
9-09 21.68 23.21 23.75 18.65 20.48 22.87 14.94 12.00 14.76
9-15 23.05 26.83 27.61 20.50 23.70 25.17 18.71 19.47 25.09
9-22 22.43 25.86 27.29 23.11 23.81 25.10 19.05 21.29 23.15
9-30 24.63 26.07 26.83 24.00 25.41 27.45 23.09 23.83 21.25
峰两优938 8-25 16.26 21.30 22.13 18.71 21.50 23.29 15.27 6.63 11.41
Fengliangyou 938 9-01 17.39 16.60 21.90 15.80 16.13 18.55 16.00 10.55 13.37
9-09 23.16 24.77 28.00 20.00 25.67 29.87 19.38 14.15 21.33
9-15 22.63 22.08 27.41 22.88 26.72 27.36 22.40 21.86 25.57
9-22 24.71 26.94 28.52 24.93 26.81 27.52 28.13 29.28 30.71
9-30 26.29 26.36 30.00 26.77 28.06 28.45 28.71 29.13 30.83
皖稻187 8-25 22.57 24.00 23.90 20.44 16.89 20.47 17.25 13.86 16.53
Wandao 187 9-01 14.75 14.22 19.33 15.50 7.60 11.74 8.33 14.00 8.33
9-09 24.94 25.75 28.75 21.32 24.58 27.62 17.86 17.31 25.12
9-15 26.82 29.80 29.36 19.88 27.55 27.67 21.73 14.00 22.80
9-22 25.84 25.47 28.26 23.06 29.10 30.05 24.65 23.38 29.41
9-30 24.50 25.20 29.48 23.21 25.11 29.26 25.05 28.71 29.96
Y两优900 8-29 4.79 6.14 6.58 3.96 3.78 4.25 3.29 3.15 3.38
Y liangyou 900 9-06 20.91 24.58 26.14 18.51 19.47 21.79 15.44 13.23 14.82
9-14 26.54 27.42 28.83 23.51 25.93 28.11 20.68 21.53 24.83
9-22 27.35 28.78 29.67 24.88 26.55 28.71 25.65 26.56 26.74
9-29 27.36 27.94 29.86 25.20 26.44 29.00 26.24 25.93 27.88
10-08 25.68 25.89 28.23 24.60 24.68 27.57 24.13 26.07 28.09
湘两优2号 8-29 8.11 7.22 9.50 6.84 6.33 7.67 4.29 4.00 3.42
Xiangliangyou 2 9-06 18.27 22.61 25.83 20.94 21.35 24.97 17.24 15.00 17.58
9-14 26.83 28.86 30.48 26.10 27.80 30.19 24.65 26.18 29.48
9-22 27.20 26.85 30.13 27.03 27.97 29.89 27.68 25.06 28.14
9-29 27.53 27.67 29.61 26.61 27.88 29.79 26.43 27.69 29.52
10-08 27.00 28.26 30.18 26.54 27.50 29.53 27.91 27.71 30.23
超优1000 8-29 11.31 10.32 12.68 11.27 9.74 11.34 10.30 12.25 11.40
Chaoyou 1000 9-06 23.13 25.93 28.65 21.73 22.09 25.16 18.53 17.33 23.00
9-14 25.81 28.64 29.13 26.33 26.63 29.07 24.88 27.27 29.09
9-22 26.71 27.60 29.75 26.80 27.50 29.38 26.82 26.75 29.46
9-29 25.50 24.87 27.91 25.03 25.28 27.84 26.41 25.18 26.00
10-08 24.90 27.06 28.91 25.57 26.37 28.23 25.83 26.50 28.39
皖稻187 8-29 15.67 12.43 16.39 12.04 11.19 15.15 14.30 10.92 10.84
Wandao 187 9-06 25.59 31.33 33.83 28.27 30.81 33.00 26.46 26.90 30.29
9-14 30.14 29.56 32.50 28.38 31.30 32.68 31.13 32.21 34.68
9-22 26.87 28.95 32.04 28.50 30.17 33.00 29.59 30.82 32.75
9-29 31.50 32.35 34.46 30.17 30.86 33.83 30.30 31.79 34.00
10-08 30.45 31.63 34.29 29.55 28.90 33.00 30.17 31.30 33.26

Table 4

1000-grain weight of fertilized grain at different parts of the secondary branches of large panicle mid-season indica hybrid rice g"

Date of sampling
隆两优华占 8-25 11.34 10.88 9.33 11.32 4.40 6.94 7.63 10.00 5.17
Longliangyouhuazhan 9-01 13.87 18.64 13.07 13.48 13.92 9.93 6.84 10.17 3.46
9-09 21.08 19.93 13.75 15.53 13.48 7.84 11.43 12.50 3.83
9-15 21.54 26.50 16.62 16.65 15.43 9.09 12.70 12.33 9.00
9-22 24.28 / 20.54 19.51 18.15 11.81 13.60 15.57 12.15
9-30 24.65 25.40 21.70 22.90 20.10 15.84 17.29 21.33 12.13
峰两优938 8-25 15.53 12.60 10.92 16.00 18.00 10.73 12.80 15.00 7.83
Fengliangyou 938 9-01 16.85 16.25 14.88 16.08 16.75 6.74 10.59 7.67 6.89
9-09 21.51 23.44 18.99 16.95 16.57 14.22 15.73 / 9.00
9-15 23.00 26.08 19.81 18.82 20.22 15.07 16.59 15.50 8.81
9-22 27.45 28.54 24.14 23.84 25.33 18.74 22.47 / 21.13
9-30 27.62 27.92 25.99 26.57 27.88 22.40 27.21 29.33 26.12
皖稻187 Wandao 187 8-25 20.38 10.15 16.71 17.34 15.11 14.62 15.71 15.60 14.85
9-01 14.46 4.50 13.70 10.24 12.73 6.41 6.29 7.00 3.27
9-09 24.30 27.23 22.65 18.41 20.53 9.77 18.00 12.43 9.42
9-15 29.40 28.78 22.67 21.30 22.80 16.67 17.17 8.50 7.86
9-22 27.29 30.50 25.85 26.64 25.50 14.65 17.00 17.50 9.58
9-30 26.37 27.23 24.05 24.51 23.61 19.55 23.44 23.02 14.30
Y两优900 8-29 8.50 5.20 3.41 3.49 3.37 3.06 3.17 4.18 3.14
Y liangyou 900 9-06 19.25 / 15.63 13.59 14.03 10.77 7.22 5.52 3.75
9-14 24.57 / 20.53 20.89 17.39 12.22 19.33 17.47 13.93
9-22 27.21 28.33 24.61 23.79 23.79 16.35 20.12 20.00 19.33
9-29 25.75 29.17 25.55 25.77 25.86 22.23 24.60 26.28 23.57
10-08 25.75 26.33 25.37 24.45 25.65 23.13 25.03 25.48 22.95
湘两优2号 8-29 7.47 7.00 4.57 6.32 5.80 3.40 3.40 3.40 3.40
Xiangliangyou 2 9-06 20.50 23.31 15.02 16.06 19.06 8.44 10.73 14.00 5.07
9-14 27.31 26.06 19.88 22.14 17.06 14.01 15.94 16.00 14.11
9-22 27.06 29.00 24.79 24.84 26.37 18.48 23.34 23.50 15.07
9-29 29.88 26.71 27.91 26.76 24.59 20.39 23.06 27.63 16.82
10-08 27.62 30.00 26.24 26.57 26.95 24.04 26.83 26.70 22.85
超优1000 8-29 11.13 13.50 10.88 10.54 11.08 2.96 9.57 14.00 3.05
Chaoyou 1000 9-06 21.67 20.30 16.19 17.87 16.10 6.16 15.60 12.82 10.60
9-14 27.02 28.35 23.87 22.67 20.31 11.03 19.33 19.19 12.39
9-22 27.43 27.81 24.48 25.31 24.36 19.94 23.56 22.67 17.33
9-29 25.89 21.20 24.59 23.71 21.97 17.33 23.78 20.92 18.46
10-08 25.62 27.64 24.88 24.94 25.00 21.61 24.82 25.52 23.75
皖稻187 Wandao 187 8-29 15.56 13.22 12.98 11.68 10.28 7.90 10.94 12.13 3.53
9-06 30.08 33.50 24.16 24.10 22.96 16.47 19.71 18.00 12.85
9-14 31.68 30.29 27.73 27.55 23.23 17.13 24.93 24.08 16.42
9-22 29.99 23.23 29.87 29.30 26.34 21.74 26.71 24.30 18.72
9-29 31.52 / 30.82 30.59 30.94 28.62 30.22 29.13 29.13
10-08 31.24 31.75 31.69 30.14 29.93 27.89 29.97 29.95 29.01

Table 5

1000-grain weight of fertilized grain at different parts of panicle of large panicle mid-season indica hybrid rice in different sampling dates g"

Date of sampling
一次枝梗 Primary branch 二次枝梗Secondary branch
Upper part
of panicle
Middle part
of panicle
Lower part
of panicle
Upper part
of panicle
Middle part
of panicle
Lower part
of panicle
2014 8-25 19.76 18.03 12.39 13.75 13.17 11.33
9-01 17.12 13.92 11.01 13.62 11.40 7.77
9-09 25.32 23.55 17.90 20.59 15.16 15.02
9-15 26.18 24.52 21.83 22.50 17.04 13.07
9-22 26.51 25.89 25.47 24.97 19.82 16.77
9-30 26.84 26.42 26.69 25.52 22.09 20.86
2015 8-29 11.10 9.95 7.48 9.32 7.51 6.54
9-06 25.56 24.08 19.76 20.74 15.33 13.52
9-14 28.69 27.92 27.24 25.43 18.84 17.54
9-22 28.57 28.36 28.03 26.78 22.77 20.92
9-29 28.33 28.24 28.18 27.72 24.49 23.91
10-08 28.35 27.71 28.34 27.33 25.50 25.91

Table 6

Fertilized grain rate and 1000-grain weight of large panicle mid-season indica hybrid rice in different sampling date"

Date of sampling
一次枝梗Primary branch 二次枝梗Secondary branch 合计Total
Fertilized grain rate
1000-grain weight of fertilized grain
Fertilized grain rate
1000-grain weight of fertilized grain
Fertilized grain rate
1000-grain weight of fertilized grain
隆两优华占 8-25 58.38 13.37 43.62 9.56 48.35 11.12
Longliangyouhuazhan 9-01 70.62 13.38 37.94 12.38 46.14 12.77
9-09 85.45 19.89 58.62 14.59 66.00 16.48
9-15 91.55 23.32 74.53 15.29 79.09 17.79
9-22 87.50 23.52 84.60 17.20 85.38 18.94
9-30 93.83 24.79 87.52 19.98 89.30 21.41
峰两优938 8-25 69.39 16.76 59.52 13.10 62.81 14.45
Fengliangyou 938 9-01 78.26 16.72 42.49 13.27 51.45 14.59
9-09 92.31 23.26 63.27 18.86 72.02 20.22
9-15 92.75 24.46 73.75 18.62 79.05 20.53
9-22 96.12 27.44 86.48 23.52 89.34 24.77
9-30 94.23 28.32 92.42 25.85 92.87 26.47
皖稻187 8-25 67.74 20.08 42.06 16.64 48.20 17.80
Wandao 187 9-01 57.08 13.42 30.08 11.47 37.77 12.31
9-09 75.40 24.01 51.17 19.65 55.17 21.71
9-15 73.94 25.19 45.36 22.49 53.22 23.52
9-22 81.05 26.97 66.59 22.95 70.85 24.30
9-30 92.46 26.80 87.20 22.42 88.35 23.43
Y两优900 8-29 16.06 8.59 17.42 3.39 17.08 4.63
Y liangyou 900 9-06 88.38 19.85 43.62 14.39 55.70 16.73
9-14 94.53 25.51 70.85 18.79 78.10 21.28
9-22 94.72 27.08 80.91 23.34 84.67 23.50
9-29 96.12 27.26 93.89 24.70 94.43 25.34
10-08 94.87 26.02 95.14 24.43 95.07 24.86
湘两优2号 8-29 51.00 7.38 16.76 4.42 25.70 5.95
Xiangliangyou 2 9-06 91.10 20.98 51.44 14.88 62.76 17.41
9-14 97.38 27.88 77.55 19.48 83.05 22.21
9-22 89.61 27.90 77.03 22.61 80.68 24.32
9-29 94.19 28.30 89.67 24.18 90.92 25.36
10-08 94.78 28.26 91.82 25.84 92.64 26.53
超优1000 8-29 65.34 11.16 19.78 10.22 31.34 10.72
Chaoyou 1000 9-06 88.67 23.01 56.80 14.96 64.52 17.64
9-14 94.61 27.41 79.64 19.32 82.81 21.27
9-22 95.71 27.97 80.97 23.38 83.94 24.43
9-29 87.80 26.17 69.38 21.86 73.48 23.00
10-08 96.01 26.88 91.70 24.11 92.66 24.75
皖稻187 8-29 81.50 14.87 36.63 12.00 47.23 13.17
Wandao 187 9-06 96.53 29.57 64.87 22.70 73.29 25.11
9-14 93.81 32.52 91.81 24.04 92.35 26.35
9-22 97.67 30.28 86.07 25.71 88.72 26.86
9-29 92.63 33.60 95.25 30.03 94.48 31.05
10-08 97.61 31.44 96.86 28.63 97.07 29.42

Table 7

Grain filling rate of large panicle mid-season indica hybrid rice under same weather and different filling stage in 2014 g/(1000 grain·d)"

Grain filling period
一次枝梗Primary branch 二次枝梗Secondary branch 整穗平均
Average of the whole panicle
穗上部Upper part
of panicle
Middle part
of panicle
Lower part
of panicle
穗上部Upper part
of panicle
Middle part
of panicle
穗下部Lower part
of panicle
隆两优华占 前期 1.23 1.24 1.03 1.16 0.84 0.36 0.99 0.68 0.90
Longliangyouhuazhan 中期 -0.10 0.14 -0.03 0.03 0.43 0.32 0.25 0.27 0.16
后期 0.14 0.06 0.18 0.12 0.63 0.36 0.64 0.48 0.37
峰两优938 前期 0.96 1.66 1.34 1.16 1.04 0.15 0.54 0.58 0.73
Fengliangyou 938 中期 0.34 0.13 0.85 0.43 0.58 0.61 1.21 0.70 0.61
后期 0.18 0.13 0.03 0.10 0.20 0.01 0.19 0.14 0.15
皖稻187 前期 1.36 1.41 1.34 1.35 0.89 0.33 0.92 0.61 0.85
Wandao 187 中期 -0.09 0.31 0.74 0.25 0.05 0.26 0.12 0.07 0.11
后期 0.07 -0.10 0.31 0.13 0.05 0.10 0.62 0.17 0.16

Table 8

Weather conditions"

Time interval
日平均气温Mean daily air temperature (℃) 有雨日数(d)
Days of rainy
降水量Precipitation (mm) 日照时间Day length (h)
Over the same period of history
Over the same period of history
Numerical value
Over the same period of history
A 23.7 -2.6 29.0 20.4 5 73.5 +34.8 3.0 -42.1
B 23.7 -1.6 31.2 17.6 3 9.3 -14.0 28.8 -14.2
C 23.7 +0.1 29.3 18.9 3 23.4 0.0 3.8 -34.2

Table 9

Grain filling rate of large panicle mid-season indica hybrid rice under different weather conditions in 2014 g/(1000 grain·d)"

Time interval
Sowing date
一次枝梗Primary branch 二次枝梗Secondary branch 整穗平均
Average of the whole panicle
穗上部Upper part of panicle 穗中部Middle part of panicle 穗下部Lower part of panicle 平均Average 穗上部 Upper part of panicle 穗中部Middle part of panicle 穗下部Lower part of panicle 平均Average
A 隆两优华占 4-24 0.57 1.24 1.18 0.98 1.09 0.69 1.73 1.06 0.97
Longliangyouhuazhan 5-15 -0.07 -0.07 0.29 0.00 0.52 0.57 0.05 0.40 0.25
峰两优938 4-24 -0.03 0.58 1.17 0.62 0.18 0.32 -0.26 0.16 0.26
Fengliangyou 938 5-15 -0.04 -0.59 -0.22 -0.01 0.40 -0.23 -0.31 0.02 0.02
皖稻187 Wandao 187 4-24 0.05 -0.22 -0.82 -0.37 -0.96 -1.20 -0.64 -1.37 -0.83
5-15 -1.03 -1.10 -1.10 -0.95 -0.50 -0.89 -1.50 -0.74 -0.78
B 隆两优华占 4-24 -0.12 -0.31 -0.35 -0.28 -0.49 -0.40 -1.03 -0.68 -0.56
Longliangyouhuazhan 5-15 0.97 0.99 0.40 0.81 0.47 -0.02 0.37 0.28 0.46
峰两优938 4-24 0.09 0.22 -0.10 0.05 0.05 0.43 0.44 0.24 0.22
Fengliangyou 938 5-15 0.80 1.01 0.70 0.82 0.57 0.54 0.23 0.70 0.75
皖稻187 Wandao 187 4-24 0.41 0.66 1.53 0.86 0.91 0.73 0.59 0.75 0.73
5-15 1.31 1.58 1.48 1.32 1.20 0.89 1.22 1.02 1.09
C 隆两优华占 4-24 -0.11 0.12 0.54 0.19 0.13 0.55 0.45 0.36 0.32
Longliangyouhuazhan 5-15 0.36 0.40 1.19 0.57 0.28 0.17 0.19 0.12 0.22
峰两优938 4-24 -0.24 -0.42 0.05 -0.16 0.12 0.69 0.76 0.41 0.22
Fengliangyou 938 5-15 -0.21 0.06 0.74 0.20 0.23 0.27 0.39 -0.04 -0.01
皖稻187 Wandao 187 4-24 -0.28 0.21 0.11 -0.01 0.14 0.99 0.98 0.62 0.43
5-15 0.27 0.07 0.03 0.20 0.40 0.50 -0.09 0.47 0.42
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