Crops ›› 2018, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (6): 48-52.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2018.06.008

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Phenotypic Diversity of Proso Millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) Germplasm Resources in Xinjiang and Its Surrounding Areas

Meiri· Aheihati,Wumaierxiati· Tahan,Tahan· Ailinbieke,Wang Yuxiang   

  1. College of Grassland and Environment Sciences, Xinjiang Agricultural University, Urimqi 830052, Xinjiang, China
  • Received:2018-05-28 Revised:2018-08-27 Online:2018-12-15 Published:2018-12-06


This study collected the germplasm resources of proso millet in Xinjiang and its surrounding areas. The genetic diversity of agronomic traits was analyzed. A comprehensive evaluation was conducted using principal component analysis and cluster analysis methods. The results of data analysis showed that the phenotypic traits of proso millet germplasm resources were highly variable, with coefficients of variation ranging from 12.37% to 91.40%; the genetic diversity index was relatively large, ranging from 0.410-0.809. The principal component analysis results showed that the first five main species composition represented 80.020% of information on the phenotypic traits of 14 scorpion resources, and their contribution rates were 36.414%, 20.713%, 8.546%, 7.476%, and 6.870%, respectively. The results of cluster analysis indicated that when the genetic distance was 12.5, the 14 species of proso millet were clustered into 2 categories. The first category was mainly proso millet in the northern Xinjiang, China and the Kazakhstan in which the leaves were short and narrow which can be used as the parent material for high-yielding breeding purposes. The second group was proso mille in Shaanxi, Gansu and southern Xinjiang, China, and they were of high culms, high grass weight, and long and wide leaves, which could be used as grass material.

Key words: Proso millet (Panicum miliaceum L.), Germplasm, Phenotypic diversity, Variation analysis

Table 1

The proso millet germplasm resource"

1 H33 哈萨克斯坦Kazahstan
2 HP 哈萨克斯坦Kazahstan
3 HC 哈萨克斯坦Kazahstan
4 HK 哈萨克斯坦Kazahstan
5 SHN 中国陕西西安Xi’an, Shaanxi, China
6 SHW 中国陕西西安Xi’an, Shaanxi, China
7 GS 中国甘肃临夏县Linxia, Gansu, China
8 BRG 中国新疆布尔津县Buerjin, Xinjiang, China
9 NLK 中国新疆尼勒克县Nileke, Xinjiang, China
10 TL 中国新疆托里县Tuoli, Xinjiang, China
11 TKS 中国新疆特克斯县Tekesi, Xinjiang, China
12 WS 中国新疆乌什县 Wushi, Xinjiang, China
13 YGQ 中国新疆阿克苏市Akesu, Xinjiang, China
14 SC 中国新疆莎车县Shache, Xinjiang, China

Table 2

Genetic diversity of phenotypic traits of 14 proso millet germplasm"

性状Trait 最小值Min 最大值Max 平均值Mean 标准差SD 变异系数CV (%) 多样性指数H′
株高PH (cm) 41.00 222.00 133.50 46.20 34.61 0.794
穗长SL (cm) 13.00 62.00 33.60 12.84 38.23 0.771
茎粗SD (cm) 0.08 1.09 0.44 0.20 45.83 0.707
单株穗重SWP (g) 5.00 130.00 34.43 17.72 51.48 0.787
千粒重TKW (g) 4.01 8.68 6.74 0.83 12.37 0.772
单株分蘖数NTP 0.00 12.00 2.62 1.82 69.54 0.673
单株有效穗数NESP 1.00 37.00 9.63 8.80 91.40 0.751
主茎穗重WMP (g) 2.00 35.00 14.43 6.53 45.24 0.790
主茎节数MSN 3.00 9.00 5.77 1.33 23.08 0.730
叶长LL (cm) 13.00 45.50 28.34 7.92 27.94 0.809
叶宽LW (cm) 0.80 3.50 2.33 0.49 20.97 0.775
单株产量YP (g) 2.10 47.46 16.62 8.47 50.95 0.779
茎秆干重SDW (g) 11.58 389.07 121.95 71.21 58.39 0.410

Table 3

The principal component analysis"

性状Trait 因子1 Factor 1 因子2 Factor 2 因子3 Factor 3 因子4 Factor 4 因子5 Factor 5
株高PH (cm) 0.423 0.019 0.012 0.111 -0.215
穗长SL (cm) 0.414 0.007 0.080 0.081 -0.207
茎粗SD (cm) 0.365 0.156 0.164 -0.118 -0.017
单株穗重SWP (g) -0.163 0.511 -0.001 -0.191 -0.165
千粒重TKW (g) 0.066 0.146 0.571 0.661 0.183
单株分蘖数NTP -0.271 0.364 -0.190 0.290 -0.160
单株有效穗数NESP -0.339 0.284 -0.150 0.236 -0.088
主茎穗重WMP (g) 0.005 0.371 0.372 -0.529 0.195
主茎节数MSN 0.282 0.114 -0.001 0.158 -0.132
叶长LL (cm) 0.349 0.162 -0.200 -0.094 0.282
叶宽LW (cm) 0.138 0.266 -0.348 0.158 0.743
单株产量YP (g) -0.195 0.077 0.527 -0.079 0.151
茎秆干重SDW (g) 0.186 0.476 -0.107 0.005 -0.344
特征值Eigen value 4.734 2.693 1.111 0.972 0.893
贡献率Contribution rate (%) 36.414 20.713 8.546 7.476 6.870
累计贡献Cumulative contribution rate (%) 36.414 57.128 65.674 73.150 80.020


The clustering graph of 14 proso millet germplasm resources"

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