Crops ›› 2019, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (1): 191-196.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2019.01.031

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Effects of Different Seed Coatings on Emergence Rate under the Mode of Single-Seed Precision Sowing

Weitang Li,Yang Li,Hailong Niu,Hongxin Liu,Shujing Mu,Zhongguo He,Yufa Li   

  1. Institute of Peanut, Jilin Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Gongzhuling 136100, Jilin, China
  • Received:2018-07-16 Revised:2018-12-21 Online:2019-02-15 Published:2019-02-01
  • Contact: Zhongguo He,Yufa Li


Single grain sowing mode is becoming the most important trend in maize breeding and production in China. This study aimed at different age and different genotype of maize varieties, the effects of maize seed dressing on seed emergence rate were analyzed under field conditions by using the maize seed coating agent sold on the agricultural capital market. The results showed that all treatments indicated significant increase in emergence rate compared with the control. The seed coatings composed of Manshijin, Ruisheng, Gaoqiao, and Dingmiaoxin had relatively good effects in improving seed emergence rates which should be considered of appropriate priority use in the production of single grain sowing.

Key words: Maize, Single-seed sowing, Seed coating, Emergence rate

Table 1

Seed coating treatment"

处理Treatment 成分及剂量Composition and dose
满适金2.5mL+锐胜2.5g+SDX 2.0mL+L900 2.5g+水15.5mL
满适金2.5mL+锐胜2.5g+亮穗2.5mL+L900 2.5g+水15.0mL
B3 满适金1.0mL+克百威7.5g+亮穗0.5mL+L900 1.0g
B5 高巧5.0mL+顶苗新7.5mL+成膜剂5.0mL+水7.5mL
B6 高巧7.5mL+顶苗新7.5mL+成膜剂7.5mL+水2.5mL
B7 克百威7.5mL+顶苗新2.0mL+成膜剂2.0mL
B8 21%吡戊FS 4.0mL+22%氟虫腈1.0mL
B9 20%福克20.0mL+6%戊唑醇2.0mL
B10 爱丽欧3.0mL+水17.0mL
B11 爱丽欧4.0mL+水16.0mL
B12 爱丽欧5.0mL+水15.0mL
对照Control 无处理

Table 2

Variance analysis of seedling emergence rate in field"

变异来源Source of variation 自由度Degree of freedom 平方和Sum of squares 均方Mean square F值F value P值P value
区组间Block 2 39.26 19.63 1.05 0.3511
品种间Variety 4 12 729.84 3 182.42 83.82** 0.0001
处理间Treatment 14 2 693.18 192.37 5.06** 0.0001
品种×处理Variety×treatment 56 2 126.01 37.96 2.03** 0.0004
误差Error 148 2 756.07 18.62
总变异Total variation 224 20 344.38

Table 3

Effects of difference seed coating agents on emergence rate of maize %"

处理Treatment 均值Average 比对照提高Increase
B13 88.80±8.31a 18.61
B14 88.80±9.20a 18.61
B1 88.73±5.96a 18.52
B2 88.66±6.07a 18.43
B6 88.60±7.77a 18.34
B3 88.33±8.24ab 17.98
B9 88.20±6.73ab 17.81
B12 88.06±9.23ab 17.63
B4 87.80±8.47ab 17.27
B5 87.53±9.50abc 16.91
B10 86.06±8.91abc 14.95
B7 85.86±10.22abc 14.69
B8 84.93±8.71bc 13.44
B11 84.20±9.19c 12.46
对照Control 74.86±16.39d 0.00

Table 4

The seed vigor analysis of five copies of maize varieties %"

处理Treatment 均值Average
吉单35(库存)Jidan 35 (stock) 93.88±2.98a
吉单558 Jidan 558 92.33±3.61a
吉单50(反交)Jidan 50 (reciprocal cross) 88.02±5.71b
吉单50 Jidan 50 86.26±5.12b
吉单50(库存)Jidan 50 (stock) 72.64±9.60c

Table 5

The effects of different seed coating agent treatments on emergence rate in Jidan 35 (stock) %"

处理Treatment 均值Average 比对照提高Increase
B10 97.00±1.00a 5.83
B4 96.33±1.53ab 5.09
B12 95.67±2.52abc 4.36
B6 95.67±2.08abc 4.36
B14 95.67±1.53abc 4.36
B13 95.00±1.00abcd 3.64
B5 95.00±3.46abcd 3.64
B11 94.33±2.08abcde 2.91
B9 93.33±3.21abcde 1.82
B1 93.00±2.65abcde 1.45
B3 92.33±5.03bcde 0.73
B2 92.33±2.52bcde 0.73
对照Control 91.67±3.21cde 0.00
B7 90.67±2.52de -1.09
B8 90.33±2.08e -1.45

Table 6

The effects of different seed coating agent treatments on emergence rate in Jidan 558 %"

处理Treatment 均值Average 比对照提高Increase
B12 95.66±2.31a 13.44
B14 95.66±1.53a 13.44
B3 94.67±2.08a 12.25
B7 94.67±4.04a 12.25
B4 94.33±2.08a 11.86
B6 93.33±3.51ab 10.67
B9 93.33±2.08ab 10.67
B2 92.33±2.08ab 9.49
B5 92.33±0.58ab 9.49
B1 92.00±3.61ab 9.09
B13 91.67±2.52ab 8.70
B8 91.33±1.53ab 8.30
B10 89.66±3.06b 6.32
B11 89.66±2.52b 6.32
对照Control 84.33±4.16c -

Table 7

The effects of different seed coating agent treatments on emergence rate in Jidan 50 (reciprocal cross) %"

处理Treatment 均值Average 比对照提高Increase
B13 93.33±3.21a 22.27
B14 93.00±3.61ab 21.84
B5 91.00±3.00ab 19.21
B2 91.00±3.46ab 19.21
B9 90.67±3.51ab 18.78
B3 90.33±4.73ab 18.34
B12 89.67±2.89ab 17.47
B10 88.33±5.13abc 15.72
B6 88.33±1.15abc 15.72
B1 87.33±2.08abc 14.41
B4 87.00±6.08abc 13.97
B7 87.00±3.61abc 13.97
B8 85.67±2.08bc 12.23
B11 81.33±5.13cd 6.55
对照Control 76.33±10.26d -

Table 8

The effects of different seed coating agent treatments on emergence rate in Jidan 50 %"

处理Treatment 均值Average 比对照提高Increase
B3 90.66±0.58a 21.43
B1 90.00±3.46a 20.55
B7 89.33±1.53a 19.64
B6 88.67±3.21a 18.75
B2 88.67±4.51a 18.75
B8 88.33±3.06ab 18.30
B13 88.00±5.29ab 17.86
B5 88.00±5.29ab 17.86
B4 87.00±2.65ab 16.52
B12 86.33±4.04ab 15.62
B11 85.00±2.65ab 13.84
B14 84.67±4.51ab 13.39
B9 82.33±5.03b 10.27
B10 82.33±5.69b 10.27
对照Control 74.67±2.52c -

Table 9

The effects of different seed coating agent treatments on emergence rate in Jidan 50 (stock) %"

处理Treatment 均值Average 比对照提高Increase
B1 81.33±9.07a 71.83
B9 81.33±7.37a 71.83
B2 79.00±5.20ab 66.90
B6 77.00±9.17abc 62.68
B13 76.00±9.54abc 60.56
B14 75.00±8.72abc 58.45
B4 74.33±2.08abc 57.04
B3 73.67±1.53abc 55.63
B12 73.00±6.24abc 54.23
B10 73.00±2.00abc 54.23
B5 71.33±7.23abc 50.70
B11 70.67±7.77bc 49.30
B8 69.00±2.65bc 45.77
B7 67.66±5.13c 42.95
对照Control 47.33±6.66d -
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