Crops ›› 2018, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (5): 33-39.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2018.05.006

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Study on Grain Dehydration Rate and Correlation Analysis of Major Related Characters in Different Maize Inbred Lines

Chen Guangzhou,Wang Guangfu,Qu Jianzhou,Si Leiyong,Jin Yan,Xu Shutu,Xue Jiquan,Lu Haidong   

  1. College of Agronomy, Northwest A & F University/Key Laboratory of Biology and Genetic Improvement of Maize in Arid Area of Northwest Region, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Yangling 712100, Shaanxi, China
  • Received:2018-03-23 Revised:2018-06-27 Online:2018-10-15 Published:2018-10-12
  • Contact: Jiquan Xue,Haidong Lu


This study was set up to explore the characteristics and difference of grain dehydration rate of different groups (Shaan A group and Shaan B group) of maize inbred lines, to analyse major related factors characters affecting grain dehydration rate of maize. Eight maize inbred lines from the Shaan A and Shaan B groups and 2 elite inbred lines (‘chang7-2’, ‘PH4CV’) were used as the test materials. The change characteristics of grain dehydration rate, grain water content in harvest period, grain filling rate, husk characters, ear characters, leaf area, chlorophyll content, plant height, ear height and yield components in different maize inbred lines were analyzed. The relationships between all traits and grain dehydration rate were studied. The results showed that the changes of different maize inbred lines in grain dehydration rate were “fast-slow-faster-slow-faster-slow”. There was a significant negative correlation between the grain dehydration rate and grain moisture content at harvest, the moisture content of bracts, the number of bract layers, the length of bract, the ear diameter, the grain length, the grain width, the leaf area, the SPAD value and the days of grain filling. There was a significant positive correlation between the dehydration rate of grain and the dehydration rate of bract. The correlations between the grain dehydration rate with the plant height, ear height, yield and the other traits was not significant. There were significant differences in grain dehydration rate, grain moisture content at harvest, husk moisture content, husk dehydration rate and other various related indexes among different maize inbred lines. KB043, KA105 and KB024 can be considered as breeding materials for machnical harvesting due to their high grain dehydration rates and higher yields.

Key words: Maize, Inbred line, Dehydration rate, Correlation analysis


Grain dehydration rate in different maize inbred lines Different small letters indicate significant difference at 0.05 level. The same below"


The grain moisture content in different maize inbred lines"

Table 1

The comparison of leaf area, SPAD value, plant height, and ear height among different maize inbred lines"

指标Index KB043 KB593 KB024 KA105 KA106 KA109 KB102 昌7-2 Chang7-2 PH4CV 91227 F
单株叶面积Leaf area per plant (cm2) 2 752b 3 746ab 3 498ab 4 096ab 4 740a 3 835ab 3 815ab 4 023ab 3 621b 4 043ab 3.99*
SPAD值SPAD value 49.2ab 51.1ab 46.4b 50.6ab 52.9ab 47.9ab 58.7a 51.2ab 44.0b 53.7ab 3.93*
株高Plant height (cm) 175.6de 185.8d 174.6de 222.8b 242.6a 227.0b 160.0e 163.3e 206.4c 206.9c 61.19**
穗位高Ear height (cm) 67.9abc 66.5abc 56.9cd 59.6bc 72.7ab 73.7ab 47.9d 78.6a 67.9abc 76.4a 10.93**

Table 2

The comparison of ear characters among different maize inbred lines"

指标Index KB043 KB593 KB024 KA105 KA106 KA109 KB102 昌7-2 Chang7-2 PH4CV 91227 F
穗长Ear length (cm) 13.9b 16.1a 16.3a 13.9b 15.0ab 15.6ab 15.6ab 9.9c 13.8b 14.3ab 16.68**
穗粗Ear width (cm) 4.05bc 3.83cd 3.47d 3.91bc 4.45a 4.25ab 3.87d 4.05bc 3.65d 3.74cd 12.25**
轴粗Cob diameter (cm) 2.42bc 2.75cd 2.24d 2.70bc 2.78ab 2.90a 2.25d 2.69bc 2.64d 2.35cd 17.87**
穗行数Rows per ear 16ab 18a 18a 16ab 18a 16ab 12c 16ab 14bc 16ab 5.56**
行粒数Kernels per row 23abc 21bc 26abc 28a 28a 25abc 22abc 21abc 20c 23abc 4.26**
粒长Grain length (cm) 0.72ab 0.54c 0.62bc 0.65abc 0.84a 0.68abc 0.81abc 0.60abc 0.51c 0.70abc 5.22**
粒宽Grain width (cm) 0.72bc 0.66c 0.63c 0.65c 0.72bc 0.81ab 0.86a 0.73bc 0.69bc 0.74bc 7.50**
粒厚Grain thickness (cm) 0.52cd 0.61ab 0.51cd 0.46d 0.49cd 0.55bc 0.64a 0.44d 0.51cd 0.55bc 10.06**

Table 3

The comparison of husk dehydration rate, husk moisture content and other characters of husk among different maize inbred lines"

指标Index KB043 KB593 KB024 KA105 KA106 KA109 KB102 昌7-2 Chang 7-2 PH4CV 91227 F
苞叶脱水速率Husk dehydration rate (%/d) 1.45a 1.40a 1.41a 1.06c 1.14b 0.96de 1.00cd 1.37a 1.12b 0.91e 167.50**
苞叶含水率Husk moisture content (%) 65.81ab 63.18b 67.60a 66.93a 68.17a 69.47a 69.51a 66.49ab 67.55a 69.54a 38.52**
苞叶层数Number of husk 9d 13a 13a 11bc 10cd 10cd 8e 11bc 10cd 11bc 29.37**
苞叶长度Length of husk (cm) 16.94b 20.07ab 16.96b 18.83ab 22.67a 21.94a 22.16a 12.95c 16.77b 22.93a 6.68**

Table 4

The yield and yield composition of different maize inbred lines"

指标Index KB043 KB593 KB024 KA105 KA106 KA109 KB102 昌7-2
PH4CV 91227 F
百粒干重100-grain dry weight (g) 20.87cd 16.28de 15.93e 20.69cd 22.69bc 25.98ab 27.46a 18.67cd 21.10bc 21.70bc 86.45**
子粒灌浆速率Grain filling rate [g/(100 grain·d)] 0.65a 0.50f 0.49g 0.57c 0.55d 0.64b 0.65a 0.46h 0.65a 0.51e 100.2**
灌浆天数Filling days (d) 35e 37de 38de 39cde 41bcd 43abc 44ab 43abc 36de 46a 16.43**
产量Yield (kg/hm2) 5445b 4320b 4770b 7800a 7920a 6960a 4320b 4140b 4815b 5595b 21.87**

Table 5

Correlation analysis of grain dehydration rate with other triats"

性状Trait R 性状Trait R
苞叶层数(X1) Number of husk -0.744* 灌浆天数(X8) Filling days -0.761*
苞叶长度(X2) Length of husk -0.745* 粒长(X9) Grain length -0.635*
苞叶含水率(X3) Husk moisture content -0.632* 粒厚Grain thickness -0.096
苞叶脱水速率(X4) Husk dehydration rate 0.662* 粒宽(X10) Grain width -0.632*
穗长Ear length 0.109 百粒干重100-grain dry weight -0.517
穗粗(X5) Ear width -0.671* 子粒灌浆速率Grain filling rate 0.139
株高Plant height -0.324 收获期子粒含水率(X11) Grain moisture content at harvest -0.886**
穗位高Ear height -0.215 穗行数Rows per ear 0.157
叶面积(X6) Leaf area -0.795** 行粒数Grains per row -0.207
SPAD值(X7) SPAD value -0.633* 产量Yield -0.321

Table 6

Correlation analysis of 11 major traits of maize inbred lines"

项目Index X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 X9 X10
X2 0.471
X3 0.282 0.343
X4 -0.486 -0.501 -0.837**
X5 0.674* 0.270 0.321 -0.193
X6 0.831** 0.474 0.453 -0.543 0.416
X7 0.340 0.593 0.336 -0.352 0.265 0.372
X8 0.370 0.534 0.730* -0.746* 0.231 0.566 0.633*
X9 0.306 0.368 0.613 -0.302 0.618 0.346 0.712* 0.532
X10 0.103 0.395 0.680* -0.580 0.408 0.084 0.568 0.638* 0.595
X11 0.628 0.661* 0.705* -0.706* 0.437 0.737* 0.815** 0.784** 0.716* 0.625
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