Crops ›› 2019, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (3): 132-136.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2019.03.021

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Effects of Different Biological Organic Fertilizers on the Growth of Spring Potato and Soil Fertility at High Altitude Region in Guizhou Province

Zhang Meng,Gou Jiulan,Wei Quanquan,Chen Long,He Jiafang   

  1. Institute of Soil and Fertilizer, Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Guiyang 550006, Guizhou, China
  • Received:2018-09-19 Revised:2018-12-14 Online:2019-06-15 Published:2019-06-12
  • Contact: Jiafang He


Weiyu No.5 (spring potato variety in Guizhou) was used in an field experiment to study the effects of different biological organic fertilizers on potato yield, characteristics such as nutrient and quality as well as soil fertility. The results showed that the application of biological organic fertilizer could significantly increase the emergence rate of potato, and the yield increased by 2.11%-26.46%; the number of potatoes per plant increased by 5.45%-38.18%; the yield per plant increased by 1.41%-47.16% compared with the conventional fertilization. T2 treatment in which the RW was added as an organic decomposition enhancer was the best. The content of phosphorus in potato tubers was increased by 19.55%-42.46% significantly, and the content of starch was increased by 2.44-8.69 percentage points, but no significant change in contents of nitrogen, water content and reducing sugar. The application of biological organic fertilizer significantly increased the contents of soil organic matter, total nitrogen, alkali-hydrolysis nitrogen, available phosphorus and available potassium by 49.31%-91.35% (except Jinkuizi LPK biological fertilizer), 38.21%-52.36%, 10.42%-21.74%, 10.92%-68.41% and 10.53%-39.47% compared with T1 treatment, respectively. In general, RW can be used as the best biological organic fertilizer for high yield and high quality cultivation of spring potato in the high altitude area of Guizhou.

Key words: Biological organic fertilizer, Potato, Yield, Nutrition and quality, Soil fertility

Table 1

Types and application rates of different fertilizers under different treatments kg/hm2"

基肥Base fertilizer 追肥(尿素)
Dressing fertilizer
Compound fertilizer
Organic fertilizer
T1 750 - 112.5
T2 750 1 800 112.5
T3 750 1 800 112.5
T4 750 1 800 112.5
T5 750 1 800 112.5
T6 750 1 800 112.5

Table 2

Effects of different treatments on the seedling emergence rate of potato %"

出苗率Seedling emergence rate
T1 90.00 91.25 88.75 90.00b
T2 95.00 100.00 98.75 97.92a
T3 92.50 92.50 95.00 93.33ab
T4 85.00 97.50 92.50 91.67ab
T5 88.75 93.75 100.00 94.17ab
T6 93.75 86.25 93.75 91.25ab

Table 3

Effects of different treatments on the yield of potato"

小区产量Pot yield (kg/13.5m2) 单产(kg/hm2)
Yield increasing rate
T1 26.40 24.50 24.83 25.24c 18 699c -
T2 32.78 31.13 31.88 31.93a 23 652a 26.46
T3 27.90 29.45 27.35 28.23b 20 914b 11.84
T4 26.20 26.88 24.25 25.78c 19 094c 2.11
T5 29.50 33.00 30.63 31.04a 22 995a 22.97
T6 25.25 28.30 27.63 27.06bc 20 044bc 7.20

Table 4

Effects of different treatments on the characteristics of potato tuber"

单株结薯数Tuber number per plant 单株产量Tuber yield per plant (g) 大中薯率(%)
Large- and medium-sized tuber percentage
总Total 大Large 中Medium 小Small 总Total 大Large 中Medium 小Small
T1 5.5b 1.1c 2.8a 1.6b 423.52c 145.36c 202.00c 76.16a 82.02b
T2 7.6a 2.4a 3.6a 1.6b 623.24a 270.04a 290.68a 62.52b 89.97a
T3 6.4ab 1.6b 2.8a 2.0a 511.64b 203.84b 245.28b 62.52b 87.78a
T4 5.8b 1.2c 3.6a 1.0c 429.49c 121.21d 264.36ab 43.92c 89.77a
T5 7.4a 2.4a 3.2a 1.8ab 610.72a 261.96a 271.04ab 77.72a 87.27a
T6 6.5ab 1.7b 3.2a 1.6b 491.40b 197.80b 238.00b 55.60bc 88.69a

Table 5

Effects of different treatments on nutrients and qualities of potato"

处理Treatment 氮Nitrogen (g/kg) 磷Phosphorus (g/kg) 钾Potassium (g/kg) 水分Water (%) 淀粉Starch (%) 还原糖Reducing sugar (%)
T1 19.24a 1.79b 12.45b 82.89a 7.83c 0.31a
T2 19.35a 2.22a 12.95b 82.75a 16.52a 0.31a
T3 20.58a 2.31a 12.80b 84.32a 10.49b 0.30a
T4 19.47a 2.14a 13.55b 82.69a 10.27b 0.29a
T5 20.02a 2.30a 13.30b 82.18a 13.10ab 0.28a
T6 21.14a 2.55a 18.65a 86.27a 14.40ab 0.29a

Table 6

Effects of different treatments on nutrient content of topsoil (0~20cm)"

pH 有机质(g/kg)
Organic matter
Total nitrogen
Alkali nitrogen
Total phosphorus
Available phosphorus
Total potassium
Available potassium
T1 5.31a 36.89c 2.12b 116.16c 1.25a 52.65c 12.24a 57.0b
T2 5.43a 70.59a 3.23a 141.41a 1.40a 58.40bc 12.28a 70.0ab
T3 5.35a 58.70b 2.93a 140.24a 1.39a 73.00b 12.58a 71.0ab
T4 5.43a 34.06c 2.96a 128.26b 1.29a 61.00bc 12.34a 63.0b
T5 5.40a 64.50ab 3.13a 135.31ab 1.30a 88.70a 13.25a 72.0ab
T6 5.47a 55.08b 3.08a 133.29ab 1.45a 60.30bc 12.80a 79.5a
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