Crops ›› 2020, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (3): 154-160.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2020.03.024

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Effects of Planting Density on Wheat Yield Formation in Different Ecological Regions of Gansu Province

Chai Fangmei1, Gao Tiantian1, Chai Shouxi1(), Cheng Hongbo2, Song Yali3, Lu Qinglin4   

  1. 1Gansu Provincial Key Laboratory of Aridland Crop Science/Agronomy College, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou 730070, Gansu, China
    2College of Life Science and Technology, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou 730070, Gansu, China
    3Qingyang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Qingyang 745000, Gansu, China
    4Wheat Research Institute, Gansu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Lanzhou 730070, Gansu, China
  • Received:2019-10-21 Revised:2020-02-18 Online:2020-06-15 Published:2020-06-10
  • Contact: Shouxi Chai


In order to reveal the effect of different rate of sowing quantity treatment on wheat yield formation in three different ecological regions of Gansu Province, three varieties of Longzhong No.2, Lantian No.36 and Tongmai No.6 were used as materials in each region and five sowing quantity levels (150.0, 187.5, 225.0, 262.5, 300.0kg/ha in low-temperature semi-arid region and semi-humid region, and 112.5, 150.0, 187.5, 225.0, 262.5kg/ha in semi-arid region) were set up. The variation characteristics of wheat yield and yield compositions, planting density and yield difference in different regions were studied. The results showed that the suitable sowing quantity in low-temperature semi-arid region, semi-humid arid and semi-arid region were 187.5, 225.0, 225.0kg/ha, corresponding to the highest yield of 5 472.0, 5 730.0 and 7 271.4kg/ha respectively. With the increase of planting density, the yield of wheat and the number of spikes per unit area in each ecological region showed the trend of first increasing and then decreasing, the grain number per spike decreased, 1000-grain weight had no obvious change; change trend of basic seedling and tiller heading rate were similar to that of yield; aboveground biomass increased with the increasing of planting density, and there was significant difference among different planting densities in semi-humid arid region and semi-arid region. Under the same sowing quantity (150.0 and 225.0kg/ha), the yield of different regions varied greatly, with the highest average yield in the semi-arid region, followed by the semi-humid arid region, and the lowest in the low-temperature semi-arid region.

Key words: Gansu, Ecological region, Planting density, Wheat, Yield

Table 1

Precipitation in winter wheat growth in 2017-2018 mm"

Climate type region
低温半干旱区Low-temperature semi-arid region 33.0 13.3 71.9 32.8 151.0
半湿润易旱区Semi-humid arid region 43.6 13.5 77.8 30.1 165.0
半干旱区Semi-arid region 35.8 20.0 117.9 30.3 204.0

Table 2

Effects of plant density on yield and yield structure factors"

Climate type region
Plant density (kg/hm2)
Yield (kg/hm2)
Spike number (×104/hm2)
Grain number per spike
1000-grain weight (g)
semi-arid region
150.0 5 054.5c 501.6c 25.4b 43.4a
187.5 5 472.0a 484.6d 27.9a 44.1a
225.0 5 379.5ab 546.4ab 23.9b 44.0a
262.5 5 226.5b 586.1a 24.3b 42.6a
300.0 5 252.0b 550.8ab 24.5b 42.7a
Variation coefficient (%)
3.0 7.6 6.5 1.6
Maximum difference rate( %)
8.3 21.0 17.2 3.5
Semi-humid arid region
150.0 5 280.0c 523.2c 29.2a 45.1b
187.5 5 490.0b 586.8ab 25.4c 46.7a
225.0 5 730.0a 606.0a 26.9b 46.9a
262.5 5 565.0ab 581.2ab 25.4c 45.0b
300.0 5 535.0ab 552.8b 28.8a 45.8a
Variation coefficient (%)
2.9 5.7 6.6 2.0
Maximum difference rate (%)
8.5 15.8 15.0 4.2
Semi-arid region
112.5 6 821.6c 484.2c 34.4a 45.0a
150.0 7 006.5b 547.0b 31.6ab 44.2a
187.5 7 106.4b 538.9b 32.1ab 45.1a
225.0 7 271.4a 635.5a 28.3b 44.1a
262.5 7 146.4ab 610.5a 28.7b 44.6a
Variation coefficient (%)
2.4 10.7 8.2 1.0
Maximum difference rate (%)
6.6 31.2 21.9 2.2

Table 3

Effects of plant density on wheat population structure"

Climate type region
Plant density
Basic seedling
The total number
of stem (×104/hm2)
Tiller heading
rate (%)
biomass (kg/hm2)
semi-arid region
150.0 294e 517c 62.3a 9 319.8b 0.41a
187.5 361d 556b 40.3d 11 335.4b 0.41a
225.0 431c 578ab 46.2c 11 852.5ab 0.39b
262.5 503b 594a 53.1b 12 373.8a 0.39b
300.0 561a 603a 39.1d 12 683.7a 0.38b
Variation coefficient (%)
24.9 6.0 20.0 11.6 3.5
Maximum difference rate (%)
77.5 16.5 59.4 36.1 6.3
Semi-humid arid region
150.0 286e 603c 56.1a 13 442.0d 0.54a
187.5 366d 715b 47.4ab 16 653.0c 0.54a
225.0 436c 820a 42.2b 18 914.4b 0.56a
262.5 512b 854a 38.7b 22 323.2a 0.53a
300.0 573a 887a 31.5c 23 607.6a 0.53a
Variation coefficient (%)
26.2 15.0 21.4 21.8 2.6
Maximum difference rate (%)
82.4 47.2 78.0 75.6 7.0
Semi-arid region
112.5 236e 498c 64.7a 12 226.6d 0.36a
150.0 315d 555bc 69.2a 15 340.5c 0.37a
187.5 385c 590ab 55.6b 17 055.5bc 0.47a
225.0 451b 624ab 50.0c 19 122.4b 0.43a
262.5 541a 649a 42.9d 22 192.3a 0.38a
Variation coefficient (%)
29.5 10.2 19.0 21.9 11.6
Maximum difference rate (%)
116.5 30.2 61.5 81.5 31.1
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