Crops ›› 2020, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (4): 183-187.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2020.04.026

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Investigation on the Pattern of Fertilizer and Density for Rice Stable Yield under Low Nitrogen Rate Cultivation in Different Regions of Liaoning Province

Chen Ying1(), Du Baozhi2, Wang Wenxuan3, Lu Cuihua4, Liu Chun’an2, Dai Guijin1, Yu Guangxing1, Liu Xianping1, Gong Diankai1   

  1. 1Liaoning Rice Research Institute, Shenyang 110101, Liaoning, China
    2Shenyang Liaozhong District Agricultural Technology Extension and Administrative Enforcement Center, Shenyang 110200, Liaoning, China
    3Zhuanghe Agricultural Development Service Center, Zhuanghe 116400, Liaoning, China
    4Haicheng Agriculture and Rural Development Center, Haicheng 114200, Liaoning, China
  • Received:2020-03-02 Revised:2020-05-21 Online:2020-08-15 Published:2020-08-11


Six treatments with three transplanting densities and two nitrogen application rates were set up to investigate the possibility of stablizing yield under the condition of nitrogen fertilizer reduction in different regions of Liaoning province. The results showed that there was no significant difference in rice yield between the reducing 10% nitrogen fertilizer treatment and the normal nitrogen fertilizer treatment in different regions, and proper increase of transplication density was one of the effective ways to reduce nitrogen and stabilize yield. The more suitable density for Yanfeng 47 in Haicheng and Liaojing 401 in Liaozhong was 2.4×10 5 hole/ha. The number of effective panicles of Yanfeng 47 in Haicheng and Liaojing 401 in Liaozhong reached about 4.0×10 6/ha and 3.7×10 6/ha, respectively. While the yield of Liaojing 401 was high at the two densities of 3.3×10 5 hole/ha and 2.4×10 5 hole/ha under the normal nitrogen fertilizer treatment and the density of 3.3×10 5 hole/ha under the reducing 10% nitrogen fertilizer treatment in Zhuanghe. The relative yield was more than 110% in these treatments.

Key words: Rice, Nitrogen reduction, Stable yield, Pattern of fertilizer and density

Table 1

Effects of fertilizer and density pattern on rice yield t/hm2"

2016 2017
海城Haicheng 辽中Liaozhong 庄河Zhuanghe 海城Haicheng 辽中Liaozhong 庄河Zhuanghe
N1D1 11.75a 9.70a 8.61a 10.45b 9.08b 7.80a
N1D2 10.75b 9.52ab 8.45a 11.63a 9.35ab 6.27c
N1D3 10.71b 9.41b 7.34c 10.26bc 7.95d 6.24c
N2D1 10.92b 9.72a 8.87a 9.89c 8.66c 7.84a
N2D2 11.58a 9.48b 8.47a 10.72b 9.87a 7.89a
N2D3 (CK) 10.84b 9.35b 7.85b 10.60b 9.09b 6.99b


The average relative yield of rice in different regions in 2016-2017"

Table 2

Statistical test for the effect of nitrogen fertilizer rate and density on rice yield in three regions"

地点Region 差异来源
Source of variance
Sum of squared error
Degrees of freedom
Mean square
海城Haicheng 氮水平 0.08 1 0.08 0.22 0.66 5.99
密度 0.70 2 0.35 0.93 0.45 5.14
交互 0.46 2 0.23 0.61 0.57 5.14
内部 2.27 6 0.38 - - -
总计 3.52 11 - - - -
辽中Liaozhong 氮水平 0.11 1 0.11 0.34 0.58 5.99
密度 0.74 2 0.37 1.13 0.38 5.14
交互 0.28 2 0.14 0.42 0.67 5.14
内部 1.95 6 0.33 - - -
总计 3.08 11 - - - -
庄河Zhuanghe 氮水平 4.41 1 4.41 4.74 0.07 5.99
密度 1.11 2 0.55 0.60 0.58 5.14
交互 1.70 2 0.85 0.91 0.45 5.14
内部 5.58 6 0.93 - - -
总计 12.79 11 4.41 - - -

Table 3

The rice yield components under the different treatments"

Plant height
Panicle length
per hill
Number of panicles
Spikelets per
Full grain number
per panicle
Seed setting
rate (%)
weight (g)
海城 N1D1 105.0a 15.6a 13.0c 429.9ab 117.0a 106.0a 90.6a 24.9a
Haicheng N1D2 104.0a 15.5a 16.6b 399.1bc 126.0a 119.5a 94.8a 25.1a
N1D3 104.0a 15.7a 18.9a 377.4c 128.0a 120.5a 94.1a 25.1a
N2D1 105.0a 15.6a 13.9c 457.9a 114.0a 103.5a 90.8a 25.1a
N2D2 104.5a 15.6a 16.8b 402.0bc 120.5a 112.0a 92.9a 25.1a
N2D3 104.0a 15.7a 18.9a 377.1c 124.5a 117.0a 94.0a 25.2a
辽中 N1D1 98.5b 16.1a 11.1c 369.6ab 166.1ab 137.0a 82.6ab 23.2ab
Liaozhong N1D2 105.0a 16.4a 13.3abc 329.9ab 164.2ab 144.7a 89.1a 23.7a
N1D3 99.5b 16.4a 15.2ab 302.2b 156.4b 139.8a 89.3a 23.4ab
N2D1 101.8ab 16.4a 12.3bc 407.9a 177.4a 137.6a 78.3b 22.5c
N2D2 100.0b 16.5a 14.9ab 371.0ab 157.7ab 134.7a 88.6a 23.0bc
N2D3 101.3ab 16.5a 16.0a 319.2ab 165.5ab 140.4a 88.9a 23.7a
庄河 N1D1 101.8a 17.0a 9.6a 310.2a 136.0c 133.0c 97.8a 24.6a
Zhuanghe N1D2 102.0a 17.8a 11.0a 274.4a 151.5ab 146.5ab 96.8a 23.5a
N1D3 103.8a 17.8a 13.2a 264.0a 159.0a 154.0a 96.9a 23.9a
N2D1 103.3a 17.3a 12.1a 389.9a 141.0bc 137.5bc 97.5a 23.9a
N2D2 101.0a 18.5a 12.7a 317.0a 154.0ab 145.5ab 94.5a 24.4a
N2D3 102.0a 18.6a 14.6a 290.9a 163.5a 155.0a 94.9a 23.8a
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