Crops ›› 2020, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (5): 133-139.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2020.05.020
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Luo Yuqiong(), Yan Bo, Wu Ke, Xie Huimin, Liang He, Jiang Ligeng(
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[1] | Song Qiulai, Wang Qi, Feng Yanjiang, Sun Yu, Zeng Xiannan, Lai Yongcai. Effects of Paddy-Upland Rotation and Straw Returning on Soil Related Enzyme Activities in Cold Region [J]. Crops, 2020, 36(3): 149-153. |
[2] | Qi Hua,Li Congfeng,Zhao Ming,Jiang Ying. Developments and Prospects of Conservation Tillage in the Dryland of Northern China [J]. Crops, 2020, 36(2): 16-19. |
[3] | Gu Kejun,Gu Dongxiang,Zhang Simei,Zhang Chuanhui,Zhang Henggan,Wu Jingjing,Fan Pingsheng. Short-Term Effects of Tillage and Organic Fertilizer Application on Soil Characters and Annual Rice-Wheat Yield in Coastal Low- and Medium-Yield Farmland of the Old Yellow River [J]. Crops, 2020, 36(1): 76-80. |
[4] | Diao Shengpeng,Gao Riping,Gao Yu,Ren Yongfeng,Zhao Peiyi,Yuan Wei,Gao Xuefeng. Effects of Straw Returning on Soil Hydrothermal and Yield of Maize in Loess Plateau of Inner Mongolia [J]. Crops, 2019, 35(6): 83-89. |
[5] | Li Guannan,Huang Lihua,Zhang Lu,Chen Jiaxing,Yang Jingmin. Effects of Organic Fertilizer and Straw Returning on Nutrition and Taste Quality of Rice in Saline-Sodic Soil of Northeast China [J]. Crops, 2019, 35(5): 82-88. |
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[15] | . [J]. Crops, 2013, 29(3): 79-82. |