Crops ›› 2017, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (6): 7-11.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2017.06.002

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Research Progress in Intercropping Upland Crops with Green Manure

Song Li1,Liao Wanyou1,Wang Yejun1,Su Youjian1,Zhang Yongli1,Luo Yi1,Liao Jun1,Wu Weiguo2   

  1. 1Tea Research Institute,Anhui Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Huangshan 245000,Anhui,China
    2Huangshan Huizhou Area Agricultural Council,Huizhou 245061,Anhui,China
  • Received:2017-08-21 Revised:2017-09-26 Online:2017-12-15 Published:2018-08-26
  • Contact: Wanyou Liao


Upland crops reasonable interplanting green manure reasonablly could relieve the contradiction of green manure and the main crop land, and make better services to the green manure in main crops, further promote the sustainability of agricultural production. Here we reviewed the current literature and drew conclusions on the following aspects: the main varieties and species selection principle of upland crops interplanting green manure, and effects of upland crops interplanting green manure on soil fertility, the main crop yield and quality, and ecological environment influence. We summarized the predecessor's research results and sum up the problems existing in the current research and extension, and pointed the direction of research in the future.

Key words: Upland crops, Interplanting, Green manure, Variety, Soil fertility, Eco-enviromental effect

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