Crops ›› 2021, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (2): 135-139.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2021.02.019


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Analysis of Field Verification and Benefit on Full Maize Straw Returning with Deep Plowing Mode

Liu Jianzhao1(), Yuan Jingchao1, Liang Yao1, He Yu2, Zhang Shuimei1, Shi Haipeng3, Cai Hongguang1(), Ren Jun1()   

  1. 1Agricultural Resources and Environment Institute, Jilin Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Key Laboratory of Plant Nutrition and Agro-Environment in Northeast Region of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Changchun 130033, Jilin, China
    2Agricultural Technology Extension Station of Gongzhuling, Gongzhuling 136100, Jilin, China
    3Agricultural Technology Extension Station of Yitong Manchu Autonomous County, Siping 130700, Jilin, China
  • Received:2020-05-21 Revised:2020-12-31 Online:2021-04-15 Published:2021-04-16
  • Contact: Cai Hongguang,Ren Jun;;


This research was based on the technology by full maize straw returning with deep plowing, including some key techniques such as precision and keeping a full stand of seedlings, disease and insect control, nutrient-efficient management, and mechanical harvesting. The mode of full maize straw returning with deep plowing was established on the whole maize planting chain, it was demonstrated in 18 scale business entities of Gongzhuling and Yitong in 2018-2019 of Jilin province. The result showed that all scale business entities were the trend of increasing yield. Compared with ordinary farmers, the increase rate for yield was 4.5%-11.9% and the average increasing yield was 7.8%. Fertilizer and water efficiency increased by 7.8% on average. Because of the scale operation, the production cost was reduced largely, only full maize straw returning with deep plowing mode had increased a little. Compared with the operation of ordinary farmers, the net profit increased by 13.0%-16.2%. This indicate that the technology model realizes the multiple benefits of soil fertility cultivation, increasing yield and income by optimizing the whole planting chain, which can widely apply in the central and southern area of Jilin province.

Key words: Maize, Straw returning, Deep plow, Resource use efficiency

Table 1

The basic information of scale business entities"

地点Site 规模经营主体Scale business entities 种植面积Planting area(hm2) 地址Address
公主岭Gongzhuling 公主岭市朝阳坡镇东兴隆农机作业专业合作社 30 公主岭市朝阳坡镇
公主岭市军平种植家庭农场 30 公主岭市朝阳坡镇
公主岭市新大房身种植农民专业合作社 30 公主岭市朝阳坡镇
公主岭市彦君种植专业合作社 30 公主岭市朝阳坡镇
朝阳坡镇云飞农机合作社 15 公主岭市朝阳坡镇
公主岭市虹博农机专业合作社 30 公主岭市刘房子街道
公主岭市志辉农机农民专业合作社 30 公主岭市刘房子街道
公主岭市长青农机专业合作社 20 公主岭市刘房子街道
富丰家庭农场 30 公主岭市刘房子街道
公主岭市红岩种植专业合作社 30 公主岭市黑林子镇
公主岭市怀德镇达康农机种植专业合作社 15 公主岭市怀德镇
公主岭市黑林子镇亚军种植家庭农场 20 公主岭市黑林子镇
伊通Yitong 伊通满族自治县大孤山镇宏恩家庭农场 15 伊通满族自治县大孤山镇
伊通满族自治县金辉种植专业合作社 15 伊通满族自治县马鞍山镇
伊通满族自治县靠山镇庄家村博硕家庭农场 15 伊通满族自治县靠山镇
伊通满族自治县玉鹏农机专业合作社 20 伊通满族自治县伊通镇
伊通满族自治县大孤山镇海艳家庭农场 12 伊通满族自治县大孤山镇
伊通满族自治县福宁联丰种植专业合作社 15 伊通满族自治县伊通镇


The precipitations of Gongzhuling and Yitong during 2018-2019"

Table 2

Main operating and mechanical requirement of full maize straw returning and soil fertility improvement with deep plowing mode"

Operation name
Operation time
Operation machine (band/mode)
Traction power index (kW)
播种+施肥Sow+fertilize 4月下旬-5月上旬 免耕播种机(康达、马思奇、北大荒、德邦大为/4行) >29.42 (40马力)
除草Weeding 5月上旬-6月上旬 悬挂式喷杆喷雾机(3wpx-500,喷幅7.5~18.1m) >29.42 (40马力)
病虫害防治Disease and insect control 7-8月 无人机(大疆、汉和)
收获Harvesting 10月中上旬 自走式玉米收获机(春雨、天人、约翰迪尔、巨明、
>88.27 (120马力)
秸秆粉碎Straw smashing 10-11月 秸秆粉碎机(河北农友、沈阳佳宝/宽幅200~260mm) >60.20 (90马力)
秸秆深翻Straw with deep plowing 10-11月 栅栏式液压翻转犁(鲁耕、隆丰、福星凯恩、福生、
>102.98 (140马力)
Other ploughing or soil preparation
联合整地机(力士、金桥/1ZL-3.6) >95.63 (130马力)

Table 3

The yield performance of field verification under different technique modes"

2018年 2019年
Grain yield
increase (%)
CV (%)
Grain yield
increase (%)
CV (%)
公主岭Gongzhuling Opt 10800~11500 11080 7.7 2.1 11100~11700 11395 7.3 1.8
Tra 9800~11000 10285 - 4.2 10000~11200 10615 - 3.9
伊通Yitong Opt 10000~11000 10440 8.0 3.7 10350~11350 10770 8.1 3.6
Tra 9100~10300 9670 - 4.7 9250~10500 9965 - 6.3

Table 4

The productive efficiency of fertilizer and water under different technique modes"

2018年 2019年
Productive efficiency
of fertilizer(kg/kg)
Productive efficiency
of water (kg/mm)
Productive efficiency
of fertilizer(kg/kg)
Productive efficiency
of water (kg/mm)
公主岭Gongzhuling Opt 26.25 18.52 28.75 19.00
Tra 24.36 17.19 26.78 17.70
伊通Yitong Opt 24.69 14.60 29.97 10.92
Tra 22.87 13.52 27.72 10.11

Table 5

The cost accounting under different technique modes 元/hm2 yuan/hm2"

项目Item 公主岭Gongzhuling 伊通Yitong
规模经营主体Opt 普通农户Tra 规模经营主体Opt 普通农户Tra
机械作业Mechanical operation
施肥、播种Fertilization and sowing 400~500 900~1200 400~500 800~1000
除草Weeding 50~80 150~200 50~80 150~200
病虫害防治Disease and insect control 100~160 200 120~150 200
机械收获Mechanical harvesting 350~500 1000~1200 400~500 1100~1200
秸秆深翻还田Straw with deep plowing 600~800 - 700~800 -
其他耕、整地Other ploughing or soil preparation - 500~800 - 500~800
合计Total 1500~2040 2250~3600 1670~2030 2750~3400
农资投入Agricultural materials investment
化肥Chemical fertilizer 2200~2750 2500~2990 2125~2500 2250~3000
种子Seed 500~700 800~960 500~700 800~960
农药Pestcide 200~300 150~250 200~300 150~250
雇工Hired worker 120~230 600~900 100~210 500~800
合计Total 3020~3980 4050~5100 3125~3710 3700~5010
土地流转Land transfer 10000 - 7500 -
项目补贴Project subsidies
秸秆还田作业补贴Operation subsidies with straw return 1500 - 1500 -
其他农业补贴Other subsidies - 3500 - 3500
合计Total 1500 3500 1500 3500
玉米单产Maize yield (kg/hm2) 11 080~11 395 10 285~10 615 10 440~10 770 9670~9965
净利润Net profile 5991~6924 13 907~15 213 8197~8746 13 027~14 456
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