Crops ›› 2021, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (4): 105-111.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2021.04.016

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Effects of Seeding Date on Yield, Growth Period and Utilization of Temperature and Sunshine of Different Types of Japonica Rice in North Central of Hubei Province

Pan Gaofeng1(), Wang Benfu2, Chen Bo1, Fang Zhenbing1, Zhao Shasha1, Tian Yonghong1()   

  1. 1Xiangyang Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Hubei Province, Xiangyang 441057, Hubei, China
    2Food Crops Institute, Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Hubei Key Laboratory of Food Crop Germplasm and Genetic Improvement, Wuhan 430064, Hubei, China
  • Received:2020-07-24 Revised:2020-11-27 Online:2021-08-15 Published:2021-08-13
  • Contact: Tian Yonghong;


To investigate the effects of seeding date on the growth period, yield and its components, and utilization of heat and sunshine of different types of japonica rice under the annual rotation model of the middle-north japonica-wheat in Hubei. The conventional early-maturing medium japonica, medium-maturing medium japonica, late-maturing medium japonica, hybrid early-maturing medium japonica, and hybrid medium-maturing medium japonica were used as test materials, and test was carried out at the Tuanshan Experimental Base of Xiangyang Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Hubei Province. The results showed that with the delay of the seeding date, the growth periods of all types of japonica rice were shortened significantly, the late-maturing medium japonica had the largest shortening range, and hybrid early-maturing medium japonica had the smallest shortening range. The vegetative growth stage of various types of japonica rice was greatly affected by heat and light, while the reproductive growth stage was relatively stable. As the seeding date was postponed, the effective accumulated temperature of all types of japonica rice during the whole growth period were significantly reduced, and the effective accumulated temperature utilization rate were significantly reduced. Sunshine hours utilization rate showed a decreasing trend. At the same seeding date, the heat utilization rate of hybrid medium japonica was higher than that of conventional medium japonica. The yield of various types of japonica rice was the highest at the Ⅰ stage and the lowest at the Ⅴ stage. The decrease of yield was due to a significant decrease in spikelets per panicle and seed setting rate. Under the annual cropping model of Hubei, middle-north japonica wheat, the first choice for japonica rice is hybrid medium-maturing medium japonica and conventional late-maturing medium japonica, followed by hybrid early-maturing medium japonica. The best seeding date for hybrid medium-maturing medium japonica and late-maturing medium japonica were May 9th to May 15th.

Key words: North central of Hubei province, Japonica rice, Seeding date, Yield, Utilization of heat and sunshine


Effects of seeding date on growth process of different types of japonica rice The abscissas from left to right are early-maturing medium japonica (EMMJ), medium-maturing medium japonica (MMMJ), late-maturing medium japonica (LMJ), hybrid medium-maturing medium japonica (H-MMMJ), and hybrid early-maturing medium japonica (H-EMMJ)"

Table 1

Effects of seeding date on accumulated temperature and sunshine hours and heat utilization rate of different types of japonica rice during growth period"

Variety type
Seeding date
有效积温Effective accumulated temperature 热量利用率
Heat utilization rate (%)
日照时数Sunshine hour
数值Value (℃) 利用率Utilization rate (%) 数值Value (h) 利用率Utilization rate (%)
早熟中粳 2252.5a 91.84a 4.4a 854.8a 87.17a
EMMJ 2153.8b 87.81b 4.1b 795.5d 81.12d
2107.9c 85.94c 4.0c 802.4c 81.83c
2070.7d 84.43d 3.7d 818.8b 83.50b
V 2015.5e 82.27e 2.9e 787.8e 80.34e
中熟中粳 2283.5a 93.10a 4.0a 876.6a 89.39a
MMMJ 2195.2b 89.50b 4.0a 827.4c 84.38c
2128.6c 86.79c 3.5b 821.5d 83.78d
2098.3d 85.55d 3.4c 829.7b 84.61b
V 2032.0e 82.85e 3.3d 793.5e 80.92e
迟熟中粳 2336.9a 95.28a 4.3b 910.7a 92.87a
LMJ 2255.9b 91.98b 4.4a 862.3b 87.94b
2179.0c 88.84c 4.2c 847.4d 86.42d
2121.5d 86.50d 3.9e 849.9c 86.67c
V 2050.9e 83.62e 4.0d 804.3e 82.02e
2187.6a 89.19a 5.3a 829.2a 84.56a
H-MMMJ 2119.3b 86.41b 5.2b 772.8e 78.81e
2097.8c 85.53c 4.8c 793.7d 80.94d
2080.6d 84.83d 4.7d 818.8b 83.50b
V 2042.7e 83.28e 4.3e 801.5c 81.74c
2149.1a 87.62a 5.3a 804.3a 82.02a
H-EMMJ 2088.9b 85.17b 5.1b 769.9d 78.51d
2065.1c 84.20c 4.9c 779.1c 79.45c
2027.2d 82.65d 4.6d 784.7b 80.02b
V 1964.7e 80.10e 4.1e 756.7e 77.17e

Table 2

Effects of seeding date on grain yield of different types of japonica rice ×103kg/hm2"

Variety type
播期Seeding date 平均值
CV (%)
早熟中粳EMMJ 9.97a 8.75b 8.39c 7.60d 5.93e 8.13d 18.41
中熟中粳MMMJ 9.12a 8.83b 7.41c 7.15d 6.70e 7.84e 13.64
迟熟中粳LMJ 10.09a 10.02b 9.06c 8.21d 8.12e 9.10c 10.39
籼粳杂交中熟中粳H-MMMJ 11.53a 10.92b 10.15c 9.83d 8.85e 10.26a 10.03
籼粳杂交早熟中粳H-EMMJ 11.45a 10.62b 10.04c 9.36d 8.01e 9.90b 13.17
平均值Average 10.43a 9.83b 9.01c 8.43d 7.52e
变异系数CV (%) 9.93 10.19 12.78 13.53 15.69

Table 3

Effects of seeding date on the yield and yield components of different types of japonica rice"

Variety type
Seeding date
Panicles (×104/hm2)
Spikelets per panicle
Seed setting rate (%)
1000-grain weight (g)
Yield (×103kg/hm2)
早熟中粳 288.0a 198.4a 96.7a 24.9a 9.97a
EMMJ 286.5b 183.1b 94.4b 24.8a 8.75b
286.5b 166.4c 88.5c 24.5b 8.39c
282.0b 139.6d 87.6d 24.8a 7.60d
V 279.0c 131.4e 86.9e 24.4b 5.93e
变异系数CV (%) 1.3 17.3 4.9 0.9 18.41
中熟中粳 297.0a 154.1a 97.8a 25.3b 9.12a
MMMJ 295.5ab 145.0b 95.4b 25.3b 8.83b
295.5b 134.6c 92.5c 25.5a 7.41c
294.0c 121.3d 88.3d 25.0c 7.15d
V 295.7b 118.2e 85.3e 25.1c 6.70e
变异系数CV (%) 0.4 11.4 5.5 0.8 13.64
迟熟中粳 310.5a 187.4a 95.0a 27.8ab 10.09a
LMJ 310.1a 168.0b 93.8b 27.7b 10.02b
297.0b 163.3c 91.7c 27.9a 9.06c
295.7b 160.4d 88.8d 27.7b 8.21d
V 295.5c 156.0e 85.2e 27.9a 8.12e
变异系数CV (%) 2.6 7.3 4.4 0.3 10.39
籼粳杂交中熟中粳 249.0a 282.8a 91.8a 23.5ab 11.53a
H-MMMJ 249.0a 264.8b 88.3b 23.6a 10.92b
246.0a 249.1c 83.0c 23.0c 10.15c
241.5b 224.6d 82.6d 23.5ab 9.83d
V 241.5b 220.4e 76.7e 23.4b 8.85e
变异系数CV (%) 1.5 10.7 6.9 1.0 10.03
籼粳杂交早熟中粳 250.5a 305.6a 91.1a 24.4a 11.45a
H-EMMJ 250.5a 290.4b 89.4b 24.4a 10.63b
247.5b 255.2c 87.8c 24.3b 10.04c
244.5c 235.9d 78.2d 24.3b 9.36d
V 244.5c 222.3e 69.5e 24.2c 8.01e
变异系数CV (%) 1.2 13.5 11.0 0.3 13.17

Table 4

Relation formula between seeding date and yield of different types of japonica rice"

Variety type
Y=at2+bt+c Ymean
a b c R2
早熟中粳EMMJ -0.096 -0.003 9.843 0.961* 8.13 9.84 82.58
中熟中粳MMMJ -0.176 0.003 9.437 0.950* 7.84 9.44 83.10
迟熟中粳LMJ -0.120 0.001 10.388 0.934* 9.10 10.39 87.60
籼粳杂交中熟中粳H-MMMJ -0.106 0.000 11.593 0.983** 10.26 11.59 88.47
籼粳杂交早熟中粳H-EMMJ -0.089 -0.002 11.428 0.985** 9.90 11.43 86.59

Table 5

Suitable seeding dates of different japonica rice types 月-日month-day"

Variety type
Best seeding
Suitable seeding
早熟中粳EMMJ 05-09–05-15 05-05–05-20
中熟中粳MMMJ 05-10–05-14 05-09–05-15
迟熟中粳LMJ 05-09–05-15 05-08–05-16
籼粳杂交中熟中粳H-MMMJ 05-09–05-15 05-05–05-20
籼粳杂交早熟中粳H-EMMJ 05-08–05-16 05-05–05-20
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