Crops ›› 2022, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (1): 147-153.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2022.01.022
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Jin Dan1(), Feng Naijie2,3(
), Zheng Dianfeng2,3(
), Wang Shiya1
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[1] | Shi Xionggao, Pei Xuexia, Dang Jianyou, Zhang Dingyi. Research Progress on High-Yield, High-Quality, High-Efficiency and Ecology Cultivation of Wheat Micro-Sprinkling and Drip Fertigation [J]. Crops, 2022, 38(1): 1-10. |
[2] | Liu Menghong, Wang Zhijun, Li Hongyu, Zhao Haicheng, Lü Yandong. Effects of Fertilization Method and Nitrogen Application Rate on Yield, Quality and Nitrogen Utilization of Rice in Cold Region [J]. Crops, 2022, 38(1): 102-109. |
[3] | He Yuxuan, Li Yajuan, Zhou Mingzhuo, Sui Feng, Lü Weisheng, Zhang Jun, Zeng Yongjun, Huang Shan. Effects of Calcium Peroxide Application on Yield and Greenhouse Gas Emissions under Full-Rate Straw Returning in a Double Rice-Cropping System [J]. Crops, 2022, 38(1): 116-123. |
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[10] | Yang Zhinan, Huang Jinwen, Han Fanxiang, Li Yawei, Ma Jiantao, Chai Shouxi, Cheng Hongbo, Yang Delong, Chang Lei. Effects of Straw Strip Mulching on Soil Temperature and Yield of Potato Field in Rain-Fed Region in Northwest China [J]. Crops, 2022, 38(1): 196-204. |
[11] | Li Runqing, Shen Yong, Zhu Kuanyu, Wang Zhiqin, Yang Jianchang. Effects of Nitrogen Application Rates on the Grain Yield, Starch RVA Profile Characteristics and Physicochemical Properties of Super Rice Nanjing 9108 [J]. Crops, 2022, 38(1): 205-212. |
[12] | Feng Sufen, Liu Yuanjian, Xu Ruiqi, Zhang Wei. Analysis on Main Traits of Fresh Corn Varieties Recently Approved in Yunnan Province [J]. Crops, 2022, 38(1): 220-226. |
[13] | Zhang Shengquan, Ye Zhijie, Ren Liping, Gao Xinhuan, Wang Zheng, Yang Yongli, Mu Lei, Dong Yanhua, Chen Zhaobo. Analysis of Authorized Hybrid Wheat Varieties in China since The Tenth Five-Year Plan [J]. Crops, 2022, 38(1): 38-43. |
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[15] | Tang Gang, Liao Ping, Sui Feng, Lü Weisheng, Zhang Jun, Zeng Yongjun, Huang Shan. Effects of Moldboard Plow Tillage under all Straw Returning in Late Rice Season on Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Yield in Double Rice-Cropping System [J]. Crops, 2021, 37(6): 101-107. |