Crops ›› 2024, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (1): 126-131.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2024.01.017


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Effects of Reducing Nitrogen Fertilizers and Increasing DMPP on Nitrogen Absorption and Utilization in Sorghum

Wang Jiaxu(), Zhang Fei, Zhang Kuangye, Ke Fulai, Wang Yanqiu, Lu Feng, Zhu Kai()   

  1. Sorghum Research Institute, Liaoning Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Shenyang 110161, Liaoning, China
  • Received:2022-06-24 Revised:2022-09-08 Online:2024-02-15 Published:2024-02-20
  • Contact: Zhu Kai;


This research was set as a pot experiment, the sorghum variety Liaonuo 10 was used as the experimental material, and the conventional nitrogen application rate (300 kg/ha) was used as the control (N0), N1-N3 treatments showed a 10% gradient decrease in nitrogen fertilizer application rate (270, 240 and 210 kg/ha), N4-N6 treatments were combined with 3% 3,4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate (DMPP) on the basis of N1-N3, the application rates of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers were both 75 kg/ha. The results showed that, with the reduction of nitrogen fertilizer application, relative chlorophyll content (SPAD value), dry matter accumulation, total nitrogen accumulation, dry matter production efficiency, nitrogen dry matter production efficiency, nitrogen agronomic efficiency, and nitrogen fertilizer utilization rate gradually decreased. After the application of DMPP, the growth and development of sorghum returned to the level of conventional fertilization. Compared with the N0, the total nitrogen accumulation of N5 treatment (20% nitrogen reduction + 3% DMPP) increased by 4.67%; the grain weight per ear and 1000-grain weight increased by 3.72% and 5.58%, respectively; the dry matter production efficiency increased by 8.77%; the nitrogen dry matter production efficiency increased by 1.14%, and the nitrogen agronomic efficiency increased by 5.75%; the nitrogen fertilizer use efficiency and nitrogen fertilizer agronomic efficiency increased by 15.47% and 45.12%, respectively. In conclusion, when the nitrogen fertilizer application rate was reduced by 20%, adding 3% DMPP of the normal nitrogen application rate could improve the dry matter production efficiency and nitrogen utilization rate in sorghum, and had a certain potential for increasing yield.

Key words: Sorghum, Nitrogen fertilizer reduction, Nitrification inhibitor, Dry matter, Nitrogen utilization efficiency

Table 1

The application rates of nitrogen fertilizer and nitrification inhibitor in different treatments kg/hm2"

Nitrogen fertilizer
Nitrification inhibitor
N0 300
N1 270
N2 240
N3 210
N4 270 1.38
N5 240 1.38
N6 210 1.38


Effects of different nitrogen fertilizer application rates on SPAD value Different letters indicate significant differences at the 0.05 level, the same blow."


Effects of different nitrogen fertilizer application rates on dry matter accumulation"


Effects of different nitrogen fertilizer application rates on total amount of nitrogen accumulation"

Table 2

Effects of different nitrogen application rates on dry matter and nitrogen dry matter production efficiency"

Dry matter production
efficiency (%)
Nitrogen dry matter
production efficiency (%)
N0 154.02±1.02c 1.75±0.02a
N1 153.73±1.04c 1.74±0.02a
N2 151.95±1.34d 1.71±0.01ab
N3 151.54±1.52d 1.62±0.01b
N4 165.30±1.31a 1.76±0.02a
N5 167.53±1.14a 1.77±0.02a
N6 161.46±1.26b 1.73±0.01ab


Effects of different nitrogen application rates on NAE"

Table 3

Effects of different nitrogen application rates on nitrogen and nitrogen fertilizer agronomic efficiency %"

NUE 氮肥农学利用率
Agronomic efficiency of nitrogen fertilizer
N0 27.80±1.14c 17.73±1.02b
N1 25.56±1.16d 16.68±1.19b
N2 22.38±1.12e 8.63±1.01c
N3 17.43±1.27f 4.46±0.96d
N4 32.88±1.64a 27.13±1.24a
N5 32.10±1.58a 25.73±1.15a
N6 30.71±1.57b 18.43±1.08b

Table 4

Effects of different nitrogen application rates on grain weight per ear and 1000-grain weight g"

Grain weight per ear
1000-grain weight
N0 76.93±1.21b 28.52±0.34b
N1 75.78±1.31b 28.14±0.37b
N2 73.21±1.54b 27.89±0.56bc
N3 70.22±1.69c 26.70±0.67c
N4 82.34±1.52a 30.23±0.38a
N5 79.79±1.39a 30.11±0.36a
N6 78.48±1.66a 29.49±0.37a
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