Crops ›› 2023, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (5): 138-144.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2023.05.020

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Effects of Combined Application of Biochar and Nitrogen Fertilizer on Dry Matter Transport, Agronomic Characteristics and Yield of Winter Wheat in Irrigation Area

Yang Mei1(), Yang Weijun1(), Gao Wencui1, Jia Yonghong2, Zhang Jinshan1   

  1. 1College of Agriculture, Xinjiang Agricultural University/Xinjiang Engineering Technology Research Center of High-Quality Special Wheat Crops, Urumqi 830052, Xinjiang, China
    2Qitai Wheat Experiment Station of Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Qitai 831800, Xinjiang, China
  • Received:2022-03-25 Revised:2022-05-18 Online:2023-10-15 Published:2023-10-16


A randomized block design was adopted in the irrigated wheat area of northern Xinjiang in 2017, a total of six treatments including a single application of low nitrogen fertilizer (150kg/ha B0N1), a conventional fertilizer (300kg/ha, B0N2), a single application of biochar (3.0×104kg/ha, B1N0), combined application of biochar with low nitrogen fertilizer (B1N1), conventional nitrogen combined with biochar (B1N2), and no fertilizer control (B0N0) were set. The dry matter accumulation, plant height, internode length, yield and its components of winter wheat were measured to clarify the effects of combined application of biochar and nitrogen fertilizer on dry matter transport, agronomic properties and yield of winter wheat in northern Xinjiang irrigation area, so as to provide basis for rational application of biochar and nitrogen fertilizer in northern Xinjiang irrigation area and farmland yield increase. The results showed that compared with the B0N0, different fertilization measures could improve wheat yield. The indexes at pre-anthesis were the highest in B1N1 treatment; The yields of winter wheat increased by 32.76% and 49.03%, respectively at B1N1 and B1N2 treatments. An appropriate amount of biochar (3×104 kg/ha) and nitrogen fertilizer (150kg/ha) could initially achieve the purpose of increasing winter wheat yield and reducing nitrogen fertilizer application.

Key words: Biochar, Dry matter, Agronomic traits, Winter wheat, Yield

Table 1

Accumulation and distribution rate of dry matter in different organs of winter wheat under different fertilization patterns"

穗轴+颖壳Spike-stalk+glume 叶片+叶鞘+茎秆Leaf+stalk+stem 籽粒Grain
分配量Amount (g) 比例Rate (%) 分配量Amount (g) 比例Rate (%) 分配量Amount (g) 比例Rate (%)
B0N0 0.45±0.03c 13.88±0.87b 1.21±0.07b 36.90±0.14a 1.61±0.12bc 49.22±0.75a
B0N1 0.51±0.04bc 14.50±1.53ab 1.26±0.05ab 36.08±0.26a 1.74±0.18bc 49.41±1.48a
B0N2 0.65±0.02a 15.73±0.69a 1.37±0.05a 33.23±0.28b 2.11±0.06a 51.04±0.97a
B1N0 0.47±0.03c 14.68±0.65ab 1.17±0.03bc 36.51±0.37a 1.57±0.07bc 48.80±0.29a
B1N1 0.45±0.03c 15.04±0.24ab 1.06±0.03c 35.61±1.01ab 1.47±0.04c 49.35±0.79a
B1N2 0.58±0.01ab 15.00±0.54ab 1.39±0.03a 36.07±0.43a 1.88±0.05ab 48.93±0.71a

Table 2

Dry matter accumulation and transport of winter wheat in different fertilization patterns"

Amount of dry matter
translocation at pre-
anthesis (plant/g)
Rate of dry matter
translocation at
pre-anthesis (%)
Contribution rate of
dry matter to the grains at
pre-anthesis (%)
Amount of dry matter
assimilation at post-
anthesis (plant/g)
Contribution rate of dry
matter to the grains at
post-anthesis (%)
B0N0 0.38±0.18a 23.82±6.25ab 24.88±7.84ab 1.23±0.38ab 75.12±7.84ab
B0N1 0.33±0.07a 20.91±2.37b 19.84±3.81b 1.41±0.36a 80.16±3.81a
B0N2 0.57±0.30a 28.45±6.05ab 27.76±9.36ab 1.53±0.41a 72.24±9.36ab
B1N0 0.49±0.10a 29.33±2.78ab 31.40±4.22ab 1.08±0.18ab 68.60±4.22ab
B1N1 0.64±0.03a 37.62±0.68a 43.53±1.02a 0.83±0.05b 56.47±1.02b
B1N2 0.35±0.15a 19.81±4.35b 18.66±4.70b 1.53±0.20a 81.34±4.70a


Plant height and stem base diameter of winter wheat under different fertilization methods Different small letters mean significant difference among treatments at 0.05 level"

Table 3

Stem length and spikelets number of winter wheat under different fertilization methods"

处理Treatment 茎长Stem length (cm) 穗长Spike length (mm) 总小穗数Number of spikelets 不孕小穗数Number of sterile spikelets
B0N0 67.82c 8.42d 20.07d 1.93a
B0N1 72.35b 8.85bc 20.80c 1.67b
B0N2 74.91ab 8.61bcd 21.40ab 1.40c
B1N0 69.13c 8.53cd 20.13d 1.33c
B1N1 73.67ab 8.95b 21.27b 1.33c
B1N2 75.14a 9.53a 21.67a 1.47bc
F B(生物炭) 6.95 1.87 5.33 2.22
N(氮肥) 114.91** 1.70 52.93* 0.37
B×N 0.25 6.85* 2.29 13.10*

Table 4

Internode length of main stem of winter wheat under different fertilization methods cm"

Length of top first
Length of top
2nd internode
Length of top
3rd internode
Length of top
4th internode
Length of top
5th internode
B0N0 27.16c 19.75c 12.68b 8.26a 4.17a
B0N1 26.06d 21.22b 13.60ab 7.23c 2.48d
B0N2 27.79b 22.66a 13.75ab 8.38a 3.91ab
B1N0 27.39bc 20.83b 12.94ab 7.63b 2.71cd
B1N1 26.32d 22.32a 13.14ab 8.29a 3.12cd
B1N2 28.59a 22.69a 13.81a 8.32a 3.22bc
F B(生物质炭) 5.36 4.31 0.05 0.06 0.67
N(氮肥) 39.20* 15.44 6.93 0.49 0.60
B×N 1.94 8.72** 0.57 38.38** 11.20**

Table 5

Internode thick of main stem of winter wheat under different fertilization methods mm"

Thick of top first
Thick of top
2nd internode
Thick of top
3rd internode
Thick of top
4th internode
Thick of top
5th internode
B0N0 3.12a 3.91c 3.95b 3.60c 3.08d
B0N1 3.15a 3.95bc 4.1ab 3.88b 3.27bc
B0N2 3.18a 4.25a 4.24ab 4.09a 3.45a
B1N0 3.17a 4.12abc 4.20ab 4.02ab 3.23c
B1N1 3.27a 4.16ab 4.23ab 4.06ab 3.34b
B1N2 3.28a 4.19ab 4.44a 4.13a 3.49a
F B(生物质炭) 20.91* 1.80 27.73* 3.54 6.20
N(氮肥) 7.74 1.87 18.20 2.43 31.22*
B×N 0.14 1.95 0.11 4.51* 3.19

Table 6

Yield and its components under different fertilization patterns"

Spikes number (×104/hm2)
Grains number per spike
1000-grain weight (g)
Yield (kg/hm2)
Harvest index
B0N0 487.33±10.83bc 32.78±1.16c 42.03±0.52d 6700.97±166.24c 0.49±0.01b
B0N1 562.33±44.72ab 32.71±1.48c 45.40±0.41b 8334.56±667.08b 0.45±0.01c
B0N2 416.00±19.86c 40.90±0.15a 47.79±0.32a 8132.95±397.14bc 0.46±0.01c
B1N0 567.00±2.65ab 33.65±0.77bc 43.93±0.29c 8380.19±175.29b 0.51±0.01b
B1N1 525.00±14.04ab 36.32±0.06b 46.69±0.50ab 8896.28±126.93ab 0.55±0.01a
B1N2 591.33±30.74a 36.21±1.51b 46.46±0.51ab 9986.36±291.54a 0.49±0.01b
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