Detection of Three Dwarfing Genes in the New Wheat Cultivars (Lines) Developed in South Huang-Huai Valley and Its Association with Agronomic Traits
收稿日期: 2019-05-28 修回日期: 2019-08-21 网络出版日期: 2019-12-15
基金资助: |
Received: 2019-05-28 Revised: 2019-08-21 Online: 2019-12-15
作者简介 About authors
曹廷杰,副研究员,主要从事小麦育种及重要性状遗传分析研究 。
In this study, Zhengmai 583 and 630 materials derived from variety comparison test and regional trials of Yellow-Huai wheat area and Henan Province at 2015-2016 were screened by specific molecular marker of wheat dwarf genes RhtB1-b, RhtD1-b and Rht8. The results showed that 549 wheat materials carried RhtB1-b gene; 592 wheat materials carried RhtD1-b gene; 513 wheat materials carried Rht8 gene; 422 materials carried all 3 dwarfing genes, and additional 169 lines carried 2 dwarfing genes which indicated that the 3 dwarf genes had been fixed in Henan wheat breeding progress. Moreover, Rht8 showed significantly correlation with reducing plant height, spike number per hectare and increasing 1000-kernel weight. Zhengmai 583 carried 3 dwarf genes, showed excellent fertility. The selection and utilization of dwarf genes are of certain value for the cultivation of wheat varieties with high yield.
曹廷杰, 张玉娥, 胡卫国, 杨剑, 赵虹, 王西成, 周艳杰, 赵群友, 李会群.
Cao Tingjie, Zhang Yu’e, Hu Weiguo, Yang Jian, Zhao Hong, Wang Xicheng, Zhou Yanjie, Zhao Qunyou, Li Huiqun.
目前已命名的小麦矮秆基因有25个(Rht1-Rht25)[2,3,4,5],但在我国小麦生产上应用较为广泛的有RhtB1-b、RhtD1-b及Rht8。世界上超过70%的小麦品种均含有矮秆基因RhtB1-b和RhtD1-b中的1~2个[6]。其中RhtB1-b和RhtD1-b分别被定位在小麦4B和4D染色体上,为异源染色体上的同源基因[7]。RhtB1-b和RhtD1-b位点间具有加性效应,编码DELLA蛋白,主要功能为抑制植物对赤霉素(GA)的响应,但该蛋白并不结合GA受体蛋白GAINSENSITIVE DWARF1,因此,表现为对赤霉素不敏感,且由于RhtB1-b和RhtD1-b基因突变导致植株矮小。目前在小麦中鉴定出多个RhtB1-b和RhtD1-b基因的等位变异,其中Rht-B1c是在RhtB1-b基因编码区插入一个90bp的片段,造成DELLA蛋白保守区插入了30个氨基酸,相反,极度矮小植株的Rht-D1c位点的产生是由于Rht-D1b 基因发生了拷贝数变异,另一矮化位点RhtB1-b基因的提前终止,产生了Rht-B1d和Rht-B1e位点[8]。
1 材料与方法
1.1 试验材料
1.2 DNA提取
1.3 RhtB1-b、RhtD1-b和Rht8分子标记检测
试验所用的RhtB1-b和RhtD1-b的分子标记参照Ellis等[12]提供的引物序列,根据携带RhtB1-b和RhtD1-b基因的农林10号作为阳性对照,Rht8分子标记参照Ellis等[6]发表的SSR引物Xgwm261,其阳性对照为Akakomugi,在该材料中可扩增出192bp的DNA片段。引物由北京擎科新业生物技术有限公司合成,根据其分子量将引物稀释至10μmol/L,PCR的反应体系为10μL:2× TSINGKE Master Mix 5μL,引物各0.5μL,DNA模板1.0μL,ddH2O 3.0μL,PCR反应条件为:95℃预变性4min;95℃30s,退火30s(退火温度参照表1),72℃延伸1min,共35个循环;72℃延伸7min。反应完成后利用8%聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳进行检测,经银染脱色后在日光灯下进行观察读带,使用标准分子量Marker Ⅰ[天根生化科技(北京)有限公司,MD101]进行对照。
表1 用于检测RhtB1-b、RhtD1-b及Rht8的分子标记
Table 1
检测基因名称 ID of detection gene | 正向引物序列(5′-3′) Sequence of forward primer (5′-3′) | 反向引物序列(5′-3′) Sequence of reverse primer (5′-3′) | 退火温度(℃) Annealing temperature |
1.4 小麦农艺性状的调查
1.5 统计分析
对基因型和农艺性状表型进行整理,利用R(3.5.1版本,https://www.r-project.org/)对农艺性状进行描述性统计并绘制散点矩阵图,使用SPSS v22软件进行单因素方差分析。
2 结果与分析
2.1 矮秆基因RhtB1-b、RhtD1-b及Rht8的检测结果
RhtB1-b (a)和RhtD1-b (b)引物在部分参试品种(系)中的扩增结果
Amplification results of RhtB1-b (a) and RhtD1-b (b) primers in some tested cultivars (lines)
M. Marker; 1. Norin 10; 2. Zhengmai 583; 3. Shengmai 197; 4. Xinliang 3; 5. Guangtai 68; 6. Xumai 0054; 7. Quanmai 890; 8. Xinong 501. The same below
Rht8 4种变异在测试品种(系)中的PCR扩增结果
PCR amplification result of 4 varieties of Rht8 in test cultivars (lines)
9. Fengdecunmai 12; 10. Longke 1221. a. 192bp; b. 202bp; c. 165bp; d. 174bp
Distribution frequency of RhtB1-b, RhtD1-b and Rht8 haplotypes in 631 wheat cultivars (lines)
2.2 主要农艺性状描述性统计及相关性分析
表2 631份小麦品种(系)材料农艺性状的描述性统计
Table 2
性状Trait | 最小值 Minimum | 最大值 Maximum | 平均值 Mean | 标准差 Standard deviation | 变异系数(%) Coefficient of variation |
株高Plant height (cm) | 59.30 | 91.00 | 76.99 | 4.51 | 0.06 |
每公顷穗数Spike number per hectare (×106) | 3.80 | 6.63 | 5.57 | 0.45 | 0.08 |
千粒重1000-kernel weight(g) | 37.00 | 53.40 | 45.00 | 2.71 | 0.06 |
穗粒数Kernel number per spike | 29.10 | 43.80 | 34.80 | 2.19 | 0.06 |
柱状图表示4个性状的频率分布;左下角元件显示两两性状间的二维散点图(直线拟合线),右上角表示两两性状间的相关系数和显著性(“*” P<0.05)
Scatter plot matrix of 4 agronomic traits
Histogram represents the frequency distribution of 4 traits; Lower left quarter plot elements display the pairwise two-dimensional scatter plot (the straight fitting line); Upper right corner display the pairwise correlation coefficient ("*" P<0.05)
2.3 矮秆基因Rht8对主要农艺性状的影响
表3 Rht8对4个农艺性状的影响
Table 3
性状 Trait | 位点 Locus | 样本容量 Sample size | 平均数 Mean | 标准差 Standard error | 最小值 Minimum | 最大值 Maximum | F | 显著性 Significance |
株高Plant height (cm) | Rht8(+) | 513 | 76.70 | 4.44 | 59.30 | 89.00 | 11.53 | 0.001** |
Rht8(-) | 117 | 78.26 | 4.61 | 63.90 | 91.00 | |||
每公顷穗数Spike number per hectare (×106) | Rht8(+) | 513 | 5.54 | 0.36 | 3.80 | 6.63 | 10.12 | 0.002** |
Rht8(-) | 117 | 5.66 | 0.48 | 4.40 | 6.63 | |||
千粒重1000-kernel weight (g) | Rht8(+) | 513 | 45.10 | 2.66 | 37.80 | 53.40 | 4.08 | 0.044* |
Rht8(-) | 117 | 44.54 | 2.90 | 37.00 | 50.90 | |||
穗粒数Kernel number per spike | Rht8(+) | 513 | 34.93 | 2.58 | 29.10 | 43.80 | 15.19 | 0.000** |
Rht8(-) | 117 | 34.06 | 2.41 | 29.40 | 40.61 |
Note: "*" P<0.05; "**" P<0.01
注:“*” P<0.05;“**” P<0.01
3 讨论
降低小麦株高可减轻倒伏所带来减产的风险,而降低株高对重要农艺性状具有不同的效应,有研究表明矮秆基因对有效分蘖数、小穗数、穗长影响不大,对穗粒数有一定的促进作用,基因Rht-D1b 和Rht-B1b对千粒重有一定的负效应,而Rht8有利于提高千粒重[25]。在本研究中,Rht8基因在河南省小麦新品种(系)中具有增加千粒重和穗粒数的效应,这与之前的研究结果相似[26,27],但同时却降低了每公顷穗数,表现了明显的三要素之间的协同,因而在进行大穗大粒的小麦育种工作中可以对该基因加以应用[19]。此外,Rht8基因与其他优异基因(如Ppd-D1)可以有效地进行聚合[28],在生产上具有很好的应用前景。郑麦583等小麦品种为河南省已审定的小麦品种,丰产性好(每公顷穗数表现突出),尽管有报道矮秆基因对部分品质参数具有不良的效应[29],但郑麦583表现出了优质的特性,说明矮秆基因和一些品质相关的优异位点可以聚合,郑麦583中聚合了3个矮秆基因,并且具有丰产性等优异表现,因此在以提升每公顷穗数作为育种目标时可使用郑麦583作为亲本。
The population/biodiversity paradox. agricultural efficiency to save wilderness
,DOI:10.1104/pp.125.1.174 URL PMID:11154326 [本文引用: 1]
Molecular mapping of reduced plant height gene Rht24 in bread wheat
,DOI:10.3389/fpls.2017.01379 URL PMID:28848582 [本文引用: 1]
Height is an important trait related to plant architecture and yield potential in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). We previously identified a major quantitative trait locus QPH.caas-6A flanked by simple sequence repeat markers Xbarc103 and Xwmc256 that reduced height by 8.0-10.4%. Here QPH.caas-6A, designated as Rht24, was confirmed using recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from a Jingdong 8/Aikang 58 cross. The target sequences of Xbarc103 and Xwmc256 were used as queries to BLAST against International Wheat Genome Sequence Consortium database and hit a super scaffold of approximately 208 Mb. Based on gene annotation of the scaffold, three gene-specific markers were developed to genotype the RILs, and Rht24 was narrowed to a 1.85 cM interval between TaAP2 and TaFAR. In addition, three single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers linked to Rht24 were identified from SNP chip-based screening in combination with bulked segregant analysis. The allelic efficacy of Rht24 was validated in 242 elite wheat varieties using TaAP2 and TaFAR markers. These showed a significant association between genotypes and plant height. Rht24 reduced plant height by an average of 6.0-7.9 cm across environments and were significantly associated with an increased TGW of 2.0-3.4 g. The findings indicate that Rht24 is a common dwarfing gene in wheat breeding, and TaAP2 and TaFAR can be used for marker-assisted selection.
Rht23 (5Dq') likely encodes a Q homeologue with pleiotropic effects on plant height and spike compactness
,DOI:10.1007/s00122-018-3115-5 URL PMID:29855673 [本文引用: 1]
The domesticated gene Q on wheat chromosome 5A (5AQ) encodes an AP2 transcription factor. The 5AQ was originated from a G to A mutation in exon 8 and/or C to T transition in exon 10 and resulted in free-threshing and subcompact spike characters of bread wheat. The Q homeoalleles on 5B and 5D are either a pseudogene or expressed at a low level. Our previous study identified a mutant, named NAUH164, by EMS treatment of wheat variety Sumai 3. The mutant exhibits compact spike and dwarfness, and the mutated locus Rht23 was mapped to the distal of the long arm of chromosome 5D, where 5Dq was located. To investigate the relationship of Rht23 and 5Dq, sequences and expression patterns of 5Dq from Sumai 3 and NAUH164 were compared. The two genotypes had a G3147A single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), which was predicted to be located within the miR172 binding site of 5Dq. Based on this SNP, an SNP marker was developed and linkage analysis using a (NAUH164 × Alondra's) RIL population showed the marker was co-segregated with the Rht23 mutant traits. The qRT-PCR and Northern blot showed that in NAUH164, the expression of 5Dq was significantly up-regulated, and consistently, the expression of Ta-miR172 was down-regulated in leaves, stems and spikes. Our results demonstrated that point mutation in the miR172 binding site of the 5Dq likely increased its transcript level via a reduction in miRNA-dependent degradation, and this resulted in pleiotropic effects on spike compactness and plant dwarfness.
Identification and characterization of Rht25,a locus on chromosome arm 6AS affecting wheat plant height,heading time,and spike development
,DOI:10.1007/s00122-018-3130-6 URL PMID:29959472 [本文引用: 1]
This study identified Rht25, a new plant height locus on wheat chromosome arm 6AS, and characterized its pleiotropic effects on important agronomic traits. Understanding genes regulating wheat plant height is important to optimize harvest index and maximize grain yield. In modern wheat varieties grown under high-input conditions, the gibberellin-insensitive semi-dwarfing alleles Rht-B1b and Rht-D1b have been used extensively to confer lodging tolerance and improve harvest index. However, negative pleiotropic effects of these alleles (e.g., poor seedling emergence and reduced biomass) can cause yield losses in hot and dry environments. As part of current efforts to diversify the dwarfing alleles used in wheat breeding, we identified a quantitative trait locus (QHt.ucw-6AS) affecting plant height in the proximal region of chromosome arm 6AS (&lt; 0.4 cM from the centromere). Using a large segregating population (~ 2800 gametes) and extensive progeny tests (70-93 plants per recombinant family), we mapped QHt.ucw-6AS as a Mendelian locus to a 0.2 cM interval (144.0-148.3 Mb, IWGSC Ref Seq v1.0) and show that it is different from Rht18. QHt.ucw-6AS is officially designated as Rht25, with Rht25a representing the height-increasing allele and Rht25b the dwarfing allele. The average dwarfing effect of Rht25b was found to be approximately half of the effect observed for Rht-B1b and Rht-D1b, and the effect is greater in the presence of the height-increasing Rht-B1a and Rht-D1a alleles than in the presence of the dwarfing alleles. Rht25b is gibberellin-sensitive and shows significant pleiotropic effects on coleoptile length, heading date, spike length, spikelet number, spikelet density, and grain weight. Rht25 represents a new alternative dwarfing locus that should be evaluated for its potential to improve wheat yield in different environments.
The Photoperiod-insensitive allele Ppd-D1a promotes earlier flowering in Rht12 dwarf plants of bread wheat
,DOI:10.3389/fpls.2018.01312 URL PMID:30405643 [本文引用: 1]
The gibberellin-responsive dwarfing gene Rht12 can significantly reduce plant height without changing seedling vigor and substantially increase ear fertility in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum. L). However, Rht12 delays heading date and anthesis date, hindering the use of Rht12 in wheat improvement. To promote early flowering of the Rht12 dwarf plants, the photoperiod-insensitive allele Ppd-D1a was introduced through a cross between Jinmai47 (Ppd-D1a) and Karcagi (Rht12). The results showed that Ppd-D1a can rescue the delaying effect of Rht12 on flowering time and promote earlier flowering by 9.0 days (163.2°Cd) in the Rht12 dwarf plants by shortening the late reproduction phase. Plant height was reduced by Rht12 (43.2%) and Ppd-D1a (10.9%), achieving dwarf plants with higher lodging resistance. Ear fertility, like the grain number per spike, was significantly increased by Rht12 (21.3%), while it was reduced by Ppd-D1a (6.5%). However, thousand kernel weight was significantly reduced by Rht12 (12.9%) but significantly increased by Ppd-D1a (16.9%). Finally, plant yield was increased by 16.4 and 8.2%, and harvest index was increased by 24.9 and 15.4% in the Rht12 dwarf lines and tall lines with Ppd-D1a, respectively. Clearly, there was an additive interaction between Rht12 and Ppd-D1 and the introduction of Ppd-D1a advanced the flowering time and improved the yield traits of Rht12 dwarf plants, suggesting that the combination of Rht12 and Ppd-D1a would be conducive to the successful use of Rht12 in wheat breeding programs.
A 192bp allele at the Xgwm261 locus is not always associated with the Rht8 dwarfing gene in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
,DOI:10.1007/s10681-007-9413-7 URL [本文引用: 3]
'Green revolution' genes encode mutant gibberellin response modulators
,DOI:10.1038/22307 URL PMID:10421366 [本文引用: 1]
World wheat grain yields increased substantially in the 1960s and 1970s because farmers rapidly adopted the new varieties and cultivation methods of the so-called 'green revolution'. The new varieties are shorter, increase grain yield at the expense of straw biomass, and are more resistant to damage by wind and rain. These wheats are short because they respond abnormally to the plant growth hormone gibberellin. This reduced response to gibberellin is conferred by mutant dwarfing alleles at one of two Reduced height-1 (Rht-B1 and Rht-D1) loci. Here we show that Rht-B1/Rht-D1 and maize dwarf-8 (d8) are orthologues of the Arabidopsis Gibberellin Insensitive (GAI) gene. These genes encode proteins that resemble nuclear transcription factors and contain an SH2-like domain, indicating that phosphotyrosine may participate in gibberellin signalling. Six different orthologous dwarfing mutant alleles encode proteins that are altered in a conserved amino-terminal gibberellin signalling domain. Transgenic rice plants containing a mutant GAI allele give reduced responses to gibberellin and are dwarfed, indicating that mutant GAI orthologues could be used to increase yield in a wide range of crop species.
Molecular characterization of Rht-1 dwarfing genes in hexaploid wheat
,DOI:10.1104/pp.111.183657 URL [本文引用: 1]
The introduction of the Reduced height (Rht)-B1b and Rht-D1b semidwarfing genes led to impressive increases in wheat (Triticum aestivum) yields during the Green Revolution. The reduction in stem elongation in varieties containing these alleles is caused by a limited response to the phytohormone gibberellin (GA), resulting in improved resistance to stem lodging and yield benefits through an increase in grain number. Rht-B1 and Rht-D1 encode DELLA proteins, which act to repress GA-responsive growth, and their mutant alleles Rht-B1b and Rht-D1b are thought to confer dwarfism by producing more active forms of these growth repressors. While no semidwarfing alleles of Rht-A1 have been identified, we show that this gene is expressed at comparable levels to the other homeologs and represents a potential target for producing novel dwarfing alleles. In this study, we have characterized additional dwarfing mutations in Rht-B1 and Rht-D1. We show that the severe dwarfism conferred by Rht-B1c is caused by an intragenic insertion, which results in an in-frame 90-bp insertion in the transcript and a predicted 30-amino acid insertion within the highly conserved amino-terminal DELLA domain. In contrast, the extreme dwarfism of Rht-D1c is due to overexpression of the semidwarfing Rht-D1b allele, caused by an increase in gene copy number. We show also that the semidwarfing alleles Rht-B1d and Rht-B1e introduce premature stop codons within the amino-terminal coding region. Yeast two-hybrid assays indicate that these newly characterized mutations in Rht-B1 and Rht-D1 confer "GA-insensitive" dwarfism by producing DELLA proteins that do not bind the GA receptor GA INSENSITIVE DWARF1, potentially compromising their targeted degradation.
Genetic analysis of the dwarfing gene (Rht8) in wheat. Part I. Molecular mapping of Rht8 on the short arm of chromosome 2D of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
,DOI:10.1007/s001220050845 URL [本文引用: 1]
Gibberellic acid-sensitive dwarfing genes reduce plant height to increase kernel number and grain yield of wheat
,DOI:10.1071/AR99043 URL [本文引用: 1]
Rht8 gene as an alternate dwarfing gene in elite Indian spring wheat cultivars
,DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0199330 URL PMID:29927977 [本文引用: 1]
Optimizing wheat height to maximize yield has been an important aspect which is evident from a successful example of green revolution. Dwarfing genes (Rht) are known for yield gains due to lodging resistance and partitioning of assimilates into ear. The available and commercially exploited sources of dwarfism in Indian spring wheat are Rht1 and Rht2 genes inspite of availability of over 20 dwarfing genes. Rht8 a Gibberellic acid sensitive dwarfing gene is another reduced height gene commercially exploited in some Mediterranean countries. Two F2 populations segregating for Rht1 and Rht8 genes with each comprising 398 and 379 plants were developed by crossing European winter wheat cultivars Beauchamp and Capitole with Indian spring wheat cultivar PBW 621. Different genotypic combinations for Rht1 and Rht8 genes were selected from these populations through linked molecular markers and selected F3:4 lines were evaluated for various agronomic traits in a replicated trial. Reduction in plant height with Rht8 and Rht1 averaged 2.86% and 13.3% respectively as compared to the group of lines lacking dwarfing gene. Reduction was spread along all the internodes of wheat culm and reduction was lower as progress towards the lower internode. Grain number per spike and highest yield was observed in lines carrying only Rht1 gene. Reduction in plant biomass was observed with either of the dwarfing gene. Longest coleoptile length and seedling shoot length averaged 4.4 ± 0.09 cm and 19.5 ± 0.48, respectively was observed in lines lacking any of the dwarfing gene. Negligible reduction of 6.75% and 2.84% in coleoptile length and seedling shoot length, respectively was observed in lines carrying only Rht8 gene whereas F3:4 lines with Rht1 gene showed 21.64% and 23.35% reduction in coleoptile length and seedling shoot length, respectively. Additive effect of genes was observed as double dwarfs showed 43.31% and 43.34% reduction in coleoptile length and seedling shoot length.
"Perfect" markers for the Rht-B1b and Rht-D1b dwarfing genes in wheat
,DOI:10.1007/s00122-002-1048-4 URL PMID:12582931 [本文引用: 1]
PCR-based markers were developed to detect the point mutations responsible for the two major semi-dwarfing genes Rht-B1b ( Rht1) and Rht-D1b ( Rht2) in wheat. These markers were validated by testing 19 wheat varieties of known Rht genotype. They included Rht-B1b and Rht-D1b dwarfs, double-mutant varieties and tall wheats. These were correctly genotyped with the Rht-B1b and Rht-D1b-specific primers, as well as markers specific for the tall alleles Rht-B1a and Rht-D1a. Using a family of doubled-haploid lines segregating for Rht-B1b and Rht-D1b, the markers were mapped to the expected homoeologous regions of chromosomes 4B and 4D, respectively. Both markers were strongly correlated with a reduction in height, accounting for 23% ( Rht-B1b) and 44% ( Rht-D1b) of the phenotypic variance in the population. These markers will have utility in marker-assisted selection of the Rht-B1b and Rht-D1b genes in wheat breeding programs.
,DOI:10.7606/j.issn.1009-1041.2013.06.004 URL [本文引用: 1]
为了明确矮秆基因在美国小麦品种中的分布特点并发掘较少利用的矮秆基因,本研究利用8个小麦矮秆基因的特异分子标记对67份美国小麦品种中的矮秆基因进行了检测。结果表明,67份美国小麦品种中,超过80%的品种(56个)含有矮秆基因,其中 Rht-B1b和 Rht8基因频率较高,分别占62.7%和43.3%。仅有5个品种含有 Rht-D1b基因,同时发现3个品种含有 Rht5基因,2个品种含有 Rht12基因,未发现含有 Rht4、 Rht9和 Rht13基因的品种。在含有矮秆基因的品种中,35.8%的品种含有2个或2个以上的矮秆基因。其中有1个品种同时含有3个矮秆基因,有20个品种同时含有 Rht-B1b和 Rht8基因,有3个品种同时含有 Rht-D1b和 Rht8基因,有1个品种同时含有 Rht-D1b和 Rht12基因,其余32个品种各含有1个矮秆基因。本研究未发现同时含有 Rht-B1b、 Rht-D1b、 Rht8以及同时含有 Rht-B1b、 Rht-D1b的品种。
Distribution of Rht genes in modern and historic winter wheat cultivars from the eastern and central USA
,DOI:10.2135/cropsci2009.10.0626 URL [本文引用: 1]
Identification,distribution and effects on agronomic traits of the semi-dwarfing Rht alleles in Bulgarian common wheat cultivars
,DOI:10.1007/s10681-005-1742-9 URL [本文引用: 1]
Bulgarian common wheat cultivars released in the period 1925–2003 were studied using the gibberellic acid (GA) test and microsatellite analysis of the Xgwm261 locus on chromosome 2DS to identify the semi-dwarfing (Rht) genes. The old cultivars, isolated through selection from landraces, carried rare alleles (211- and 215-bp) at Xgwm261 locus, and those developed by hybridisation to foreign cultivars, carried the 165- and 174-bp alleles. Forty-two (55.3%) of 76 modern cultivars were GA-responsive. The 192-bp allele, diagnostic for Rht8, was observed in 64 (84.2%) modern cultivars, of which 37 carry Rht8 alone, and 27 possess a combination of Rht8 and a GA-insensitive allele viz. Rht-B1d (17); Rht-D1b (6) and Rht-B1b (4). The 174-bp allele is present in seven cultivars, only one of which is photoperiod-sensitive, and the rest are day-length insensitive. The 203-bp allele was found in six modern cultivars. Cultivars carrying the Rht8 allele are the most widespread and some of them have been cultivated for a long period. Cultivars with the `Saitama 27' allele (Rht-B1d) are the most productive and are second in distribution in the country. The recently observed trend for increasing the proportion of cultivars with GA-insensitive Rht genes is probably due to their combination with the 192-bp allele of Xgwm261 locus tightly linked to the Ppd-D1, to the break of the link between the 174-bp allele and ppd-D1, and to the introduction of other genes influencing flowering time.
Occurrence of three dwarfing Rht genes in German winter wheat varieties
,DOI:10.1556/CRC.36.2008.4.4 URL [本文引用: 1]
Distribution of the Rht-B1b,Rht-D1b and Rht8 reduced height genes in autumn-sown Chinese wheats detected by molecular markers
,DOI:10.1007/s10681-006-9184-6 URL [本文引用: 1]
Reduction of plant height has played a significant role in improving wheat production and knowledge of dwarfing genes in Chinese wheat will be very important for developing high yielding cultivars. Molecular markers were used to detect the presence of genes Rht-B1b (Rht1), Rht-D1b (Rht2) and Rht8 in 220 wheat genotypes from autumn-sown wheat regions in China. They include landmark landraces, leading cultivars and core parents involved in wheat breeding from the 1950s to the present. Results indicated that Rht-D1b and Rht8 dominate with frequencies of 45.5% and 46.8%, respectively, followed by Rht-B1b with a frequency of 24.5%. The frequencies of Rht-B1b and Rht-D1b increased, from 8.6 to 32.2% and 36.2 to 53.4%, respectively, whereas the frequency of Rht8 has remained constant over time, when compared with cultivars released before and after 1990. This indicates that both the Rht-B1b and Rht-D1b were successfully used in wheat production in Chinese environments. Our study shows that Rht-B1b and Rht-D1b can be used in the post-anthesis heat stressed environments. Rht-B1b in Chinese wheats is derived from two sources, viz., Norin 10 and the Italian introduction St2422/464 (Rht-B1b and Rht8). The identity of Rht-B1b in these two sources still needs to be confirmed. Suwon 86 carrying both Rht-B1b and Rht-D1b, and Chinese cultivars, Huixianhong and Yaobaomai, are the primary sources of Rht-D1b in Chinese wheats. It is likely that Rht-D1b in Youbaomai derives from an unknown introduction. Italian introductions such as Funo and Abbondanza, and Lovrin 10 with the 1B/1R translocation, and Chinese landraces are the three major sources of Rht8. This information will be very valuable for wheat breeding in China, and internationally.
Distribution of Rht-Blb and Rht-Dlb in wheat cultivars in Shandong detected by molecular markers
,DOI:10.1007/s001220051259 URL PMID:22665180 [本文引用: 1]
RFLP markers have proven to be a reliable and highly informative tool for characterizing genetic diversity in maize. Joint analysis of inbred lines and populations should provide valuable information with respect to (1) a better understanding of the genetic basis of present elite germplasm and (2) the identification of populations that may prove to be useful sources of genetic diversity for breeding programs. Sixty-two inbred lines of known heterotic groups and ten maize populations, some of them significant contributors to the genetic basis of the heterotic groups, were assayed at 28 RFLP loci. Joint data analyses first underlined that the populations displayed a large number of alleles that were absent in the set of inbred lines. Associations among inbreds and populations further proved consistent with pedigree data of the inbreds and provided new information on the genetical basis of heterotic groups. In particular, European flint inbreds were revealed to be as close to the Northeastern U.S. flint population studied as to the typical European populations. These results advocate the analysis of larger sets of populations by means of molecular markers in order to (1) gain insight into the history of maize germplasm and (2) set up appropriate strategies for the use of genetic resources in breeding programs.
Molecular mapping of gibberellin-responsive dwarfing genes in bread wheat
,DOI:10.1007/s00122-005-2008-6 URL [本文引用: 1]
Opportunities exist for replacing reduced height (Rht) genes Rht-B1b and Rht-D1b with alternative dwarfing genes for bread wheat improvement. In this study, the chromosomal locations of several height-reducing genes were determined by screening populations of recombinant inbred lines or doubled haploid lines varying for plant height with microsatellite markers. Linked markers were found for Rht5 (on chromosome 3BS), Rht12 (5AL) and Rht13 (7BS), which accounted for most of the phenotypic variance in height in the respective populations. Large height differences between genotypes (up to 43 cm) indicated linkage to major height-reducing genes. Rht4 was associated with molecular markers on chromosome 2BL, accounting for up to 30% of the variance in height. Confirming previous studies, Rht8 was linked to markers on chromosome 2DS, whereas a population varying for Rht9 revealed a region with a small but significant height effect on chromosome 5AL. The height-reducing effect of these dwarfing genes was repeatable across a range of environments. The molecular markers developed in this study will be useful for marker-assisted selection of alternative height-reducing genes, and to better understand the effects of different Rht genes on wheat growth and agronomic performance.
Influence of the gibberellin-sensitive Rht8 dwarfing gene on leaf epidermal cell dimensions and early vigour in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
,DOI:10.1093/aob/mci069 URL PMID:15655105 [本文引用: 1]
The gibberellin-insensitive Rht-B1b and Rht-D1b dwarfing genes are known to reduce the size of cells in culms, leaves and coleoptiles of wheat. Resulting leaf area development of gibberellin-insensitive wheats is poor compared to standard height (Rht-B1a and Rht-D1a) genotypes. Alternative dwarfing genes to Rht-B1b and Rht-D1b are available that reduce plant height, such as the gibberellin-responsive Rht8 gene. This study aims to investigate if Rht8 has a similar dwarfing effect on the size of leaf cells to reduce leaf area.
The combination of dwarfing genes Rht4 and Rht8 reduced plant height,improved yield traits of rainfed bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
,DOI:10.1016/j.fcr.2017.10.015 URL [本文引用: 1]
Comparing the effects of GA-responsive dwarfing genes Rht13 and Rht8 on plant height and some agronomic traits in common wheat
,DOI:10.1016/j.fcr.2015.04.010 URL [本文引用: 1]
Assessment of the individual and combined effects of Rht8 and Ppd-D1a on plant height,time to heading and yield traits in common wheat
,DOI:10.1080/00028899908984503 URL PMID:10635545 [本文引用: 1]
As part of a European Concerted Action on Male Reproduction Capability an exposure assessment survey was conducted among seasonal workers in the fruit growing sector in the Netherlands. Dermal exposure to the fungicides captan and tolylfluanid was measured using cotton gloves (12 persons) and skin pads on several body parts (12 persons). In addition, a set of exposure data was used from a study conducted recently among Dutch fruit growers. For harvesting activities, re-entry time appeared to be an important determinant of dermal exposure to captan and tolyfluanid. Explained variance of regression models was moderate to high (range 0.30-0.87). For captan, calculated half-life times from the most recent exposure survey were lower (glove data: 5 days; pad data: 6 days) compared with half-life times based on the previously conducted study (11 days). Possible explanations for the discrepancy are discussed. For tolylfluanid, estimated half-life times during harvesting were 2 and 3 days, based on pad and glove data, respectively. Prediction of captan exposure during other crop activities appeared to be far more difficult (explained variance equal to 0.06), although the estimated half-life time was comparable with that for harvesting. The data suggest that re-entry time gives useful information to group workers in broad exposure categories. Nonetheless, it was concluded that large studies are needed to evaluate the importance of re-entry time in more detail.
The impact of the Rht-B1b,Rht-D1b,and Rht-8 wheat semi-dwarfing genes on flour milling,baking,and micronutrients
,DOI:10.1002/cche.2018.95.issue-6 URL [本文引用: 1]
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