作物杂志, 2024, 40(5): 1-7 doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2024.05.001



孙家猛,, 高原, 陈虎, 花芹, 林泉祥, 陈庆全, 李金才, 张海涛,


Phenotypic Analysis and Gene Mapping of Rice Mutant Chalkiness and Shrunken Endosperm-2

Sun Jiameng,, Gao Yuan, Chen Hu, Hua Qin, Lin Quanxiang, Chen Qingquan, Li Jincai, Zhang Haitao,

College of Agronomy, Anhui Agricultural University, Hefei 230036, Anhui, China

通讯作者: 张海涛,研究方向为作物遗传育种,E-mail:43647174@qq.com

收稿日期: 2023-06-24   修回日期: 2023-08-12   网络出版日期: 2023-12-01

基金资助: “十四五”国家重点研发计划(2022YFF1002903)

Received: 2023-06-24   Revised: 2023-08-12   Online: 2023-12-01

作者简介 About authors



淀粉是水稻籽粒中含量最多的大分子物质,其组分及含量对于稻米的各项品质指标均有直接影响。本研究鉴定了1个新的粉质胚乳突变体(chalkiness and shrunken endosperm-2cse-2),分析了突变体的农艺和品质相关性状,并对其开展了基因定位。结果表明,与野生型相比,突变体的株高、穗粒数和结实率等农艺性状以及淀粉含量、淀粉组分比例、淀粉粒形态结构、蛋白质含量、脂肪酸含量等品质性状均发生了显著变化。遗传分析表明,突变性状是由位于4号染色体上的1对隐性核基因控制。序列分析表明,精细定位区间内LOC_Os04g55230/FLO2基因第6064位碱基胞嘧啶(C)突变为胸腺嘧啶(T),形成TAA无义突变。以上结果证明,cse-2是已报道突变体flo2的一个新等位突变体。

关键词: 水稻; 粉质胚乳; 淀粉性质; 基因定位; FLO2


Starch is the most abundant macromolecular substance in rice grain, and its composition and content have direct effect on quality indexes of rice. In this paper, agronomic and qualitative traits related to chalkiness and shrunken endosperm-2 (cse-2) were investigated and the candidate gene was mapped. The results showed that the agronomic traits including plant height, grain number per panicle, seed-setting rate, starch content and its components, physicochemical properties, starch grain morphology and structure, protein and fatty acid contents of the mutant had significantly altered. Mapping result showed that mutated phenotype is determined by a pair of nuclear recessive genes locating on chromosome 4. Sequence analysis indicated that a single nucleotide substitution of C-to-T occurred on the 6064th base of LOC_Os04g55230/FLO2, forming a TAA nonsense mutation. Therefore, cse-2 was a new allelic mutant of flo2.

Keywords: Rice; Floury endosperm; Starch property; Gene mapping; FLO2

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孙家猛, 高原, 陈虎, 花芹, 林泉祥, 陈庆全, 李金才, 张海涛. 水稻胚乳突变体cse-2的表型分析及基因定位. 作物杂志, 2024, 40(5): 1-7 doi:10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2024.05.001

Sun Jiameng, Gao Yuan, Chen Hu, Hua Qin, Lin Quanxiang, Chen Qingquan, Li Jincai, Zhang Haitao. Phenotypic Analysis and Gene Mapping of Rice Mutant Chalkiness and Shrunken Endosperm-2. Crops, 2024, 40(5): 1-7 doi:10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2024.05.001

水稻是三大主粮作物之一,我国水稻播种面积常年保持在3000万hm2,产量约2亿t[1]。淀粉是胚乳中含量最多的物质,其含量、组成成分及所占比例均会影响水稻的产量和品质。淀粉的合成是由多种酶共同参与的有序而复杂的生理生化过程,其中主要涉及的酶有5种,分别是ADP-葡萄糖焦磷酸化酶(ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase,AGPase)、可溶性淀粉合成酶(soluble starch synthase,SSS)、分支酶(branching enzyme,BE)、脱分支酶(debranching enzyme,DBE)以及颗粒结合淀粉酶(granule- bound starch synthase,GBSS)[2-3],以上酶功能的缺失均可能导致一系列异常水稻胚乳的产生。例如,AGPase由2个小亚基(small subunits,SSU)和4个大亚基(large subunits,LSU)构成,OsAGPL2负责编码AGPase的1个亚基,其发生突变会导致AGPase功能受损进而使胚乳产生皱缩表型[4]OsSSIIIa/Flo5编码淀粉合成酶IIIa(SSIIIa)蛋白,该基因突变致使SSIIIa功能异常,胚乳产生心白表型[5];淀粉分支酶(SBE)参与支链淀粉合成以及分支短链的形成,其功能缺陷时,导致支链淀粉链长变长、胚乳出现垩白和籽粒皱缩[6];异淀粉酶1(isoamylase 1,ISA 1)是一种DBE,当其失去原有的催化功能时,胚乳淀粉粒形成会受到阻碍,进而引起胚乳皱缩[7]

间接影响淀粉合成相关酶的功能也会形成异常胚乳。例如,FLO6编码一个含有CBM48结构域的蛋白,与淀粉结合,并通过与SSIVb及GBSS相互作用调节淀粉合成,突变体flo6中的胚乳具有粉质不透明的表型,且胚乳内淀粉含量明显减少[8-9]FLO8编码UDP-葡萄糖焦磷酸化酶(UDP- glucose pyrophosphorylase 1,Ugp1),该基因突变使Ugp1活性降低,进而影响大部分淀粉合成酶的活性,导致胚乳粉质不透明、总淀粉和支链淀粉的含量降低、脂质含量升高、支链淀粉结构改变[10]FLO2编码的蛋白含有3个可以介导蛋白质互作的四肽重复基序(TPR)结构域,在水稻胚乳发育过程中,FLO2蛋白可以调节一些与贮藏淀粉及贮藏蛋白合成有关基因的表达以及应对高温胁迫[11-13],在水稻突变体flo2中,籽粒明显皱缩,胚乳粉质不透明,直链淀粉含量降低,支链淀粉结构改变[11]



1 材料与方法

1.1 试验材料

突变体cse-2源于粳稻品种ZH11(Oryza sativa L. ssp. japonica cv. Zhonghua 11)的组织培养突变体。突变体与籼稻品种IRAT129杂交获得F2定位群体,用于遗传分析及精细定位。以上材料于2021-2022年种植于安徽农业大学大杨镇基地,田间管理与大田生产一致。

1.2 测定指标与方法

1.2.1 农艺性状和遗传分析

成熟植株用于株高、分蘖数、节间长度、穗长、有效穗数、穗粒数、结实率等农艺性状的调查,利用t检验方法比较数据间差异性,用SPSS 20软件进行统计分析,用Excel软件进行数据处理并作图。


1.2.2 显微镜观察


1.2.3 籽粒成分及含量

糙米碾磨成粉后,用100目筛过筛后置于烘箱中35 ℃烘干。用A1481-1植物淀粉含量试剂盒(南京建成生物工程研究所)测定总淀粉含量;依据NY 147―88[24]测定直链淀粉含量。采用DA7200型近红外快速分析仪(Perten,美国)测定胚乳中的蛋白质含量、脂肪酸含量、淀粉的胶稠度及碱消值等[25-27];采用蒽酮比色法测定胚乳中所含的可溶性糖含量[28]。所有试验均进行3次生物学重复。

1.2.4 胚乳淀粉糊化温度

精米过100目筛后置于烘箱中35 ℃烘干备用。称取2.00 mg米粉样品,使用Pyris DSC 8000型差示扫描热量仪(DSC,Perten,美国)测定淀粉糊化温度以及糊化过程中的焓变[29]。所有试验均进行3次生物学重复。

1.3 突变基因定位及表达分析

采用图位克隆的方法对突变基因进行精细定位。提取F2叶片DNA[30],利用分布于水稻12条染色体上的79对具有多态性的分子标记对目的基因进行初步连锁分析。初步连锁后,利用 https://www.gramene.org网站下载籼稻(Oryza sativa L. ssp. indica)和粳稻(Oryza sativa L. ssp. japonica)基因组,并用NCBI网站(blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Blast. cgi)比较基因组片段序列,寻找具有SNP或Indel的位点,然后通过Primer3Plus(www.primer3plus.com)设计定位引物。由生工生物工程(上海)股份有限公司和擎科生物工程(南京)股份有限公司代为完成引物的合成以及候选基因的测序分析。

2 结果与分析

2.1 农艺性状及籽粒表型



图1   野生型(ZH11)与突变体(cse-2)的表型比较

株高(a)、籽粒(b~e)。比例尺为10 cm(a)、1 cm(b~d)和1 mm(e)。

Fig.1   Comparison of phenotypes between wild type (ZH11) and mutant (cse-2)

Plant height (a) and grain (b-e). Bars=10 cm (a), 1 cm (b-d) and1 mm (e).

表1   野生型(ZH11)与突变体(cse-2)农艺性状比较

Table 1  Comparison of agronomic traits between wild type (ZH11) and mutant (cse-2)

农艺性状Agronomic traitZH11cse-2
株高Plant height (cm)104.05±0.5694.55±1.18**
主茎穗长Main panicle length (cm)23.80±0.4621.22±0.51**
The first internode length (cm)
The second internode length (cm)
The third internode length (cm)
The fourth internode length (cm)
有效分蘖数Effective tiller number20.75±2.4724.85±2.56
一次枝梗数Primary branch number13.88±0.4013.83±1.01
二次枝梗数Secondary branch number44.00±1.4035.50±1.76**
穗粒数Grain number per panicle221.85±6.84191.90±6.11**
结实率Seed-setting rate (%)89.84±0.1380.58±0.19**
粒长Grain length (mm)7.68±0.067.67±0.09
粒宽Grain width (mm)3.51±0.013.49±0.02
粒厚Grain thickness (mm)2.35±0.032.04±0.02**
千粒重1000-kernel weight (g)25.63±0.4019.16±0.17**

**”表示在P < 0.01水平上有极显著差异,下同。

**”indicates extremely significant difference at P < 0.01 level, the same below.

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图2   野生型(ZH11)与突变体(cse-2)籽粒横截面扫描电镜图片

Fig.2   SEM images of grain cross section of wild type (ZH11) and mutant (cse-2)

2.2 突变体cse-2的遗传分析


2.3 籽粒理化性质分析



图3   野生型(ZH11)和突变体(cse-2)籽粒成分含量对比

“**”表示在P < 0.01水平上有极显著差异。

Fig.3   Comparison of grain component contents of wild type (ZH11) and mutant (cse-2)

“**”indicates extremely significant difference at P < 0.01 level.

差示扫描热量仪检测结果(表2)表明,突变体淀粉在糊化时的热特性与野生型间均存在极显著变化,其中突变体淀粉的糊化起始温度、峰值温度、终止温度分别下降4.7、4.1、2.5 ℃,糊化过程中吸收的热量显著减少10.8%。近红外快速分析仪测定的胶稠度以及碱消值均与野生型有极显著差异,其中突变体的碱消值极显著下降5.0%,而胶稠度极显著上升23.4%。以上结果表明,突变体淀粉的理化性质发生了明显变化。

表2   野生型(ZH11)与突变体(cse-2)大米理化性质比较

Table 2  Comparison of the rice phypical and chemical properties between wild type (ZH11) and mutant (cse-2)

To (℃)
TP (℃)
TC (℃)
H (J/g)
Alkali consumption value
Gel consistency (mm)

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2.4 CSE-2基因的精细定位及表达特性

初定位将目标基因定位于第4条染色体长臂端标记s4-1 ~ s4-2。在该区间内继续设计分子标记,利用1378个极端隐性单株群体把目的基因最后定位在s4-6 ~ s4-4约50 kb区间内。基于粳稻品种日本晴参考基因组注释信息发现,在精细定位区间内存在6个预测基因,其中包括1个已克隆的控制胚乳发育的基因LOC_Os04g55230/FLO2。进一步测序发现LOC_Os04g55230/FLO2第6064位碱基胞嘧啶(C)突变为胸腺嘧啶(T),使mRNA的1483~ 1485位由CAA突变为TAA,导致无义突变和蛋白翻译提前终止(图4图5)。


图4   CSE-2基因的精细定位


Fig.4   Fine mapping of CSE-2 gene

a-d: the numbers above and beneath the bold lines represent the molecular markers and recombinants, respectively, and the light blue arrow represent the candidate gene; e: the structure diagram of candidate gene CSE-2, the light blue box represent the exon, the blank part represent the intron, the red arrows represent the start codon, stop codon and mutation site, respectively, and the content in the black box represent the mutation; f: target gene reverse sequencing peak map, with mutated sites in the red line box; g: partial protein sequence alignment near the none-sense mutation site.


图5   野生型(ZH11)与突变体(cse-2)中FLO2蛋白质序列比对


Fig.5   Sequence alignment of FLO2 protein between wild type (ZH11) and mutant (cse-2)

Red arrow indicates the site that the stop codon occurred of FLO2 in the cse-2 mutant.

3 讨论

基因LOC-Os04g55230曾被报道并命名为FLO2[11],目前已有多个flo2的等位突变体被报道,She等[11]通过诱变得到8个突变位点位于第11(2个突变位点)、14(3个突变位点一样)、21外显子以及第14和21内含子的剪切位点上flo2的等位突变体;Qiao等[31]借助诱变手段获得了3个flo2等位突变体,其突变位点分别位于第1、14(2个)外显子上;Wu等[32]通过诱变获得了3个flo2的等位突变体,其突变位点分别位于第9、11内含子的3′ 剪切位点以及第19外显子;邱家静[33]通过60Co辐射诱变得到9个flo2的等位突变体,其突变位点分别位于第13、14(2个)、16和17内含子剪切位点以及第6、10(编码区1431位点突变)、11、21外显子处。本研究鉴定了一个具有粉质皱缩胚乳的水稻突变体cse-2,是由基因LOC-Os04g55230第6064位碱基C突变成T引起无义突变导致的,该突变位点与以往发现的FLO2突变位点不同,故cse-2FLO2的一个新等位基因,突变体是flo2的一个新等位突变体。FLO2蛋白含有介导蛋白互作的TPR结构域及一个功能不明确的CLU结构域,由于cse-2中该基因的无义突变,使翻译的蛋白只含有N端的CLU结构域。一些参与多肽运输、控制分蘖及花粉育性有关的蛋白质同样含有TPR结构域[34-35],这表明FLO2除影响贮藏淀粉及贮藏蛋白的合成外,可能还具有其他生理功能,对于cse-2的研究将为TPR结构域的功能研究提供基因资源。



4 结论



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Yu M Z, Wu M M, Ren Y L, et al.

Rice FLOURY ENDOSPERM 18 encodes a pentatricopeptide repeat protein required for 5′processing of mitochondrial nad 5 messenger RNA and endosperm development

Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 2021, 63(5):834-847.

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Liu J X, Wu X B, Yao X F, et al.

Mutations in the DNA demethylase OsROS1 result in a thickened aleurone and improved nutritional value in rice grains

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2018, 115(44):11327-11332.

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Zhang L, Ren Y L, Lu B Y, et al.

FLOURY ENDOSPERM7 encodes a regulator of starch synthesis and amyloplast development essential for peripheral endosperm development in rice

Journal of Experimental Botany, 2016, 67(3):633-647.

DOI:10.1093/jxb/erv469      PMID:26608643      [本文引用: 1]

In cereal crops, starch synthesis and storage depend mainly on a specialized class of plastids, termed amyloplasts. Despite the importance of starch, the molecular machinery regulating starch synthesis and amyloplast development remains largely unknown. Here, we report the characterization of the rice (Oryza sativa) floury endosperm7 (flo7) mutant, which develops a floury-white endosperm only in the periphery and not in the inner portion. Consistent with the phenotypic alternation in flo7 endosperm, the flo7 mutant had reduced amylose content and seriously disrupted amylopectin structure only in the peripheral endosperm. Notably, flo7 peripheral endosperm cells showed obvious defects in compound starch grain development. Map-based cloning of FLO7 revealed that it encodes a protein of unknown function. FLO7 harbors an N-terminal transit peptide capable of targeting functional FLO7 fused to green fluorescent protein to amyloplast stroma in developing endosperm cells, and a domain of unknown function 1338 (DUF1338) that is highly conserved in green plants. Furthermore, our combined β-glucuronidase activity and RNA in situ hybridization assays showed that the FLO7 gene was expressed ubiquitously but exhibited a specific expression in the endosperm periphery. Moreover, a set of in vivo experiments demonstrated that the missing 32 aa in the flo7 mutant protein are essential for the stable accumulation of FLO7 in the endosperm. Together, our findings identify FLO7 as a unique plant regulator required for starch synthesis and amyloplast development within the peripheral endosperm and provide new insights into the spatial regulation of endosperm development in rice. © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society for Experimental Biology.

Kang H G, Park S, Matsuoka M, et al.

White-core endosperm floury endosperm-4 in rice is generated by knockout mutations in the C4-type pyruvate orthophosphate dikinase gene (OsPPDKB)

The Plant Journal, 2005, 42(6):901-911.

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Cakir B, Shiraishi S, Tuncel A, et al.

Analysis of the rice ADP-glucose transporter (OsBT1) indicates the presence of regulatory processes in the amyloplast stroma that control ADP-glucose flux into starch

Plant Physiology, 2016, 170(3):1271-1283.

DOI:10.1104/pp.15.01911      PMID:26754668      [本文引用: 1]

Previous studies showed that efforts to further elevate starch synthesis in rice (Oryza sativa) seeds overproducing ADP-glucose (ADPglc) were prevented by processes downstream of ADPglc synthesis. Here, we identified the major ADPglc transporter by studying the shrunken3 locus of the EM1093 rice line, which harbors a mutation in the BRITTLE1 (BT1) adenylate transporter (OsBt1) gene. Despite containing elevated ADPglc levels (approximately 10-fold) compared with the wild-type, EM1093 grains are small and shriveled due to the reduction in the amounts and size of starch granules. Increases in ADPglc levels in EM1093 were due to their poor uptake of ADP-[(14)C]glc by amyloplasts. To assess the potential role of BT1 as a rate-determining step in starch biosynthesis, the maize ZmBt1 gene was overexpressed in the wild-type and the GlgC (CS8) transgenic line expressing a bacterial glgC-TM gene. ADPglc transport assays indicated that transgenic lines expressing ZmBT1 alone or combined with GlgC exhibited higher rates of transport (approximately 2-fold), with the GlgC (CS8) and GlgC/ZmBT1 (CS8/AT5) lines showing elevated ADPglc levels in amyloplasts. These increases, however, did not lead to further enhancement in seed weights even when these plant lines were grown under elevated CO2. Overall, our results indicate that rice lines with enhanced ADPglc synthesis and import into amyloplasts reveal additional barriers within the stroma that restrict maximum carbon flow into starch. © 2016 American Society of Plant Biologists. All Rights Reserved.

Lei J, Teng X, Wang Y F, et al.

Plastidic pyruvate dehydrogenase complex E 1 component subunit Alpha1 is involved in galactolipid biosynthesis required for amyloplast development in rice

Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2022, 20(3):437-453.

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Ren Y L, Wang Y H, Pan T, et al.

GPA5 encodes a Rab5a effector required for post-Golgi trafficking of rice storage proteins

The Plant Cell, 2020, 32(3):758-777.

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A method is presented for the rapid isolation of high molecular weight plant DNA (50,000 base pairs or more in length) which is free of contaminants which interfere with complete digestion by restriction endonucleases. The procedure yields total cellular DNA (i.e. nuclear, chloroplast, and mitochondrial DNA). The technique is ideal for the rapid isolation of small amounts of DNA from many different species and is also useful for large scale isolations.

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Fine mapping and candidate gene analysis of the floury endosperm gene, FLO(a), in rice

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Three novel alleles of FLOURY ENDOSPERM2 (FLO2) confer dull grains with low amylose content in rice

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TPR domain coding gene ST2 may be involved in regulating tillering and fertility in rice

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Kihira M, Taniguchi K, Kaneko C, et al.

Arabidopsis thaliana FLO2 is involved in efficiency of photoassimilate translocation,which is associated with leaf growth and aging,yield of seeds and seed quality

Plant and Cell Physiology, 2017, 58(3):440-450.

DOI:10.1093/pcp/pcw217      PMID:28158741      [本文引用: 1]

FLO2, FLOURY ENDOSPERM 2, is highly conserved in higher plants, and rice FLO2 has been predicted to be involved in regulation of accumulation of storage compounds. We analyzed the function of Arabidopsis thaliana FLO2 (AtFLO2) because A. thaliana set structurally different seeds from those of rice. Although the flo2 mutant of A. thaliana showed normal germination, inflorescence and morphogenesis of flowers, peculiar phenotypes on leaves and siliques were observed, suggesting that this gene played important roles during both the vegetative and reproductive stages. The mutant leaves showed a decrease in chloroplast numbers, and increased total biomass with faster growth. When grown in high light intensity conditions, it was observed that aging events were induced. The flo2 mutant showed depressed transportation of photoassimilates into the sink organs. In the reproductive stage, the flo2 mutant had significantly smaller size siliques, causing a reduced yield of seeds. These seeds were structurally weak, and the quality of seeds was significantly lowered, with reduction of accumulation of storage compounds by seeds. A positron-emitting tracer imaging system (PETIS) analysis detected a decreased amount of photoassimilate transport in the flo2 mutant. Therefore, it was presumed that the phenotypes of the flo2 mutant were caused by reduced performance of translocation or transportation of the photoassimilates. Our observation suggests that AtFLO2 is strongly involved in regulation of translocation and transport of assimilates, and contributes greatly to quality control of the various processes involving substance supply or transfer, such as photoassimilation, leaf enlargement, yield of seeds in a silique and accumulation of seed storage compounds.© The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists. All rights reserved. For permissions, please email: journals.permissions@oup.com.

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Phenotypic and candidate gene analysis of a new floury endosperm mutant (osagpl2-3) in rice

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International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2021, 56(5):2452-2461.

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