作物杂志,2024, 第3期: 192–200 doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2024.03.026

• 生理生化·植物营养·栽培耕作 • 上一篇    下一篇


薛鑫雨1(), 詹文博1, 陈新宜1, 周瑞祥1, 王永霞2, 薛瑞丽1, 李华1, 汪月霞1(), 李艳2()   

  1. 1河南农业大学生命科学学院,450002,河南郑州
  • 收稿日期:2023-02-28 修回日期:2023-03-01 出版日期:2024-06-15 发布日期:2024-06-18
  • 通讯作者: 汪月霞,主要从事小麦抗逆栽培生理学研究,E-mail:yxwang2100@126.com;李艳,主要从事小麦抗逆栽培生理学研究,E-mail:liyanly7812@163.com
  • 作者简介:薛鑫雨,主要从事小麦抗逆生理学研究,E-mail:hengzi594@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Effects of Drought Stress during Grain Filling Period on Physiological and Root Characteristics of Different Wheat Cultivars

Xue Xinyu1(), Zhan Wenbo1, Chen Xinyi1, Zhou Ruixiang1, Wang Yongxia2, Xue Ruili1, Li Hua1, Wang Yuexia1(), Li Yan2()   

  1. 1College of Life Sciences, Henan Agricultural University, Zhengzhou 450002, Henan, China
    2Institute of Crops Molecular Breeding, Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Zhengzhou 450002, Henan, China
  • Received:2023-02-28 Revised:2023-03-01 Online:2024-06-15 Published:2024-06-18



关键词: 小麦, 干旱胁迫, 根, 保护酶, 基因表达调控


In order to study the effects of drought stress during grain filling period on physiological and root characteristics among different wheat cultivars, the new variety Zhengmai 1860 with high yield and high resistance, Bainong 207 and Zhoumai 18 were selected as experimental materials. The results showed the net photosynthetic rate (Pn) of Zhengmai 1860 was significantly higher than that of Zhoumai 18, the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and peroxidase (POD) in Zhengmai 1860 and Bainong 207 increased under drought stress, meanwhile, Zhengmai 1860 had higher ratio of root to shoot, the number of root tips and root surface. Compared with Bainong 207 and Zhoumai 18, the malonaldehyde (MDA) content of Zhengmai 1860 was less than that of the control group after rehydration. The results also showed that Zhengmai 1860 could maintain a high Pn and stabilize grain yield under drought stress at grain filling stage. By increasing activities of SOD, CAT and POD, it accelerated the regeneration of glutathione and promoted the increase of reduced glutathione/oxidized glutathione to slow down the membrane lipid peroxidation damage. Furthermore, Zhengmai 1860 has stronger water absorption capacity, greater ability to remove excess reactive oxygen species under drought stress, thus reducing the damage of membrane structure caused by drought stress.

Key words: Triticum aestivum L., Drought stress, Root, Protective enzyme, Regulation of gene expression



基因名称Gene name 引物序列Primer sequence (5′-3′)



Len (cm)
SA (cm2)
PA (cm2)
AvgD (mm)
对照CK 百农207 1225.89±3.25d 610.52±6.55c 194.34±2.69b 1.59±0.04a 8848±14d 12 123±25d
郑麦1860 3767.47±7.34b 673.39±2.74b 214.35±4.13ab 0.57±0.02c 19 218±7a 35 726±10a
周麦18 4498.28±7.92a 869.46±9.64a 276.76±6.14a 0.62±0.02c 18 749±11a 39 078±9a
干旱组D 百农207 1917.80±10.66c 472.95±4.44d 150.55±7.35c 0.79±0.03c 12 857±5bc 15 000±23c
郑麦1860 2067.51±15.45c 691.12±5.96b 219.99±9.52ab 1.06±0.06b 14 832±12b 23 143±15b
周麦18 1576.93±8.66d 620.53±4.87c 197.52±6.97b 1.25±0.05ab 9595±40d 14 672±19c





Root dry weight
Stem dry weight
weight (g)
Grain number
per spike
对照CK 郑麦1860 9.01±0.97a 50.01±6.01a 0.18±0.02ab 50.45±0.93a 50±4b 8208.0±50.1a
百农207 8.15±0.99a 50.09±5.10a 0.16±0.01b 42.11±0.62c 58±3a 8068.5±62.3b
周麦18 6.79±0.68bc 45.26±4.20ab 0.15±0.01b 47.84±0.86b 44±3d 7702.3±71.4c
干旱组D 郑麦1860 8.74±0.70ab 41.60±3.10ab 0.21±0.02ab 42.09±0.81c 47±3c 6847.9±43.6d
百农207 7.85±0.71ab 35.70±2.00c 0.22±0.01a 34.02±0.72e 51±2b 6518.4±72.3e
周麦18 5.10±0.57c 30.50±2.80d 0.17±0.01b 38.28±0.95d 38±3e 6163.1±78.8f



处理Treatment 品种Variety 气孔孔径Stomatal aperture size (μm) 气孔开度Stomatal open size (μm) Pn [μmol/(m2·s)]
干旱胁迫7 d
7 d after drought stress
CK 郑麦1860 0.63±0.04a 0.30±0.02a 26.30±0.54a
百农207 0.54±0.01ab 0.30±0.04a 25.03±0.47b
周麦18 0.55±0.04ab 0.30±0.03a 24.23±0.52c
D 郑麦1860 0.55±0.04ab 0.15±0.01b 23.23±0.26cd
百农207 0.53±0.00b 0.11±0.01c 22.57±0.52d
周麦18 0.53±0.05b 0.06±0.01d 19.10±0.42e
复水后2 d
2 d after rewatering
CK 郑麦1860 0.62±0.03a 0.22±0.00a 26.30±0.54a
百农207 0.51±0.01c 0.18±0.01b 25.43±0.47b
周麦18 0.66±0.02a 0.17±0.00b 24.30±0.62b
D 郑麦1860 0.50±0.02c 0.19±0.01b 25.40±0.56ab
百农207 0.53±0.02bc 0.13±0.00c 24.57±0.59b
周麦18 0.57±0.02b 0.12±0.00c 21.10±0.57c


干旱胁迫及复水对不同品种小麦旗叶MDA含量和细胞质膜透性的影响 不同小写字母表示处理间显著差异(P < 0.05),下同。





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