作物杂志,2024, 第5期: 212–219 doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2024.05.030

• 生理生化·植物营养·栽培耕作 • 上一篇    下一篇


周琦(), 吴芳, 王振龙, 徐志鹏, 邓超超, 施志国, 张靖, 宿翠翠, 余亚琳, 周彦芳()   

  1. 甘肃省农业工程技术研究院,730000,甘肃兰州
  • 收稿日期:2024-03-27 修回日期:2024-06-20 出版日期:2024-10-15 发布日期:2024-10-16
  • 通讯作者: 周彦芳,主要从事作物高效栽培与地力提升研究,E-mail:151245056@qq.com
  • 作者简介:周琦,主要从事作物高效栽培与水肥调控研究,E-mail:1610821576@qq.com
  • 基金资助:

Effects of Nitrogen Fertilizer and Biochar Application Rate Interaction on Growth and Root-Knot Nematode Disease of Greenhouse Tomatoes

Zhou Qi(), Wu Fang, Wang Zhenlong, Xu Zhipeng, Deng Chaochao, Shi Zhiguo, Zhang Jing, Su Cuicui, Yu Yalin, Zhou Yanfang()   

  1. Gansu Academy of Agri-Engineering Technology, Lanzhou 730000, Gansu, China
  • Received:2024-03-27 Revised:2024-06-20 Online:2024-10-15 Published:2024-10-16


为探索氮肥和生物炭互作对番茄生长及根结线虫病害的影响,筛选合适的氮肥和生物炭的施用量,采用盆栽试验,设置二因素(氮肥和生物炭)3水平完全随机区组试验设计,研究3个施氮量(N1:0 mg/kg土,N2:200 mg/kg土,N3:400 mg/kg土)和3个施生物炭量(C1:0 g/kg土,C2:2 g/kg土,C3:4 g/kg土)不同组合处理对番茄生长、产量品质、光合特性及根结线虫指标影响。 结果表明,施氮肥、生物炭和二者互作效应对番茄生长、产量品质、光合特性及根结线虫指标影响均达到极显著水平(P<0.01)或显著水平(P<0.05)。随着施氮量和生物炭量的增加,番茄生长、光合特性、产量及品质均呈先增加后降低的趋势。根结数、根结线虫数、虫卵数呈现先降低后升高的趋势,N2C3处理下达到最低值;N2C3处理下叶面积、净光合速率、产量、维生素C等指标显著高于其他处理,根结线虫数和虫卵数显著低于其他处理。因此,在甘肃省河西地区已感染根结线虫病害的设施土壤(全氮1.52 g/kg,有效磷191.9 mg/kg,速效钾323 mg/kg)中,当氮肥的施用量为200 mg/kg土,生物炭的施用量为4 g/kg土时利于番茄生长,品质较优,对根结线虫病害有较好的防效。

关键词: 番茄, 生物炭, 产量, 品质, 光合特性, 根结线虫


To explore the effects of combined application of nitrogen fertilizer and biochar interaction on tomato growth and root-knot nematode disease, a suitable nitrogen fertilizer application rates and biochar application rates were screened. A two-factor three-level randomized block pot experiment design was adopted to study three nitrogen application rates (N1: 0 mg/kg soil, N2: 200 mg/kg soil, N3: 400 mg/kg soil) and three biochar application rates (C1: 0 g/kg soil, C2: 2 g/kg soil, C3: 4 g/kg soil) were used this study. The effects of different treatments on tomato growth, yield, quality, photosynthetic characteristics and root-knot nematode indicators were analyzed under different combinations of treatments. The results showed that the effects of nitrogen fertilizer, biochar and their interaction on tomato growth, yield and quality, photosynthetic characteristics and root-knot nematode indicators all reached extremely significant (P < 0.01) or significant (P < 0.05) level. With the increase of nitrogen fertilizer and biochar application, the growth, photosynthetic characteristics, yield and quality of tomatoes were showed a trend of firstly increased and then decreased. The number of root nodules, root-knot nematodes and eggs were showed a trend of firstly decreased and then increased, reached the lowest value under the N2C3 treatment combination; The leaf area, net photosynthetic rate, yield and vitamin C of the N2C3 treatment combination were reached significant than other treatment combinations. The number of root- knot nematodes and eggs were significantly lower than other treatment combinations. Therefore, in the facility soil (total nitrogen 1.52 g/kg, available phosphorus 191.9 mg/kg, and available potassium 323 mg/kg) infected with root-knot nematode disease in the Hexi area of Gansu province, the condition of 200 mg/kg nitrogen fertilizer of soil and 4 g/kg biochar of soil was conducive to tomato growth and quality, and had a good control effect on root-knot nematode disease.

Key words: Tomato, Biochar, Yield, Quality, Photosynthetic characteristics, Root-knot nematode



Plant height (cm)
Stem diameter (mm)
Leaf area (cm2)
N1C1 37.33±1.02c 8.10±0.19e 10.43±0.09g
N1C2 37.90±1.40c 10.21±0.19bc 12.29±0.21f
N1C3 39.00±0.60c 9.73±0.34bcd 13.33±0.17e
N2C1 47.30±1.06ab 9.35±0.13d 12.48±0.19f
N2C2 47.77±0.75ab 9.88±0.20bcd 14.17±0.10d
N2C3 49.67±0.59a 11.02±0.32a 16.31±0.14b
N3C1 36.37±2.92c 8.40±0.08e 16.99±0.09a
N3C2 44.07±2.33b 10.40±0.25ab 15.83±0.24bc
N3C3 45.33±2.12ab 9.51±0.22cd 15.63±0.23c



处理Treatment Pn [μmol/(m2?s)] Gs [mmol/(m2?s)] Ci (μmol/mol) Tr [mmol/(m2?s)] SPAD
N1C1 8.26±0.16d 0.38±0.03d 187.80±2.69e 2.58±0.04e 45.33±1.76c
N1C2 11.76±0.08c 0.42±0.02d 244.36±2.49c 3.38±0.33cd 47.20±0.87c
N1C3 11.38±0.07c 0.50±0.03c 216.24±2.19d 3.04±0.28de 44.67±2.91c
N2C1 11.56±0.13c 0.55±0.03bc 264.42±2.68b 3.71±0.11bcd 55.00±1.15b
N2C2 12.37±0.05b 0.61±0.03ab 285.44±2.99a 4.16±0.33abc 60.67±2.03ab
N2C3 15.98±0.14a 0.67±0.02a 294.55±4.28a 4.75±0.08a 65.00±2.52a
N3C1 12.41±0.20b 0.51±0.01c 255.98±8.23bc 3.57±0.25bcd 59.67±0.88ab
N3C2 12.79±0.50b 0.54±0.02bc 193.88±2.67e 4.33±0.10ab 62.67±1.20a
N3C3 11.14±0.07c 0.60±0.02ab 253.24±1.66bc 3.86±0.43bcd 63.67±2.33a



Yield (g/plant)
Single fruit weight (g)
Single fruit diameter (mm)
Lycopene (mg/kg)
Soluble sugar (%)
N1C1 346.13±7.22e 74.86±2.57d 39.43±1.28e 0.54±0.02f 3.35±0.08e 78.19±0.48h
N1C2 355.21±5.79de 86.95±2.53c 57.90±1.35c 0.65±0.02e 4.06±0.05cd 88.92±0.39g
N1C3 366.73±5.98d 95.09±1.55b 51.80±1.55d 0.82±0.01d 4.30±0.05b 99.54±0.23f
N2C1 411.24±2.95c 94.73±2.64b 55.04±1.27cd 0.75±0.03d 3.97±0.10d 88.08±0.58g
N2C2 464.11±3.22b 101.42±2.05b 65.67±1.66b 1.09±0.05b 4.22±0.06bc 125.26±0.50d
N2C3 498.27±4.74a 111.54±2.97a 73.78±1.00a 1.32±0.03a 4.80±0.06a 150.20±0.55a
N3C1 479.46±5.04b 94.42±1.96b 72.42±1.45a 1.23±0.03a 4.09±0.05cd 132.15±0.46c
N3C2 479.50±3.62b 99.26±2.02b 72.48±1.45a 1.01±0.04bc 4.66±0.06a 141.16±0.51b
N3C3 463.84±4.33b 97.20±1.64b 65.62±1.39b 0.96±0.03c 4.21±0.05bc 115.28±0.50e



处理Treatment 根重Root weight (g) 根结数Number of root-knots 线虫数Number of nematodes 虫卵数Number of eggs
N1C1 29.48±0.48c 529.33±4.70a 602.67±5.36a 4812.67±51.40a
N1C2 31.21±2.17c 523.00±7.51ab 532.00±6.43c 4338.33±62.65b
N1C3 34.27±2.59c 510.00±4.16ab 511.00±5.29d 4130.67±54.91c
N2C1 61.80±2.17b 446.33±8.57d 534.67±6.57c 3713.00±80.65ef
N2C2 66.50±2.21ab 403.00±6.51f 493.00±9.07e 3636.67±38.52f
N2C3 73.53±4.22a 388.67±5.24f 454.33±4.70f 3240.67±41.95g
N3C1 60.76±3.07b 475.00±7.37c 528.33±4.33c 3890.33±44.21de
N3C2 65.42±2.25ab 425.67±8.51e 500.33±4.91de 4024.67±58.72cd
N3C3 63.85±4.32b 507.33±1.20b 572.00±1.15b 4470.67±86.90b



rate (N)
rate (C)
株高Plant height + + + ns
茎粗Stem diameter + + + + + +
叶面积Leaf area + + + + + +
Pn + + + + + +
Gs + + + + ns
Ci + + + + + +
Tr + + + ns
SPAD + + + ns
产量Yield + + + + + +
单果重Single fruit weight + + + + +
单果直径Single fruit diameter + + + + + +
番茄红素Lycopene + + + + + +
可溶性糖Soluble sugar + + + + + +
Vc + + + + + +
根重Root weight + + + ns
根结数Number of root-knots + + + + + +
线虫数Number of nematodes + + + + + +
虫卵数Egg mass + + + + + +



指标Index SD LA SPAD Y L SS Vc Pn Gs Ci Tr PK NN
PH 0.502** 0.367 0.616** 0.526** 0.404* 0.486* 0.407* 0.469* 0.740** 0.576** 0.662** -0.692** -0.448*
SD 0.416* 0.365 0.345 0.384* 0.799** 0.484* 0.696** 0.446* 0.350 0.567** -0.533** -0.751**
LA 0.804** 0.908** 0.905** 0.797** 0.935** 0.750** 0.704** 0.435* 0.712** -0.572** -0.599**
SPAD 0.907** 0.745** 0.599** 0.798** 0.560** 0.717** 0.507** 0.727** -0.666** -0.410*
Y 0.906** 0.666** 0.916** 0.661** 0.755** 0.502** 0.738** -0.738** -0.535**
L 0.707** 0.927** 0.786** 0.704** 0.591** 0.660** -0.705** -0.692**
SS 0.806** 0.817** 0.667** 0.365 0.707** -0.643** -0.833**
Vc 0.797** 0.680** 0.387* 0.736** -0.734** -0.710**
Pn 0.669** 0.591** 0.711** -0.698** -0.845**
Gs 0.645** 0.700** -0.707** -0.582**
Ci 0.524** -0.559** -0.521**
Tr -0.758** -0.655**
RK 0.797**
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