作物杂志,2025, 第1期: 155–161 doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2025.01.019

• 生理生化·植物营养·栽培耕作 • 上一篇    下一篇


吕树立(), 丁芳(), 郑东方   

  1. 商丘市农林科学院,476000,河南商丘
  • 收稿日期:2024-03-14 修回日期:2024-07-09 出版日期:2025-02-15 发布日期:2025-02-12
  • 通讯作者: 丁芳,主要从事芝麻育种与栽培研究,E-mail:214681636@qq.com
  • 作者简介:吕树立,主要从事芝麻育种与栽培研究,E-mail:lvshuli666666@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Response of Photosynthetic Characteristics, Yield and Quality of Sesame Capsule to Different Chemical Ripening Agents

Lü Shuli(), Ding Fang(), Zheng Dongfang   

  1. Shangqiu Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, Shangqiu 476000, Henan, China
  • Received:2024-03-14 Revised:2024-07-09 Online:2025-02-15 Published:2025-02-12


为探明不同催熟剂对芝麻籽粒产量与品质的影响,为芝麻的机械化收获提供理论支持。选用商芝196采用常规种植,在芝麻终花期喷施化学催熟剂乙烯利、立收谷+乙烯利和540 g/L噻苯·敌草隆+乙烯利,分别在3、6、9 d后调查蒴果层的脱叶和脱水情况、蒴果光合特性、光合效率、千粒重等。结果表明,随催熟天数的增加,蒴果、茎秆和籽粒含水量都下降,且显著低于CK(清水),并且随浓度的增加,下降幅度增加;脱叶率和落叶率不断提高,且显著高于CK;3种催熟剂中,立收谷+乙烯利处理对芝麻脱水和脱叶效果最为显著,其次为540 g/L噻苯·敌草隆+乙烯利处理。催熟剂处理后,蒴果叶绿素含量不同程度下降,随催熟天数的增加,立收谷+乙烯利处理蒴果叶绿素破坏严重,芝麻蒴果实际光合速率较CK显著降低,PSII潜在活性(Fv/Fo)和光化学效率(Fv/Fm)均下降。540 g/L噻苯·敌草隆+乙烯利处理叶绿素含量随催熟天数的增加呈先升高后降低的趋势。催熟处理后,芝麻千粒重和脂肪、蛋白质含量均下降,立收谷+乙烯利处理影响最为显著,540 g/L噻苯·敌草隆(SC)+乙烯利处理对芝麻品质和产量的影响最小。综合分析表明,540 g/L噻苯·敌草隆(SC)45.0 g/hm2+乙烯利2500 g/hm2复配组合下脱叶、脱水和催熟效果显著,对后期蒴果的光合效率影响较小,可以获得较为理想的催熟效果。

关键词: 芝麻蒴果, 化学催熟剂, 光合效率, 产量, 脂肪含量, 蛋白含量


In order to explore the effects of different ripening agents on the yield and quality of sesame seeds, and to provide theoretical support for the mechanized sesame harvest, Shangzhi 196 was planted conventionally, and chemical ripening agents (ethephon, Lishougu+ethephon and 540 g/L thiazene+ethephon) were sprayed on sesame at the final flowering stage, and defoliation and dehydration of capsule layer, photosynthetic properties of capsule, photosynthetic efficiency, 1000-grain weight were investigated after three, six and nine days, respectively. The findings indicated that the water contents of the capsules, stems, and grains steadily reduced as the number of ripening days increased. The water content was much lower than that of CK, and the declining range grew as the concentration increased, defoliation and leaves fall rates were increasing and significantly higher than CK. Lishougu+ethephon treatment had the most notable impact on sesame dehydration and defoliation among the three ripening agents, followed by 540 g/L thiobenzene+ethephon treatment. After ripening agent treatment, the chlorophyll content of capsule decreased to different degrees. With the increase of ripening days, the chlorophyll destruction of capsule was serious under the treatment of Lishougu+ethephon. The actual photosynthetic rate of sesame decreased significantly compared with CK, and the potential activity of PSII (Fv/Fo) and photochemical efficiency (Fv/Fm) both decreased. With the increase of ripening days, the chlorophyll b content of 540 g/L thiabenzene+ethephon treatment increased first and then decreased. After accelerated ripening treatment, the 1000-grain weight, fat content and protein content of sesame decreased, and the effect was most significant under the treatment of Lishougu+ethephon, the effects of 540 g/L thiazene+ethephon treatment on sesame quality and yield were the least. Comprehensive analysis showed that the defoliation, dewatering and ripening effects of 540 g/L thiazene (SC) 45.0 g/ha+ethephon 2500 g/ha combination were significant, and had little effect on the photosynthetic efficiency of capsule in later period, and could obtain ideal ripening effects.

Key words: Sesame capsule, Chemical ripening agents, Photosynthetic efficiency, Yield, Fat content, Protein content



处理Treatment 有效成分Effective component
对照(CK) 清水
T1 乙烯利2500
T2 立收谷1500+乙烯利2500
T3 立收谷2000+乙烯利2500
T4 540 g/L噻苯·敌草隆(SC)45.0+乙烯利2500
T5 540 g/L噻苯·敌草隆(SC)67.5+乙烯利2500



3 d 6 d 9 d
Defoliation rate
Leaf fall rate
Defoliation rate
Leaf fall rate
Defoliation rate
Leaf fall rate
CK 8.54±0.23c 2.17±0.10d 25.52±0.71d 22.86±0.97c 61.49±3.46c 45.08±2.81c
T1 12.44±0.24c 4.12±0.12c 68.11±2.74c 42.99±1.69b 88.65±1.84b 84.29±1.91b
T2 32.57±1.19a 14.20±0.82a 80.00±1.98a 71.35±2.04a 97.06±3.37a 94.61±2.48ab
T3 36.28±0.29a 15.52±0.91a 85.32±2.16a 75.72±0.17a 99.30±4.27a 98.66±1.05a
T4 26.18±0.30b 12.87±0.17b 75.41±1.07ab 67.06±1.48a 93.11±1.29ab 90.14±1.29ab
T5 22.84±0.99b 12.74±0.49b 76.65±1.98ab 68.67±1.45a 94.43±4.21a 93.84±2.89ab



Days after
spraying (d)
3 CK 43.23±1.89a 44.80±2.03a 41.51±0.53a
T1 38.31±0.85b 40.28±1.49b 36.56±1.17b
T2 33.84±0.70c 20.86±0.27d 24.96±0.79d
T3 28.23±0.95d 17.51±0.48e 22.78±1.18d
T4 34.55±0.56c 22.77±0.19c 27.85±0.07c
T5 29.11±1.11d 20.72±0.19d 24.90±0.51d
9 CK 28.31±0.83a 23.01±1.80a 29.74±1.27a
T1 20.12±1.01b 13.38±0.03b 15.27±0.66b
T2 14.01±0.40d 7.80±0.22c 11.22±0.52c
T3 13.88±0.72d 7.21±0.36c 10.21±0.49c
T4 15.12±0.38c 8.22±0.09c 11.88±0.79c
T5 13.97±0.55d 7.85±0.05c 11.07±0.07c



3 d 6 d 9 d
叶绿素a Chlorophyll a
CK 1.0045±0.0197a 0.8440±0.0388a 0.4730±0.0095a
T1 0.4256±0.0156b 0.3166±0.0141b 0.2187±0.0099b
T2 0.1622±0.0017c 0.1167±0.0036c 0.0271±0.0011e
T3 0.1153±0.0061d 0.0997±0.0035d 0.0170±0.0041d
T4 0.4270±0.0113b 0.3997±0.0083b 0.3448±0.0121b
T5 0.4203±0.0177b 0.4034±0.0088b 0.3174±0.0038c
叶绿素b Chlorophyll b
CK 0.2156±0.0025a 0.1692±0.0027a 0.1068±0.0052a
T1 0.0880±0.0066c 0.0770±0.0016c 0.0606±0.0014b
T2 0.0647±0.0028d 0.0220±0.0001a 0.0107±0.0004c
T3 0.0369±0.0019d 0.0159±0.0010a 0.0095±0.0001c
T4 0.0941±0.0016b 0.0959±0.0028b 0.0626±0.0012b
T5 0.0790±0.0051c 0.0832±0.0049b 0.0573±0.0010b
总叶绿素Total chlorophyll
CK 1.0045±0.0197a 0.8440±0.0388a 0.4730±0.0095a
T1 0.4256±0.0156b 0.3166±0.0141c 0.2187±0.0099b
T2 0.0271±0.0011c 0.1622±0.0017d 0.1167±0.0036c
T3 0.1704±0.0041d 0.1153±0.0061d 0.0997±0.0035c
T4 0.4370±0.0113b 0.4997±0.0083b 0.4048±0.0121b
T5 0.4283±0.0177b 0.4534±0.0088b 0.3674±0.0038b



3 d 9 d
Fo Fv/Fm Fv/Fo Fo Fv/Fm Fv/Fo
CK 104.4710±1.6199c 0.8230±0.0368a 4.6884±0.1266a 117.2936±6.7927d 0.6813±0.0211a 3.6827±0.1290a
T1 108.5940±1.1721c 0.8273±0.0321a 3.9209±0.0762b 127.9943±9.4376cd 0.5184±0.0136b 1.0673±0.0367b
T2 121.3950±2.2750b 0.6657±0.0072b 2.8888±0.1495c 160.3154±3.7378b 0.2659±0.0068d 0.6981±0.0202c
T3 138.3160±1.6848a 0.5670±0.0223c 2.4819±0.1982d 182.7926±8.6164a 0.2450±0.0044d 0.4668±0.0275d
T4 109.4445±5.1841c 0.7991±0.0279a 4.0299±0.1535b 136.0706±7.3870c 0.4940±0.0133bc 0.9931±0.0151b
T5 117.3920±2.2972bc 0.7716±0.0104a 3.9417±0.0519b 141.6411±3.8517c 0.5044±0.0163bc 0.9637±0.0209b



3 d 9 d
CK 15.62±0.79a 4.79±0.12ad 2.93±0.06a 246.70±8.78c 5.32±0.30a 2.05±0.06a 0.16±0.01a 265.18±10.19c
T1 14.30±0.13b 5.08±0.13a 2.67±0.10b 246.86±9.04c 3.99±0.07b 1.87±0.04b 0.11±0.01b 302.45±5.99b
T2 8.78±0.31c 3.76±0.11d 1.93±0.08d 285.89±14.27a -0.01±0.00c 1.42±0.04c 0.03±0.01d 351.60±1.67a
T3 6.59±0.27d 2.10±0.14e 1.63±0.05e 287.30±4.91a -2.97±0.15d 1.53±0.02d 0.02±0.01d 370.33±11.54a
T4 13.38±0.15b 4.54±0.14bc 2.38±0.02c 263.35±3.00bc 3.94±0.02b 1.81±0.04b 0.10±0.01c 289.42±16.51bc
T5 13.74±0.52b 4.38±0.18c 2.55±0.07bc 272.76±4.84ab 3.95±0.18b 1.85±0.04b 0.09±0.01c 312.38±14.61b



1000-grain weight (g)
Yield (kg/hm2)
Fat content (kg/hm2)
Protein content (kg/hm2)
CK 2.77±0.09a 3641.37±154.85a 55.56±1.22a 20.42±0.56a
T1 2.63±0.03a 3499.65±64.70ab 52.97±1.82b 18.04±0.82b
T2 2.02±0.05b 3077.20±88.02cd 48.60±0.62cd 18.41±0.81b
T3 1.84±0.06c 2977.24±87.97d 46.53±0.32d 17.53±0.83b
T4 2.65±0.05a 3450.10±57.18bc 54.37±1.06ab 20.62±0.32a
T5 2.63±0.08b 3425.14±136.47bc 52.66±0.14b 20.10±0.48a
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