作物杂志,2025, 第1期: 162–169 doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2025.01.020

• 生理生化·植物营养·栽培耕作 • 上一篇    下一篇


周苗苗1(), 何瑞通1, 李兰1, 王红鑫1, 彭浩源1, 张玉博1, 张丹1,2, 王进斌1,2, 罗新宁1,2(), 祁炳琴1,2()   

  1. 1塔里木大学农学院,843300,新疆阿拉尔
  • 收稿日期:2024-06-11 修回日期:2024-07-19 出版日期:2025-02-15 发布日期:2025-02-12
  • 通讯作者: 祁炳琴,研究方向为作物高产理论与技术,E-mail:1473867396@qq.com;罗新宁为共同通信作者,主要从事作物高产与养分高效利用研究,E-mail:luoxinning04@163.com
  • 作者简介:周苗苗,主要从事作物高产理论与技术研究,E-mail:1379180957@qq.com
  • 基金资助:

Effects of Growth Regulators “EDAH” on Photosynthetic Characteristics and Yield Formation of Maize under High Planting Density

Zhou Miaomiao1(), He Ruitong1, Li Lan1, Wang Hongxin1, Peng Haoyuan1, Zhang Yubo1, Zhang Dan1,2, Wang Jinbin1,2, Luo Xinning1,2(), Qi Bingqin1,2()   

  1. 1College of Agronomy, Tarim University, Alar 843300, Xinjiang, China
    2Key Laboratory of Genetic Improvement and Efficient Production of Specialty Crops in Arid Southern Xinjiang, Alar 843300, Xinjiang, China
  • Received:2024-06-11 Revised:2024-07-19 Online:2025-02-15 Published:2025-02-12



关键词: 玉米, 高密度种植, 玉黄金, 光合特性, 产量形成


The application of growth regulators, one of the important measures to increase yield, can eliminate the adverse effects of dense planting and improve the photosynthetic capacity of leaves. In this study, Denghai 618 (DH618) and MC670 were used as the test varieties, and three planting densities (9.0×104, 13.5×104, 18.0×104 plants/ha) were set up, and two treatments of spraying EDAH and water (CK) were used to study the regulation of growth regulators on photosynthetic characteristics and yield formation of maize under dense planting conditions. The results showed that with the increase of density, the grain yield, plant height and ear height of two varieties increased first and then decreased, and the leaf area, leaf mass per area, leaf thickness, total chlorophyll content and gas exchange parameters decreased gradually with the increase of density. In both cultivars, spraying EDAH significantly reduced plant height and ear height, and dramatically improved grain yields of the two varieties. Among them, the yield of DH618 was higher than MC670. Moreover, the leaf area, leaf mass per area, leaf thickness, total chlorophyll, and gas exchange characteristics increased as a result of spraying EDAH. In summary, spraying EDAH could effectively enhances photosynthesis and increased grain yield by regulating plant height, ear height, leaf area, leaf mass per area, leaf thickness, total chlorophyll content and gas exchange parameters. Among them, the dwarf variety DH618 was more strongly regulated by EDAH than the high stalk variety MC670.

Key words: Maize, High planting density, EDAH, Photosynthetic characteristics, Yield formation





DH618 EDAH D1 193.8d 71.8e 0.37e
D2 209.5c 86.3c 0.41bc
D3 205.8c 80.5d 0.39d
平均值 203.0 79.5 0.39
CK D1 221.5b 88.3c 0.40cd
D2 232.8a 103.0a 0.44a
D3 225.3b 96.5b 0.43ab
平均值 226.5 95.9 0.42
MC670 EDAH D1 231.3de 87.8e 0.38d
D2 234.3d 100.8c 0.43b
D3 229.8e 91.5d 0.40c
平均值 231.8 93.4 0.40
CK D1 257.8b 101.8bc 0.40c
D2 267.3a 120.0a 0.45a
D3 246.0c 105.0b 0.43b
平均值 257.0 108.9 0.43
变异来源Source of variation
品种(V) ** ** ns
处理(T) ** ** **
密度(D) ** ** **
品种×处理(V×T) ns ns ns
品种×密度(V×D) ** ** ns
处理×密度(T×D) ** ns ns
品种×处理×密度(V×T×D) * ns ns


不同处理下玉黄金对不同叶层叶面积的影响 不同小写字母表示在P < 0.05水平差异显著,下同。





Upper epidermis thickness
Lower epidermis thickness
Leaf thickness
DH618 EDAH D1 25.71±0.62a 16.37±1.37a 216.24±2.42a
D2 23.46±0.71bc 15.36±0.69ab 184.27±1.00b
D3 22.85±0.84bc 13.63±0.76b 169.76±8.01c
平均值 24.01±0.72 15.12±0.94 190.09±3.81
CK D1 24.34±1.38ab 15.73±2.28ab 208.96±0.62a
D2 23.26±0.44bc 15.08±0.74ab 173.87±5.60c
D3 22.59±0.99c 13.50±0.60b 161.76±2.85d
平均值 23.40±0.94 14.77±1.21 181.53±3.02
MC670 EDAH D1 24.17±0.82a 17.81±0.34a 186.92±1.89a
D2 23.03±2.36ab 16.86±0.80ab 176.97±1.76b
D3 20.45±2.93abc 16.39±0.67ab 175.82±1.37b
平均值 22.55±2.04 17.02±0.60 179.90±1.67
CK D1 23.44±1.94ab 17.76±1.36a 179.17±4.88b
D2 20.11±2.09bc 15.03±1.88b 131.60±6.25c
D3 18.89±1.67c 12.81±1.09c 126.72±3.83c
平均值 20.81±1.90 15.20±1.44 145.83±4.99
变异来源 品种(V) ** ** **
Source of variation 处理(T) * * **
密度(D) ** ** **
品种×处理×密度(V×T×D) ns ns **







Grains per ear
1000-grain weight (g)
Grain yield (kg/hm2)
Biomass (kg/hm2)
Harvest index
DH618 EDAH D1 470.2±5.2a 383.7±3.7a 16 119.6±696.5c 36 381.4±1596.6ab 0.45bc
D2 414.1±8.6b 357.3±4.3c 18 853.2±772.6a 39 416.3±3482.4a 0.48a
D3 353.5±9.6d 301.4±4.1e 17 181.5±606.3b 37 092.8±2696.4ab 0.46ab
平均值 412.6±7.8 347.5±4.0 17 384.8±691.8 37 630.2±2591.8 0.46
CK D1 405.5±10.4b 364.9±3.7b 13 202.6±160.3e 31 266.4±970.9c 0.42d
D2 375.6±11.3c 340.6±2.8d 16 224.0±606.1bc 34 964.2±691.4bc 0.47ab
D3 296.1±8.6e 279.7±4.9f 14 860.5±302.3d 33 980.8±1623.4bc 0.43cd
平均值 359.1±10.1 328.4±3.8 14 762.4±356.2 33 403.8±1095.2 0.44
MC670 EDAH D1 531.7±5.3a 266.8±5.2a 15 490.4±840.5bc 37 298.9±990.5b 0.42bc
D2 504.5±8.5b 252.4±9.7abc 17 810.6±823.4a 38 976.4±158.6a 0.46a
D3 387.1±7.8d 242.7±5.1c 16 076.3±574.5b 36 236.3±439.6b 0.45ab
平均值 474.4±7.2 254.0±6.7 16 459.1±746.1 37 503.9±529.5 0.44
CK D1 487.2±7.5b 258.1±7.6ab 13 021.9±917.1d 31 719.9±1104.2c 0.41bc
D2 456.0±11.9c 248.6±10.6bc 15 665.9±537.7bc 36 123.7±399.7b 0.45ab
D3 385.7±5.3e 224.1±7.3d 14 336.6±957.7cd 35 991.3±1218.9b 0.40c
平均值 443.0±8.2 243.6±8.5 14 341.5±804.2 34 611.6±907.6 0.42
变异来源 品种(V) ** ** ** ns *
Source of variation 处理(T) ** ** ** ** **
密度(D) ** ** ** ** **
品种×处理(V×T) ** * ns ns ns
品种×密度(V×D) ** ** ns ns ns
处理×密度(T×D) ** ns ns * ns
品种×处理×密度(V×T×D) ** ns ns ns ns
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