作物杂志,2024, 第4期: 138–143 doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2024.04.017

• 生理生化·植物营养·栽培耕作 • 上一篇    下一篇


杨柯(), 姜春霞, 张伟, 刘恩科, 翟广谦, 张冬梅()   

  1. 山西农业大学山西有机旱作农业研究院/农业农村部有机旱作农业重点实验室(部省共建)/省部共建有机旱作农业国家重点实验室(筹)/有机旱作农业山西省重点实验室,030031,山西太原
  • 收稿日期:2023-11-09 修回日期:2024-02-28 出版日期:2024-08-15 发布日期:2024-08-14
  • 通讯作者: 张冬梅,研究方向为旱作栽培技术,E-mail:13803401159@163.com
  • 作者简介:杨柯,研究方向为玉米栽培,E-mail:18303511985@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Study on the Effects of Different Treatments on Mechanical Harvest Broken Rate of Maize Grains

Yang Ke(), Jiang Chunxia, Zhang Wei, Liu Enke, Zhai Guangqian, Zhang Dongmei()   

  1. Shanxi Institute of Organic Dryland Farming, Shanxi Agricultural University / Key Laboratory of Sustainable Dryland Agriculture (Co-Construction by Ministry and Province), Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs / State Key Laboratory of Sustainable Dryland Agriculture (in Preparation) / Shanxi Key Laboratoryof Sustainable Dryland Agriculture, Taiyuan 030031, Shanxi, China
  • Received:2023-11-09 Revised:2024-02-28 Online:2024-08-15 Published:2024-08-14


为研究不同处理对玉米籽粒破碎率的影响,分析籽粒破碎率在实验室和实际机收下的关系,探索一种测试破碎率的便捷方式,设置不同的试验,包括品种、施氮量、播期、收获期,通过室内研磨测试不同孔径下籽粒的破碎率,并拟合机械收获过程中破碎率曲线。结果表明,不同品种、施氮量、播期、收获期籽粒破碎率之间差异明显,籽粒类型偏角质、减氮25%、收获期适当推迟可以提升籽粒耐破碎性。籽粒机械收获时含水率与破碎率呈二次曲线关系,当含水率为21.95%时,破碎率最低,为4.32%;含水率与实验室内研磨籽粒孔径为2.36 mm筛子计算出的破碎率呈二次曲线关系,回归曲线方程分析相近。本研究通过室内研磨籽粒测试破碎率(2.36 mm)模拟籽粒机械实际收获时的破碎率,为选育适宜籽粒机收品种提供测试破碎率更灵活便捷的方式。

关键词: 玉米, 籽粒收获, 耐破碎性, 破碎率


In order to study the effects of different treatments on the main grain broken rate, analyze the relationship between the grain broken rate of laboratory and actual machine harvest, and explore a convenient way to test the broken rate, the experimental settings including varieties, nitrogen application rate, sowing date and harvest period, and the broken rate under different pore size sieves of indoor ground grains were studied respectively, and the curve of the broken rate in mechanical harvesting process was simulated. The results showed that there were obvious differences of grain broken rate between different varieties, nitrogen application rates, sowing dates and harvest dates, and the selection of grain type keratin, 25% reduction in nitrogen and appropriate postponement of harvest date could improve the broken resistance of grains. The moisture content and the broken rate at the time of mechanical harvesting had a quadratic relationship, when the moisture content was 21.95%, the lowest broken rate was 4.32%, and the moisture content and the broken rate calculated by the sieve with a grinding pore size of 2.36 mm in the laboratory had a quadratic relationship, the regression curve equation analysis showed similar result. The broken rate (2.36 mm) can be tested by indoor grinding, which mimics the broken rate of actual mechanical harvesting, thus providing a more flexible and convenient way for selecting suitable varieties for harvesting to test the grain broken rate.

Key words: Maize, Grain harvesting, Resistance to breakage, Broken rate



Test region
Dongyang base


Shenshan, Dingxiang



破碎率Broken rate 均值
Grain type
1.00 mm 2.00 mm 2.36 mm
华美1号Huamei 1 35.6aA 57.7aA 76.1aA 56.5 马齿型、粉质
广德5号Guangde 5 28.9bB 47.3bcBC 66.5bcBC 47.4 马齿型、粉质
瑞普909 Ruipu 909 28.4bcBC 49.7bB 69.4bAB 49.2 半马齿型、偏粉质
京农科728 Jingnongke 728 28.1bcdBC 44.1cdCD 61.5cdC 44.6 半马齿型、偏粉质
大丰30 Dafeng 30 27.7bcdBC 44.9cdBCD 63.6cdBC 45.4 半马齿型、偏粉质
迪卡517 Dika 517 27.6bcdBC 44.6cdCD 64.1bcdBC 45.4 半马齿型、半粉质半角质
金科玉3306 Jinkeyu 3306 27.4bcdBC 43.7cdCD 60.9cdC 44.0 半马齿型、半粉质半角质
DF617 27.3bcdBC 43.7cdCD 62.1cdC 44.4 半马齿型、半粉质半角质
郑单958 Zhengdan 958 26.8bcdBC 43.6cdCD 62.1cdC 44.2 半马齿型、半粉质半角质
东单913 Dongdan 913 26.7bcdBC 43.2cdCD 62.8cdBC 44.2 半马齿型、半粉质半角质
粒收1号Lishou 1 26.6bcdBC 44.0cdCD 61.7cdC 44.1 半马齿型、半粉质半角质
中地88 Zhongdi 88 26.1cdBC 44.5cdCD 64.6bcdBC 45.1 半马齿型、半粉质半角质
华农887 Huanong 887 25.9cdC 42.5dCD 61.7cdC 43.4 半马齿型、半粉质半角质
DF607 25.8dC 42.1dD 59.9dC 42.6 半马齿型、偏角质
均值Mean 27.8 45.4 64.1 45.8



Nitrogen application treatment
破碎率Broken rate 均值
1.00 mm 2.00 mm 2.36 mm
N0 31.2aA 52.6aA 74.0aA 52.6
N1 28.8bB 45.4bB 64.3bB 45.8
N2 28.3bcB 44.8bB 63.4bB 45.5
N3 28.2cB 44.7bB 63.3bB 45.4



Sowing date (month-day)
破碎率Broken rate 均值
1.00 mm 2.00 mm 2.36 mm
04-16 28.2bA 44.4bA 66.4aA 46.6
04-23 27.9bcA 43.3cA 62.2bcA 44.5
04-30 29.4aA 45.6aA 64.8bA 46.6
05-07 27.9cA 43.5bcA 61.6cA 44.3
05-14 28.7bA 44.8bA 65.3bA 46.3







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