Crops ›› 2017, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (1): 113-118.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2017.01.021

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Effects of Cropping Pattern and Density on Yield and Dry Matter Accumulation of Adzuki Bean

Guo Jianhua,Yu Song,Yu Lihe,Guo Wei,Xue Yingwen,Jin Shanshan,Liang Haiyun,Duan Junjun   

  1. Agronomy College,Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural University/Key Laboratory of Cold Crop Germplasm Improvement and Cultivation of Heilongjiang Province,Daqing 163319,Heilongjiang,China
  • Received:2016-12-02 Revised:2016-12-20 Online:2017-02-15 Published:2018-08-26


In order to investigate the effects of cropping pattern and density on yield and dry matter accumulation of adzuki bean in semi-arid area of western Heilongjiang, a split plot design including plain cropping and ridge cropping (65cm, 110cm between ridges) were applied with seed rate of 90,000 plant/hm 2, 130,000 plant/hm 2, 170,000 plant/hm 2, 210,000 plant/hm 2, 250,000 plant/hm 2. Results showed that the pods per plant and seed per plant of different cropping patterns in 90,000 plant/hm 2 was the highest. In 110cm and 65cm cropping patterns, pods/main stem pods and 100-seed weight decreased with increased population density; population density showed little effect to 100-seed weight. Cropping patterns and population density showed stronger effects on the dry matter accumulation of stems and leaves. Pods per plant and grain yield increased with the increase of dry matter accumulation. Plain cropping and 65cm ridge cropping produced highest yield of 1 387.67kg/hm 2 and 1 723.53kg/hm 2 in 170,000 plant/hm 2 population density. 110cm ridge cropping pattern with 210,000 plant/hm 2 population density produced highest yield of 1 901.07kg/hm 2. 110cm ridge cropping pattern with population density of 170,000 plant/hm 2 should be the recommended cropping pattern in the tested cropping area.

Key words: Adzuki bean, Cropping pattern, Population density, Dry matter accumulation

Table 1

Effects of cropping pattern and density on plant traits of adzuki bean"

Branch number
Node number
Pods per plant
Main stem pods
Seeds per pod
Seed per plant
Seed weight per plant
100-seed weight
PD1 2.6a 11.6a 31.5c 13.5bcdef 4.6ef 142.3e 15.61ef 10.21ab
PD2 2.2a 8.3ab 24.1e 13.3bcdef 5.6bcd 135.6e 14.72efg 10.47a
PD3 3.2a 12.2a 25.0de 14.5bcde 4.9def 121.0fg 17.04de 9.62c
PD4 2.8a 7.9ab 22.6e 13.8bcde 4.7ef 107.0h 12.34gh 10.76a
PD5 2.1a 10.3ab 15.3f 9.4ef 4.2f 64.6i 8.26i 10.27ab
XD1 2.1a 11.2a 46.3a 20.5a 4.9def 228.1a 29.73a 10.69a
XD2 2.6a 8.4ab 35.6b 18.4ab 5.1cde 182.1c 20.68c 10.50a
XD3 2.4a 11.2a 26.8de 16.0abcd 4.7ef 125.9f 12.77gh 10.40a
XD4 3.4a 7.2ab 24.6de 13.4bcdef 4.4f 107.6h 10.77hi 9.61c
XD5 3.2a 8.1ab 24.2de 11.3def 4.8def 116.2g 12.44gh 9.56c
DD1 2.6a 10.3ab 43.3a 17.3abc 4.8ef 207.3b 23.56b 10.30ab
DD2 2.2a 9.0ab 24.7de 13.2cdef 7.6a 186.7c 18.79cd 10.48a
DD3 2.5a 10.4ab 24.7de 12.8cdef 6.2b 153.2d 10.64hi 10.37a
DD4 2.6a 10.5ab 27.7d 11.3def 4.5ef 125.6f 14.31fg 9.71bc
DD5 2.6a 6.1b 17.2f 8.5f 5.9bc 102.3h 12.19gh 9.51c


Effects of cropping pattern and density on the yield of adzuki bean grain Different letters are significantly different at 0. 05 level"


Effects of cropping pattern and density on dry matter accumulation of adzuki bean stem"


Effects of cropping pattern and density on dry matter accumulation of adzuki bean leaf"

Table 2

Effects of cropping pattern and density on dry matter accumulation of adzuki bean pod g/株"

Pod-setting stage
Seed filling stage
Grain filling stage
PD1 0.58e 4.85a 7.80a
PD2 0.84de 2.62bcde 5.35ab
PD3 3.15a 4.00ab 2.55b
PD4 1.56c 2.62bcde 4.17b
PD5 1.35cd 3.13bcd 5.36ab
XD1 0.96de 3.05bcd 5.61ab
XD2 0.58e 2.58bcde 3.49bc
XD3 0.43e 1.70de 3.91bc
XD4 0.87de 3.10bcd 3.34bc
XD5 0.52e 2.48cde 5.92ab
DD1 2.22b 3.27bc 4.48b
DD2 0.75de 2.67bcde 5.78ab
DD3 1.27cd 2.64bcde 5.00b
DD4 0.61e 2.32cde 5.14b
DD5 1.04cde 1.57e 1.59c

Table 3

Effects of cropping pattern and density on dry matter accumulation of adzuki bean grain g/株"

Pod-setting stage
Seed filling stage
Grain filling stage
PD1 2.18c 9.81ab 22.89ab
PD2 3.48ab 8.35abcde 16.62bcde
PD3 2.10cd 5.43def 9.98def
PD4 1.55de 5.31def 12.29cdef
PD5 1.26ef 5.85cdef 13.79bcde
XD1 3.88a 8.64abcd 15.27bcde
XD2 0.85f 2.85f 3.77f
XD3 1.05ef 7.38bcde 18.99bcd
XD4 2.07cd 5.64def 12.72bcdef
XD5 2.30c 6.87bcde 13.72bcde
DD1 1.53de 7.74bcde 18.62bcd
DD2 3.27b 11.75a 29.51a
DD3 2.41c 9.43abc 21.04abc
DD4 3.37ab 9.04abcd 21.11abc
DD5 2.30c 4.71ef 7.23ef
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