Crops ›› 2019, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (2): 28-38.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2019.02.005

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Analysis on the Development of Agricultural Production in Central and Southern Mountainous Areas of Ningxia in Recent 20 Years

Yong Cui,Ziqing Ma,Enping Tian   

  1. Ningxia Agricultural Technology Extension Station, Yinchuan 750001, Ningxia, China
  • Received:2018-09-14 Revised:2019-02-18 Online:2019-04-15 Published:2019-04-12


This paper reviews the development of grain production in central and southern mountainous areas of Ningxia in recent 20 years. The results showed that the contribution of grain yield to the total grain production in Ningxia showed an increasing trend, which was 40.07% in 2017, 11.14 percentage points higher than that in 1998. The proportion of summer grain planting decreased significantly, and the proportion of autumn grain increased rapidly. The area of wheat and miscellaneous grain production were greatly compressed, the planting area of maize and potato were greatly enlarged and the planting of grain showed a trend of diversification. The grain yield per unit yield increased by 67.64% in central and southern mountainous areas of Ningxia, and the yields of wheat, maize and potato showed an upward trend in general; The proportion of oil crops decreased significantly (46.51 percentage points), the proportion of traditional Chinese medicinal materials, vegetables and fruits increased gradually (12.88 and 14.25 percentage points, respectively), and the proportion of green fodder was more than 20%. The population of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery industry decreased by 22.55%, and the level of agricultural mechanization improved significantly. The amount of plastic film consumption and the coverage area increased rapidly, and the amount of fertilizer application increased first and then stabilized. Generally, the planting structure of central and southern mountainous areas in Ningxia has been optimized continuously in the past 20 years, crop types are diversified, and agricultural modernization has been significantly implemented.

Key words: Central and Southern Mountainous Areas of Ningxia, Crop, Farming system, Planting structure, Grain production


The change of the proportion of sowing area of grain crops in the whole Ningxia region"


The change of the proportion of yield of grain crops in the whole Ningxia region"


Changes of sowing area and ratio of summer grain and autumn grain"


Changes of sowing area of main grain crops"


Changes of grain yield per unit in Central and Southern Mountainous Areas of Ningxia"


Changes of unit yield of maize, wheat and potato in Central and Southern Mountainous Areas of Ningxia"


Changes of total grain production in Central and Southern Mountainous Areas of Ningxia"


Changes of total grain production of wheat, maize, potato and cereals in Central and Southern Mountainous Areas of Ningxia"

Table 1

Changes of main grain crop types in the counties of Central and Southern Mountainous Areas of Ningxia"

County (District)
1998 2001 2004 2007 2010 2013 2016
盐池县Yanchi 杂粮 杂粮 杂粮、玉米 杂粮 杂粮、马铃薯 杂粮、马铃薯 杂粮
同心县Tongxin 小麦、杂粮 小麦、杂粮 小麦、杂粮 小麦、杂粮 小麦、杂粮 小麦、玉米 玉米、杂粮
红寺堡Hongsipu 玉米、杂粮 玉米 玉米 玉米 玉米 玉米
原州区Yuanzhou 小麦、杂粮 马铃薯、小麦 小麦、马铃薯 马铃薯、小麦 马铃薯、小麦 马铃薯、玉米 马铃薯、玉米
西吉县Xiji 马铃薯、小麦 马铃薯 小麦、马铃薯 马铃薯 马铃薯 马铃薯 马铃薯
隆德县Longde 小麦 小麦、马铃薯 小麦 小麦 马铃薯、小麦 马铃薯、小麦 玉米、马铃薯
泾源县Jingyuan 小麦 小麦 小麦 小麦 马铃薯 小麦、马铃薯 小麦、马铃薯
彭阳县Pengyang 小麦、杂粮 小麦、杂粮 小麦、玉米 小麦、马铃薯 玉米、小麦 玉米、小麦 玉米
海原县Haiyuan 小麦、杂粮 小麦、杂粮 杂粮、小麦 马铃薯 马铃薯 马铃薯 马铃薯、杂粮


Changes of other crop composition in Central and Southern Mountainous Areas of Ningxia"

Table 2

Changes in the proportion of some cash crops in other crop composition in the main counties in Central and Southern Mountainous Areas of Ningxia %"

County (District)
1998 2016
Oil crop
Vegetable and cucurbit
Medicinal material
Oil crop
Vegetable and cucurbit
Medicinal material
盐池县Yanchi 82.48 9.49 0.73 15.77 16.60 7.73
同心县Tongxin 71.26 12.64 0.00 24.62 19.84 37.13
原州区Yuanzhou 60.34 10.85 0.00 12.38 29.38 6.78
西吉县Xiji 73.21 17.86 0.00 38.12 23.77 0.50
隆德县Longde 59.04 9.64 4.82 31.46 25.73 32.02
泾源县Jingyuan 63.16 21.05 0.00 9.18 20.77 4.21
彭阳县Pengyang 68.05 8.28 0.59 23.74 54.17 9.32
海原县Haiyuan 69.57 12.50 1.63 24.31 22.82 13.33


Population changes of agriculture, forestry, shepherd and fishery in Central and Southern Mountainous Areas of Ningxia"


The change of chemical fertilizer application rate in Central and Southern Mountainous Areas of Ningxia"

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