Crops ›› 2018, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (1): 77-82.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2018.01.012

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Analysis of Main Agronomic Traits of 28 Barley Varieties (Lines)

Gao Zhanning,Feng Hui,Xue Zhenggang,Yang Yongqian,Wang Shujie,Pan Zhengmao   

  1. Zhumadian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Zhumadian 463000, Henan, China
  • Received:2017-09-30 Revised:2017-12-11 Online:2018-02-20 Published:2018-08-24


In order to explore the genetic basis of main agronomic traits of barley, and provide reference for barley high-yield breeding, the main agronomic traits and yield were analyzed in 28 barley varieties (lines). The results showed that all the agronomic traits exhibited abundant genetic variations, and seven of them were identified with the significant variations, which can be used further. Correlation analyses indicated that there were complex correlations among the agronomic traits, and the yield was affected by multiple traits. The number of the spikelet was significantly and positively correlated with yield, and the partial correlation coefficient was also positive between the spikelet number and yield. Principle component analyses indicated that four main principle components with cumulative contribution rate of 86.8889%. All materials were clustered into two main groups: short stalk with more seeds and high stalk with more spikes.

Key words: Barley, Agronomic traits, Correlation analysis, Principle component analysis, Cluster analysis

Table 1

The names and origins of tested materials"

编号Number 品种(系) Variety (line) 棱型Row-type 来源Origin
1 驻大麦4号 6 河南
2 驻大麦3号 2 河南
3 驻大麦5号 2 河南
4 驻大麦6号 2 河南
5 驻大麦7号 2 河南
6 驻大麦8号 6 河南
7 驻4-300 6 河南
8 驻南4-238 6 河南
9 驻6-71 2 河南
10 苏啤3号 2 江苏
11 苏啤4号 2 江苏
12 盐99175 2 江苏
13 苏啤6号 2 江苏
14 苏啤7号 2 江苏
15 扬农啤5号 2 江苏
16 扬农啤11号 2 江苏
17 扬农啤12号 2 江苏
18 甘垦5号 6 甘肃
19 浙皮8号 2 浙江
20 岗二 2
21 沪16 2 上海
22 盐黑1号 2 江苏
23 鄂单215 2 湖北
24 鄂大麦105 2 湖北
25 鄂大麦072 2 湖北
26 浙皮9号 2 浙江
27 浙皮10号 2 浙江
28 浙3521 2 浙江

Table 2

The performance and diversity index of agronomic traits"

性状Trait 平均值
Standard error
Variable coefficient
Diversity index
不孕粒数Infertility grain number 3.42 0.70 10.75 10.05 2.61 81.87 0.8127
穗粒数Grain number per spike 30.52 19.00 69.25 50.25 2.44 41.87 0.7977
千粒重1000-grain weight (g) 38.60 22.70 48.60 25.90 1.07 17.26 0.8117
有效穗Spike number (万/hm2) 735.45 377.10 1 067.10 690.00 1.39 18.67 0.8061
株高Plant height (cm) 93.03 78.67 116.17 37.50 0.82 8.64 0.8036
穗长Spike length (cm) 6.38 4.42 7.81 3.39 0.31 12.85 0.8585
子粒产量Grain yield (kg/hm2) 5 748.15 3 288.89 8 518.52 5 229.63 0.47 17.27 0.8780

Table 3

Performance and variance of agronomic traits of tested materials"

性状Trait 范围/数目Range/number
不孕粒数Infertility grain number (0,3)/15 (3,6)/7 (6,9)/5 (9,12)/1
穗粒数Grain number per spike (15,30)/23 (30,45)/0 (45,60)/4 (60,75)/1
千粒重1000-grain weight (g) (20,30)/5 (30,40)/9 (40,50)/14
有效穗Spike number (万/hm2) (375,525)/2 (525,675)/7 (675,825)/13 (825,975)/4 (975,1125)/2
株高Plant height (cm) (70,80)/1 (80,90)/8 (90,100)/15 (100,110)/3 (110,120)/1
穗长Spike length (cm) (4,5)/1 (5,6)/7 (6,7)/15 (7,8)/5
子粒产量Grain yield (kg/hm2) (3000,4500)/2 (4500,6000)/16 (6000,7500)/9 (7500,9000)/1

Table 4

The correlation coefficient of main agronomic traits of tested materials"

Infertility grain number
Grain number per spike
1000-grain weight
Spike number
Plant height
Spike length
Grain yield
不孕粒数 -1 -0.0335 -0.0289 -0.2913 -0.3629 -0.1634 -0.1449
穗粒数 -0.3945* -1 -0.7382 -0.2907 -0.0207 -0.2419 -0.1317
千粒重 -0.4535* -0.8167** -1 -0.0557 -0.1193 -0.4359 -0.0342
有效穗 -0.4137* -0.4968** -0.4099* -1 -0.1440 -0.0635 -0.0965
株高 -0.5259** -0.4144* -0.5263** -0.2186 -1 -0.2383 -0.4305*
穗长 -0.4645* -0.3687* -0.5849** -0.2629 -0.5196** -1 -0.0800
子粒产量 -0.2184 -0.4154* -0.4090* -0.2442 -0.5174** -0.2380 -1

Table 5

Principal component analysis of seven main agronomic traits of tested materials"

项目Item 第一主成分
Principal component 1
Principal component 2
Principal component 3
Principal component 4
特征值Eigenvalue 3.6000 0.9283 0.8715 0.6824
贡献率Contribution percentage (%) 51.4292 13.2616 12.4501 9.7480
累计贡献率Accumulated contribution percentage (%) 51.4292 64.6908 77.1409 86.8889
不孕粒数Infertility grain number -0.3640 0.0048 -0.5062 0.4495
穗粒数Grain number per spike -0.4219 -0.3376 0.2766 -0.3405
千粒重1000-grain weight 0.4558 0.1136 -0.0814 0.4709
有效穗Spike number 0.3097 0.6614 0.0084 -0.4487
株高Plant height 0.3941 -0.5085 0.0284 -0.2030
穗长Spike length 0.3659 -0.2517 0.4521 0.3387
子粒产量Grain yield -0.3107 0.3373 0.6749 0.3208


Clustering scheme of main agronomic traits of texted materials|||1-28 are variety (line) numbers (Table 1)"

Table 6

Average of agronomic traits in each cluster"

Grain number per spike
1000-grain weight
Spike number
Plant height
Spike length
Grain yield
第一类Group 1 6.75 56.05 26.31 564.90 83.70 5.36 6 681.48
第二类Group 2 2.70 24.97 41.23 772.50 95.06 6.60 5 540.74
平均值Average 4.72 40.51 33.77 668.70 89.38 5.98 6 118.52
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