Crops ›› 2022, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (6): 1-6.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2022.06.001

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Advance in Effects of Magnetized Water Irrigation on Crop Growth and Development

Zhou Hao1(), Qiu Xianjin1, Xu Jianlong2()   

  1. 1College of Agriculture, Yangtze University, Jingzhou 434025, Hubei, China
    2Institute of Crop Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China
  • Received:2022-06-02 Revised:2022-09-23 Online:2022-12-15 Published:2022-12-21
  • Contact: Xu Jianlong;


It is a special field that magnetized water treatment has been applied to crop production practice. Based on development of magnetized water, domestic and foreign researchers conducted a series of researches of magnetized water on growth and development of crops, and compared the differences in effects of magnetized water and ordinary water irrigation on seed germination, seedling growth quality, field-related agronomic traits, and soil physical and chemical properties, indicating that magnetized water had obvious effects on regulation of rice growth and development and improvement of soil property. Through the system summary, main differences were found in soil properties, growth indexes, leaf chlorophyll content, root traits, yield and grain quality of rice and other crops. Meanwhile, magnetized water irrigation affects the physiological characteristics of rice and other crops. The results provide a theoretical basis of application of magnetized water irrigation in crop production.

Key words: Magnetized water, Soil property, Growth and development, High yield, Rice, Rice quality

Table 1

Effects of magnetized water irrigation on crop yield"

Test location
Application area
Rate of production increase (%)
1 永磁式磁化器 吉林大学作物栽培教研室 水稻 小区面积30m2,3次重复 13~17 [2]
F型变频磁化水发生仪 浙江省富阳市黄田畈中国水稻研究所试验基地 水稻
磁化水灌溉和普通水灌溉小区面积各35m2,3次重复 5.2~9.3
黑龙江省五常市农业技术推广中心 水稻
磁化水灌溉1.2hm2(18亩),普通水灌溉1.07hm2(16亩) 11.4(亩增产60.1kg)
黑龙江省延寿县农业技术推广中心 水稻
磁化水灌溉4.67hm2(70亩),普通水灌溉4.67hm2(70亩) 13(亩增产66.5kg)
磁化水灌溉6.67hm2(100亩),普通水灌溉6.67hm2(100亩) 12.5(亩增产62.5kg)
3 磁化水活化系统 国家水利部重点灌溉试验站 棉花 面积约533.33(8000亩) 31.69 [28]
中国农业科学院农田灌溉研究所七里营基地 冬小麦
小区面积20m×9m,3次重复,共9个小区 6.14~8.99,5.20~7.24
活化水和未采用活化水种植面积667m2 16.9
F型变频纳米磁化水发生仪 黑龙江省普阳农场科技园区
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