Crops ›› 2023, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (4): 60-64.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2023.04.009

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Genetic Diversity Analysis of Agronomic and Quality Characteristics of Amaranthus Resources in Guizhou Province

Li Qingfeng(), Gao Jie, Peng Qiu()   

  1. Institute of Upland Crops, Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Guiyang 550006, Guizhou, China
  • Received:2022-03-31 Revised:2022-05-09 Online:2023-08-15 Published:2023-08-15


The local germplasm resources of Amaranthus in Guizhou province are extremely rich. In order to provide the theoretical basis for the breeding and production of Amaranthus, 40 Amaranthus resources in Guizhou province were collected, and the diversity and correlation of agronomic characteristics (plant height, stem diameter, petiole length, leaf length, leaf width and main inflorescence length) and quality characteristics (protein, crude fat, total starch, amylose and lysine) of Amaranthus were analyzed. The results showed that the diversity indexes of agronomic characteristics were 1.93-2.05; the average contents of proteins, crude fat, total starch, amylose and lysine were 22.55%, 6.92%, 40.25%, 1.30% and 0.60%, respectively.There were significantly positive correlation between plant height and stem diameter, leaf length, leaf width and main inflorescence length.There were significantly positive correlation between protein content and contents of crude fat and lysine. The contents of protein and lysine in Amaranthus resources in Southeast Guizhou province were higher, the contents of crude fat and total starch in Amaranthus resources in Anshun area were the highest, and the content of amylose in Amaranthus resources in Southern Guizhou province was higher compared with other regions in Guizhou province.

Key words: Guizhou, Amaranthus spp., Agronomic characteristic, Quality characteristic, Genetic diversity

Table 1

The 40Amaranthusgermplasm resources used in Guizhou"

序号Number 名称Name 地区Region 县区County 序号Number 名称Name 地区Region 县区County
1 2020001 黔西南州 贞丰 21 2020091 黔西南州 望谟
2 2020002 黔西南州 贞丰 22 2020096 黔西南州 望谟
3 2020003 黔西南州 贞丰 23 2020097 黔西南州 望谟
4 2020008 黔西南州 贞丰 24 2020106 黔西南州 望谟
5 2020016 黔西南州 安龙 25 2020110 黔南州 罗甸
6 2020022 黔西南州 安龙 26 2020111 黔南州 罗甸
7 2020023 黔西南州 安龙 27 2020117 黔南州 罗甸
8 2020027 黔西南州 安龙 28 2020121 黔南州 罗甸
9 2020031 黔西南州 兴义 29 2020123 安顺地区 紫云
10 2020034 黔西南州 兴义 30 2020122 安顺地区 紫云
11 2020049 黔西南州 兴义 31 2020135 安顺地区 紫云
12 2020054 六盘水 盘县 32 2020136 安顺地区 紫云
13 2020058 六盘水 盘县 33 2020140 安顺地区 紫云
14 2020065 六盘水 盘县 34 2020151 黔南州 独山
15 2020071 黔西南州 册亨 35 2020161 黔南州 三都
16 2020072 黔西南州 册亨 36 2020168 贵阳 花溪
17 2020076 黔西南州 册亨 37 2020169 贵阳 花溪
18 2020077 黔西南州 册亨 38 2020172 贵阳 花溪
19 2020088 黔西南州 望谟 39 2020177 黔西南州 册亨
20 2020089 黔西南州 望谟 40 2020300 黔东南州 雷山

Table 2

Variations and diversity indexes of agronomic characteristics in Amaranthusgermplasms"

Agronomic characteristic
Standard deviation
Coefficient of variation(%)
株高Plant height (cm) 350.00 196.50 271.18 39.91 14.72 1.95
茎粗Stemdiameter (mm) 41.39 15.36 24.90 5.80 23.29 1.93
叶柄长Petiole length (cm) 19.40 7.05 11.99 2.87 23.93 1.94
叶长Leaf length (cm) 31.60 16.30 22.75 4.09 17.98 2.05
叶宽Leaf width (cm) 15.45 8.25 10.94 1.53 13.96 1.97
主花序长Main inflorescence length (cm) 106.50 64.00 81.86 9.07 11.08 1.97

Table 3

The coefficients of variation and diversity indexes of quality characteristics in Amaranthusgermplasms"

Quality characteristic
Standard deviation
Coefficient of variation(%)
蛋白质Protein 28.87 18.82 22.55 2.48 10.99 2.02
粗脂肪Crude fat 10.90 4.44 6.92 1.27 18.31 1.89
总淀粉Total starch 48.72 34.53 40.25 2.91 7.24 1.93
直链淀粉Amylose 5.24 0.42 1.30 1.10 84.57 1.37
赖氨酸Lysine 0.85 0.34 0.60 0.11 18.72 1.99

Table 4

Correlation analysis of agronomic characteristics in Amaranthus germplasms"

Plant height
Petiole length
Leaf length
Leaf width
Main inflorescence length
株高Plant height 1.000
茎粗Stemdiameter 0.530** 1.000
叶柄长Petiole length 0.301 0.733** 1.000
叶长Leaf length 0.448** 0.693** 0.724** 1.000
叶宽Leaf width 0.526** 0.715** 0.750** 0.793** 1.000
主花序长Main inflorescence length 0.274** 0.209* 0.036 0.323* 0.185 1.000

Table 5

Correlation analysis of quality characteristics in Amaranthus germplasms"

Crude fat
Total starch
蛋白质Protein 1.000
粗脂肪Crude fat 0.400** 1.000
总淀粉Total starch -0.068 0.196* 1.000
直链淀粉Amylose -0.361** -0.316** -0.163 1.000
赖氨酸Lysine 0.506** 0.167 0.081 -0.326** 1.000

Table 6Comp

arison of main qualities of Amaranth germplasms resources in different regions%"

区域Region 数量Number 蛋白质Protein 粗脂肪Crude fat 总淀粉Total starch 直链淀粉Amylose 赖氨酸Lysine
黔西南Southwest Guizhou 22 22.99 6.98 40.39 1.24 0.58
黔东南Southeast Guizhou 1 24.50 5.19 37.01 1.15 0.77
黔南Southern Guizhou 6 21.89 6.87 39.70 1.86 0.56
六盘水Liupanshui 3 21.19 6.33 40.96 1.59 0.59
安顺Anshun 5 21.42 7.87 41.68 0.96 0.59
贵阳Guiyang 3 23.20 6.22 38.32 1.15 0.77
平均值Average 22.55 6.92 40.25 1.30 0.60
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