Crops ›› 2018, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (1): 71-76.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2018.01.011

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Variety Analysis of Northern Rice Regional Trials in Recent 15 Years

Wang Jie1,Zeng Bo2,Lei Cailin1,Zhao Zhichao1,Wang Jiulin1,Cheng Zhijun1   

  1. 1 Institute of Crop Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/National Key Facility for Crop Gene Resources and Genetic Improvement, Beijing 100081, China
    2 National Agricultural Technology Extension and Service Center, Beijing 100125, China
  • Received:2017-09-22 Revised:2017-11-27 Online:2018-02-20 Published:2018-08-24


Rice regional trial is a test platform and showcase for new rice varieties. Rice breeding progress can be seen from the performance of rice varieties in regional trials. Based on the data from national rice regional trials in northern China from 2001 to 2015, we analyzed the difference of main agronomic traits among years and groups. The results showed that: the number of testing variety has been increasing steadily. The average yield increased by 11.3%,from 9.08t/hm 2 in 2001 to 10.11t/hm 2 in 2015. In order to get higher yield in northern China, it is strongly recommended to maintain certain number of effective panicles, at the same time coordinating the relationship among grain numbers per panicle, seed setting rate and 1000-grain weight. On the whole, grain quality in northern China was good, with the high quality variety rate more than 60%. Rice quality of early maturity mid-early japonica and medium maturity mid-early japonica were relatively better than that of Huang-huai japonica and late maturity mid-early japonica. The head rice rate and amylose content were relatively ideal, while chalky rice rate and chalkiness degree were the main factors that affected the rice quality in norther China. Each year rice varieties with mid-resistance to rice blast accounted for 37%, while another 40% of rice varieties were eliminated due to susceptible to rice blast. Moreover, the rate of resistant varieties was unstable annually. It was important to make more efforts to enhance the rice blast resistance in northern China.

Key words: Rice breeding, Rice blast, Grain quality, Regional trail, Yield component


Number of rice varieties in northern rice regional trials of China from 2001 to 2015"


Average yield of rice varieties in northern rice regional trails of China from 2001 to 2015"

Table 1

Yield and its components of different groups"

组别Group 产量(t/hm2)
Panicle number
Plant height
Panicle length
Grains per panicle
Seed setting rate
1000-grain weight
黄淮粳稻HJR 8.99b 313.5d 104.7b 17.9bc 148.2a 83.4b 25.5a
京津唐粳稻JJR 9.21b 331.5cd 110.9a 18.7a 142.6a 87.1a 25.5a
晚熟中早粳LMJR 9.17b 361.5c 105.1b 18.3ab 132.2b 86.8a 25.3a
中熟中早粳MMJR 9.86a 495.0a 98.9c 16.9d 109.9c 82.5b 24.5b
早熟中早粳EMJR 9.32b 453.0b 101.9bc 17.7c 109.1c 87.2a 25.0ab


High quality rate of rice varieties and major quality traits in northern rice regional trials of China from 2001 to 2015"

Table 2

Rice qualities of different groups in northern rice regional of China"

High quality
Head rice rate
Chalky rice rate
Chalkiness degree
Amylose content
High quality rate
High quality rate
High quality rate
High quality rate
黄淮粳稻HJR 50.9 66.3±3.1 90.3 29.8±7.3 58.5 3.7±1.7 76.1 16.4±0.7 94.1
京津唐粳稻JJR 60.0 66.6±3.3 83.3 26.1±11.4 66.0 3.6±2.0 75.3 15.9±1.1 92.7
晚熟中早粳LMJR 52.2 66.5±3.4 87.3 27.3±9.2 63.1 3.7±1.5 79.6 15.9±0.6 87.3
中熟中早粳MMJR 67.5 65.9±1.7 86.9 22.1±7.5 81.3 2.4±0.9 92.5 16.6±0.8 95.0
早熟中早粳EMJR 74.1 66.1±2.2 88.6 19.5±4.9 88.0 2.4±0.7 93.4 16.5±0.7 92.8

Table 3

Blast resistant rate of rice varieties in northern rice regional trials of China from 2008 to 2015 %"

By the highest loss rate of panicle neck blast
By index of rice blast comprehensive resistance
≤1 ≤3 ≤5 ≤2.0 ≤4.0 ≤5.0
2008 6.7 30.0 66.7 5.0 43.3 70.0
2009 4.5 32.8 56.7 7.5 40.0 60.0
2010 7.5 43.3 64.2 7.5 45.0 81.7
2011 28.6 68.3 81.0 15.9 68.3 81.7
2012 10.4 28.4 68.7 11.9 71.7 91.7
2013 5.9 29.4 55.9 14.7 73.3 81.7
2014 1.3 13.0 35.1 10.4 51.7 70.0
2015 1.3 16.7 51.3 6.4 53.3 85.0
平均Average 8.3 32.7 59.9 9.9 55.8 77.7
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