Crops ›› 2022, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (3): 33-38.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2022.03.005
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Du Haimeng(), Wei Huanhe, Yu Qingyuan, Dai Qigen(
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[1] | Zhang Chonghua, Duan Licheng, Wang Shangming, Zhang Qingxia, Wang Chengzi, Wu Fengyu, Yang Lin. Effects of Sowing Date on Late-Rice Yield and Utilization of Heat-Light Resources in Jiangxi Province [J]. Crops, 2022, 38(5): 229-234. |
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[11] | Zhang Haipeng, Chen Zhiqing, Wang Rui, Lu Hao, Cui Peiyuan, Yang Yanju, Zhang Hongcheng. Effects of Nitrogen Fertilizer Combined with Nano-Magnesium on Rice Yield, Grain Quality and Nitrogen Use Efficiency [J]. Crops, 2022, 38(4): 255-261. |
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