Crops ›› 2023, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (1): 109-114.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2023.01.016
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Gao Wei(), Hao Qingting, Zhang Zeyan, Wang Qian, Yan Hubin, Zhu Huijun, Zhao Xueying, Zhang Yaowen(
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[1] | Xia Yuying, Wang Zhijun, Li Hongyu, Hu Chuanjun, Lü Yandong, Zhao Haicheng, Zheng Guiping. Effects of Seedling Raising Methods on Seedling Quality, Yield and Quality of Rice in Cold Region [J]. Crops, 2023, 39(1): 103-108. |
[2] | Wang Yujiao, Chang Xuhong, Wang Demei, Wang Yanjie, Yang Yushuang, Shi Shubing, Zhao Guangcai. Effects of Sowing Methods on Yield and Quality of Different Varieties of Wheat [J]. Crops, 2023, 39(1): 122-128. |
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[5] | Li Wenshan, Zhang Junyao, Tang Jianghua, Xu Wenxiu, Xu Qinghua. Effects of Different Doses of AFD on Growth and Yield of Cotton [J]. Crops, 2023, 39(1): 158-162. |
[6] | Ma Ruiqi, Wang Demei, Tao Zhiqiang, Wang Yanjie, Yang Yushuang, Zhao Guangcai, Chang Xuhong. Effects of Nitrogen Application Rate on Yield and Quality of Weak Gluten Wheat in Northern Winter Wheat Region [J]. Crops, 2023, 39(1): 163-169. |
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[11] | Wang Yanxun, Tian Jichun. Wide Adaptability Performance and Genetic Analysis of National Certified Wheat Variety Shannong 20 with High and Stable Yield [J]. Crops, 2023, 39(1): 46-51. |
[12] | Wang Qi, Xu Yanli, Yan Peng, Dong Haosheng, Zhang Wei, Lu Lin, Dong Zhiqiang. Effects of Polyaspartic Acid-Chitosan on Agronomic Traits, Yield and Nitrogen Use of Spring Foxtail Millet [J]. Crops, 2023, 39(1): 58-67. |
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[15] | Wen Rui, Chen Qianwu, Zhao Yajie, Jia Yiming, Lu Xudong, Zhang Jihong, Li Huanchun, Zhao Peiyi, Zhang Yonghu. Study on Water Temperature Effects and Water Use Efficiency of Paddy Field under Different Plastic Film Mulching Planting Patterns in Arid Area of Loess Plateau in Northwest China [J]. Crops, 2022, 38(6): 111-117. |