Crops ›› 2022, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (6): 111-117.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2022.06.016

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Study on Water Temperature Effects and Water Use Efficiency of Paddy Field under Different Plastic Film Mulching Planting Patterns in Arid Area of Loess Plateau in Northwest China

Wen Rui1(), Chen Qianwu1, Zhao Yajie1, Jia Yiming1, Lu Xudong1, Zhang Jihong2, Li Huanchun1, Zhao Peiyi1, Zhang Yonghu1()   

  1. 1Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Sciences, Huhhot 010031, Inner Mongolia, China
    2Qingshuihe County Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Technology Extension Center, Huhhot 011600, Inner Mongolia, China
  • Received:2022-07-20 Revised:2022-09-15 Online:2022-12-15 Published:2022-12-21
  • Contact: Zhang Yonghu;


Aiming at the problems of low millet yield and low water use efficiency caused by insufficient annual precipitation, uneven distribution of water resources and spring gale and drought in the dry farming area of the Loess Plateau in Northwest China. Four treatments were set up, including bare ground flat planting (CK), PE film full-mulching ridging and hole sowing (T1), permeable film half-mulching ridging and hole sowing (T2), and PE film half-mulching ridging and hole sowing (T3). The effects of different treatment on soil moisture content in 0-100cm before sowing and after harvest, soil moisture content in 0-40cm at different growth stages, soil temperature in 0-30cm, agronomic traits, yield and water use efficiency of millet were studied. The results showed that the three plastic film mulching techniques improved the soil water temperature during the growth period of millet and improved the population water use efficiency, yield and related agronomic traits of millet. The soil water content of 0-100cm before sowing and after harvest, the soil water content of 0-40cm at different growth stages, and the soil temperature of 0-30cm in the four treatments were T1 > T2 > T3 > CK. The panicle weight, grain weight per panicle, 1000-grain weight and yield of the three film mulching treatments were significantly higher than that of CK treatment. There were significant differences between T1, T2 and T3 treatments. The population water use efficiency of T1, T3 and T2 treatment were 7.55, 1.05 and 1.65kg/(mm·ha) higher than that of CK. The PE film mulching ridging and hole sowing mode can be used as a high-yield and high- efficiency cultivation technique mode for millet production in the Northwest Loess Plateau.

Key words: Northwest Loess Plateau, Film mulching, Soil water content, Water use efficiency, Yield


Effects of different plastic film mulching on soil water content in 0-100cm soil layer before sowing and after harvest Different uppercase and lowercase letters indicate significant difference at P < 0.01 and P < 0.05 levels, respectively. The same below"


Effects of four treatments on soil water content in 0-40cm soil layer"


Effects of four treatments on soil temperature in 0-30cm soil layer"


Effects of four treatments on plant height, SPAD, plant water content and aboveground biomass in different growth periods of millet"

Table 1

Differences in yield and its traits and population water use efficiency among different treatments"

Panicle weight (g)
Grain weight per panicle (g)
1000-grain weight (g)
Yield (kg/hm2)
WUE [kg/(mm?hm2)]
T1 10.75±0.48Aa 8.25±0.65Aa 2.78±0.09Aa 3288.31±60.69Aa 12.33±0.18Aa
T2 5.76±0.56Bc 4.03±0.3Bc 2.61±0.03Abb 1567.45±80.28Bb 5.83±0.29Bb
T3 9.59±0.32Ab 7.31±0.2Ab 2.76±0.05Aa 1724.2±135.28Bb 6.43±0.49Bb
CK 5.07±0.63Bc 3.87±0.6Cb 2.45±0.08Bc 1287.31±80.78Cc 4.78±0.32Cc
平均值Mean 7.79±2.57 5.87±2.07 2.65±0.15 1966.82±817.38 7.35±3.08
标准差SD 2.80 2.25 0.15 899.34 3.39
变异系数CV (%) 35.95 38.26 5.82 45.73 46.21
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