Crops ›› 2023, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (1): 115-121.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2023.01.017

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Suitability Evaluation on Nutrients of Tobacco-Planted Soils in Three Typical Ecological Regions

Sun Yihe1(), Zhang Kai1, Lu Qifei1, Li Songwei1, Zhang Bo1, Li Jun2, Ye Xiefeng1, Yao Pengwei1(), Li Xueli3()   

  1. 1College of Tobacco Science, Henan Agricultural University/National Tobacco Physiology and Biochemistry Research Center, Zhengzhou 450002, Henan, China
    2Sichuan Liangshan Tobacco Company Huidong Branch, Huidong 615200, Sichuan, China
    3Staff Training College of China National Tobacco Corporation, Zhengzhou 450008, Henan, China
  • Received:2021-09-01 Revised:2021-10-22 Online:2023-02-15 Published:2023-02-22


In order to offer a theoretical foundation for the creation of scientific fertilization plans for tobacco planting in this study, descriptive statistics, the correlation coefficient approach, and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method were used to examine 418 soil samples from tobacco-planted fields in Sichuan Huidong, Henan Luoyang and southern Anhui. The results showed that, the pH of tobacco-planted soils in Huidong ranged from 5.36 to 8.66, and 77.88% of the samples soil pH above 7.50. The organic matter content was generally low. The 67% of soil had the content of alkali-hydrolyzable nitrogen in samples was below 90mg/kg. The content of total nitrogen was moderate, and the contents of available phosphorus and potassium were rich. The pH of tobacco-planted soils in Luoyang was alkalescence, and the contents of organic matter and alkali-hydrolyzable nitrogen were deficient, more than 70% of the soil were at the level of “deficiency” or below. The contents of total nitrogen and available phosphorus were moderate, with coefficient variation of available phosphorus was 79.38%. The available potassium content was rich. In the tobacco-planted soils of southern Anhui, the pH and contents of organic matter and total nitrogen were moderate. Moreover, the content of alkali-hydrolyzable nitrogen was high, and the contents of available potassium was deficient, with 82.82% of the soil samples below 150mg/kg. The content of available phosphorus was rich but heterogeneity was strong. There were significant differences (P < 0.05) in the comprehensive fertility index (IFI) of tobacco-planted soils in the three ecological regions, southern Anhui (0.69) > Huidong (0.52) > Luoyang (0.43). Among them, 75.76% of the soil IFI in southern Anhui tobacco area was above grade II, the proportion of grade II and grade III in Huidong tobacco area was 31.73% and 46.15%, respectively, while nearly 50% of the soil in Luoyang tobacco area was grade IV. The alkaline fertilizer should be reduced, and the soil pH should be adjusted by soil amelioration in the tobacco- planted areas of Huidong and Luoyang, increasing soil organic matter and available nitrogen content. Potassium fertilizer should be appropriately increased to meet the needs of tobacco growth and development in southern Anhui.

Key words: Ecological areas, Tobacco-planted soil, Soil nutrient, Comprehensive fertility index

Table 1

Evaluation standard of main nutrients in tobacco planting soil"

Soil nutrient
Extremely lack


Very rich
pH <5.5 [5.5,7.0) [7.0,7.5) ≥7.5
碱解氮Alkaline hydrolysis nitrogen (mg/kg) <60 [60,90) [90,120) [120,150) ≥150
速效磷Available phosphorus (mg/kg) <10 [10,20) [20,40) ≥40
速效钾Available potassium (mg/kg) <80 [80,150) [150,220) [220,350) ≥350
有机质Organic matter (g/kg) <15 [15,25) [25,35) ≥35
全氮Total nitrogen (g/kg) <0.5 [0.5,1.0) [1.0,2.0) [2.0,2.5) ≥2.5

Table 2

Descriptive statistics of main soil nutrient content in each tobacco area"

Coefficient of
variation (%)
各等级土壤占比The proportion of each grade soil (%)
Extremely lack


Very rich
pH 会东 7.69±0.67a 8.71 5.36~8.66 1.92 11.54 8.65 77.88
洛阳 7.71±0.60a 7.80 4.96~8.46 0.47 13.95 10.23 75.35
皖南 5.83±0.59b 10.14 4.63~7.75 30.30 64.65 4.04 1.01
Alkaline hydrolysis
nitrogen (mg/kg)
会东 72.20±32.79b 45.42 4.20~162.40 35.58 31.73 27.88 3.85 0.96
洛阳 66.27±24.93b 37.61 3.90~144.97 43.26 39.07 14.88 2.79 0.00
皖南 121.85±33.62a 27.59 39.90~266.00 1.01 14.14 35.35 33.33 16.16
Available phosphorus
会东 23.00±14.10b 61.30 2.22~67.65 14.42 27.88 50.00 7.69
洛阳 18.53±14.71c 79.38 1.62~116.26 26.51 42.79 23.72 6.98
皖南 30.47±21.00a 68.93 3.76~168.65 9.09 23.23 48.48 19.19
potassium (mg/kg)
会东 231.56±81.63a 35.25 32.00~480.00 0.96 12.50 34.62 46.15 5.77
洛阳 233.15±65.12a 35.22 84.58~593.30 0.00 6.05 38.14 52.09 3.72
皖南 104.40±47.12b 45.00 36.50~269.00 34.34 48.48 13.13 4.04 0.00
Organic material
会东 17.14±6.81b 39.73 4.07~34.71 45.19 41.35 13.46 0.00
洛阳 13.06±4.01c 30.73 1.57~29.57 73.95 25.58 0.47 0.00
皖南 22.33±6.37a 28.54 5.54~40.39 12.12 59.60 25.25 3.03
Total nitrogen
会东 1.42±0.41a 28.73 0.61~2.54 0.00 13.46 75.96 9.62 0.96
洛阳 1.04±0.25b 23.82 0.25~1.84 3.26 37.67 59.07 0.00 0.00
皖南 1.46±0.42a 28.46 0.53~2.42 0.00 14.14 72.73 13.13 0.00

Table 3

The membership function type and threshold value of each soil nutrient index"

Type of membership
Lower limit
Optimal lower
limit (x3)
Optimal upper
limit (x4)
Upper limit
pH 抛物线型 5.0 5.5 7.0 7.5
碱解氮Alkaline hydrolysis nitrogen (mg/kg) 抛物线型 15.0 25.0 35.0 45.0
速效磷Available phosphorus (mg/kg) S型 60.0 90.0 120.0 150.0
速效钾Available potassium (mg/kg) S型 0.5 1.0 2.0 2.5
有机质Organic matter (g/kg) 抛物线型 10.0 40.0
全氮Total nitrogen (g/kg) 抛物线型 80.0 350.0

Table 4

Correlation coefficient of each soil nutrient indexes"

pH 碱解氮
Alkaline hydrolysis nitrogen
Available phosphorus
Available potassium
Organic matter
Total nitrogen
pH 1.000
碱解氮Alkaline hydrolysis nitrogen -0.532 1.000
速效磷Available phosphorus -0.253 0.250 1.000
速效钾Available potassium 0.439 -0.281 -0.061 1.000
有机质Organic matter -0.395 0.655 0.267 -0.214 1.000
全氮Total nitrogen -0.285 0.600 0.253 -0.116 0.893 1.000

Table 5

Average correlation coefficient and weight of each soil nutrient index"

pH 碱解氮
Alkaline hydrolysis
平均相关系数Average correlation coefficient 0.381 0.464 0.217 0.222 0.485 0.429
权重Weight 0.173 0.211 0.099 0.101 0.220 0.195

Table 6

Descriptive statistics of comprehensive fertility index in each tobacco area"

烟区Tobacco area 平均值Mean 标准差Standard deviation 变幅Range 变异系数Coefficient of variation (%) 偏度Skewness 峰度Kurtosis
会东 0.52b 0.14 0.18~0.81 27.46 -0.15 -0.70
洛阳 0.43c 0.15 0.10~0.89 34.70 0.58 0.31
皖南 0.69a 0.13 0.27~0.95 18.68 -0.80 0.85


Proportion of comprehensive fertility grade in each tobacco area"

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