Crops ›› 2023, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (2): 131-137.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2023.02.019

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Effects of Topdressing Nitrogen Amount on Yield and Agronomic Traits of Different Gluten Type Wheat Cultivars

Ma Ruiqi1,2(), Wang Demei1, Tao Zhiqiang1, Wang Yanjie1, Yang Yushuang1, Zhao Guangcai1(), Chang Xuhong1()   

  1. 1Institute of Crop Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Key Laboratory of Crop Physiology and Ecology, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Beijing 100081, China
    2College of Agronomy, Shandong Agriculture University, Tai'an 271000, Shandong, China
  • Received:2022-01-23 Revised:2022-09-21 Online:2023-04-15 Published:2023-04-11


In order to study the nitrogen regulating effects on yield and agronomic traits of different gluten wheat cultivars, three topdressing nitrogen amounts of 75, 105, and 135kg/ha were set in Beijing experimental base of Institute of Crop Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences during 2016-2017. The tested materials were strong gluten (Gaoyou 2018 and Shiluan 02-1), medium gluten (Zhongmai 8 and Zhongmai 175) and weak gluten (Yangmai 22 and Yangmai 15) cultivars. Nitrogen fertilizer 105kg/ha and phosphorus fertilizer (135kg/ha) were applied as base fertilizers. The results showed that increasing the amount of topdressing nitrogen could promote polarization at jointing stage, reduce ineffective tillering, and increase the number of spikes, and the effects on strong gluten cultivars was greater than that of medium and weak gluten cultivars. Increasing the amount of topdressing nitrogen in the range of 75-135kg/ha could improve the leaf area indexes of all cultivars, slow down the decline rate of leaf area index from flowering to grain filling stage, and the effects on medium gluten cultivars was the most obvious. The plant height, spike length and the number of bearing spikelets were the highest under nitrogen topdressing at 135kg/ha, while the number of sterile spikelets decreased significantly with the increase of nitrogen application. In the range of 75-135kg/ha, the grain yield, the number of spikes, grains per spike and 1000-grain weight of each gluten-type cultivar increased significantly with the increase of topdressing nitrogen, and 135kg/ha treatment was the highest.

Key words: Wheat, Topdressing nitrogen amount, Gluten type, Yield, Agronomic traits


Effects of topdressing nitrogen amount on wheat population dynamics"


Effects of topdressing nitrogen amount on LAI of different wheat cultivars"


Effects of topdressing nitrogen amount on plant height of wheat at different growth stages"

Table 1

Effects of different treatments on spike traits of wheat"

length (cm)
Number of
bearing spikelets
Sterility spikelet
Gaoyou 2018
7.64b 14.22b 2.93ab
Shiluan 02-1
7.41c 14.02b 3.36a
Zhongmai 8
8.50a 16.18a 2.00c
Zhongmai 175
7.18d 16.00a 3.09ab
Yangmai 22
8.44a 16.31a 2.00c
Yangmai 15
8.53a 16.09a 2.64b
B1 7.77b 14.77c 3.08a
B2 7.98a 15.43b 2.60b
B3 8.10a 16.21a 2.33b
A 74.76* 14.70* 8.80*
B 11.12* 13.91* 7.76*
A×B 0.49* 0.60* 0.27*

Table 2

Interaction effects of cultivars and topdressing nitrogen amount on spike traits of wheat"

Number of
Number of
Gaoyou 2018
B1 7.51def 12.93e 3.33a
B2 7.65de 14.53bcd 2.80ab
B3 7.77d 15.20ab 2.67abc
Shiluan 02-1
B1 7.16fg 13.27de 3.60a
B2 7.47def 14.00cde 3.27a
B3 7.61de 14.80bc 3.20a
Zhongmai 8
B1 8.24bc 15.93ab 2.20cd
B2 8.55abc 16.00ab 1.93cd
B3 8.73a 16.60a 1.87cd
Zhongmai 175
B1 7.07g 15.27ab 3.60a
B2 7.13fg 15.60ab 3.00ab
B3 7.33efg 17.13a 2.67abc
Yangmai 22
B1 8.17c 15.60ab 2.53abc
B2 8.53abc 16.53a 1.93d
B3 8.60ab 16.80a 1.53d
Yangmai 15
B1 8.48abc 15.60ab 3.20a
B2 8.53abc 15.93ab 2.67bcd
B3 8.59ab 16.73a 2.07bcd

Table 3

Effects of different treatment on wheat grain yield and its components"

Grains per spike
Spikes number (×104/hm2)
1000-grain weight (g)
Grain yield (kg/hm2)
Gaoyou 2018
B1 689.4b 29.33d 41.29bcd 7683.5abc
B2 703.7b 31.67d 42.02abc 7945.5ab
B3 694.2b 33.33cd 42.81a 8111.0a
Shiluan 02-1
B1 703.7a 29.33d 35.63h 7831.5abc
B2 742.0a 31.00d 36.45h 8156.0a
B3 751.6a 32.00d 37.82g 8190.2a
Zhongmai 8
B1 569.7c 32.33d 40.16def 7696.0abc
B2 545.7cd 33.07cd 40.74cdef 8038.7ab
B3 574.5c 33.73cd 41.11cde 8379.2a
Zhongmai 175
B1 670.2b 31.33d 39.91ef 7814.1abc
B2 675.0b 32.13d 40.37def 8057.3ab
B3 679.8b 33.67cd 42.44ab 8240.2a
Yangmai 22
B1 483.5f 38.20ab 39.66f 6711.7d
B2 507.5ef 41.93a 39.87ef 6934.0cd
B3 521.8de 42.40a 40.55def 7165.6bcd
Yangmai 15
B1 392.6h 37.07bc 40.38def 6406.0d
B2 430.9g 38.13ab 41.19bcde 6697.8d
B3 497.9ef 38.67ab 41.30bcd 6769.6d
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