Crops ›› 2023, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (4): 38-43.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2023.04.006

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Evaluation and Selection of Pisumsativum L. Germplasm Resources Based on Agronomic Traits

ChenZhikai 1(), Hou Wanwei2,3   

  1. 1Qinghai University, Xining 810016, Qinghai, China
    2Qinghai Academy of Agriculture and ForestrySciences, Xining 810016, Qinghai, China
    3Qinghai Scientific Observation and ExperimentalStation of Crop Gene Resourcesand Germplasm Creation of theMinistry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs/National Crop Germplasm Resources Duplicate Library, Xining 810016, Qinghai, China
  • Received:2022-09-12 Revised:2022-11-18 Online:2023-08-15 Published:2023-08-15


Genetic diversity analysis, principal component analysis and cluster analysis were performed on eight main agronomic traits of 327 pea germplasm resources. The results showed that variation coefficient of the eightmain agronomic traits of 327 pea germplasm ranged 14.41%-35.01%, there were significant differences. The principal component analysis showed that the cumulative contribution rate of the three principal components reached 63.290%. The absolute value of the feature vector of pods number in the first principal component was the highest, and that of yield per plant in the second principal component was the highest, and that of number of pod seeds in the third principal component was the highest. According to the contribution rate of principal component and the absolute value of eigenvector, pods number, yield per plant and pod seeds number were used as evaluation indexes for pea germplasm resources. A total of 327 pea germplasms were divided into four groups by cluster analysis, among which group A was dominated by dwarf and large-grain materials, group B was dominated by low-yielding materials with the largest number of pods per fruit node, group C was dominated by high-stalk and high-yielding materials, group D was dominated by materials with the largest number of branches and other materials with medium to upper agronomic properties. From the three aspects of high-stalk, high yield and large grain, 12 excellent pea germplasm resources were selected: high-stalk (87, 148, 307, 220), high yield (82, 145, 46, 114) and large grain (303, 276, 250, 317).

Key words: Pisumsativum L., Germplasm screening, Agronomic traits, Genetic diversity

Table 1

Diversity analysis of agronomic traits of Pisum sativum L. germplasm resources"

Plant height
Number of pods
perfruit node
Number of
length (cm)
Number of
pod seeds
Number of
Yield per
plant (g)
weight (g)
最小值Minimum 27.60 1.00 1.00 3.74 2.80 7.60 4.10 1.36
最大值Maximum 153.80 4.00 3.00 16.42 8.20 65.00 30.04 35.22
平均值Mean 89.35 2.21 1.78 6.07 5.49 26.53 14.17 17.48
标准偏差SD 22.95 0.32 0.42 1.42 0.92 9.29 4.85 4.83
变异系数Coefficient of variation(%) 25.68 14.41 23.84 23.37 16.80 35.01 34.21 27.64

Table 2

Correlation analysis of main agronomic traits"

Number of pods
perfruit node
Number of
Number of
pod seeds
Yield per
株高Plant height 1.000
每果节荚数Number of pods per fruit node 0.050 1.000
分枝数Number of branches 0.080 0.115* 1.000
荚长Pod length -0.125* -0.224** -0.049 1.000
荚粒数Number ofpod seeds -0.195** -0.020 -0.234** 0.246** 1.000
荚数Number ofpods 0.237** 0.299** 0.298** -0.326** -0.182** 1.000
单株产量Yield per plant 0.157** 0.039 0.178** 0.178** 0.031 0.506** 1.000
百粒重100-kernel weight -0.063 -0.339** -0.021 0.484** -0.147** -0.353** 0.362** 1.000


Principalcomponentanalysisofmain agronomic traits of Pisum sativum L."

主成分Principal component
1 2 3
株高Plant height 0.387 0.266 -0.258
Number of pods per fruit node
0.558 -0.173 0.344
分枝数Number of branches 0.408 0.389 -0.156
荚长Pod length -0.660 0.409 0.255
荚粒数Numberofpod seeds -0.332 -0.244 0.794
荚数Number of pods 0.800 0.326 0.257
单株产量Yield per plant 0.182 0.825 0.401
百粒重100-kernelweight -0.592 0.653 -0.209
特征值Eigenvalue 2.197 1.691 1.175
贡献率Contribution rate (%) 27.460 21.140 14.690
Cumulative contribution rate (%)
27.460 48.600 63.290


Clus ter diagram of Pisum sativum L. germplasm resources The numbers represent the varieties of Pisum sativum L."

Table 4

Principalcomponentanalysisofmain agronomic traits of Pisum sativum L."

Plant height
Number of pods
perfruit node
Number of
Pod length
Number of
pod seeds
Yield per
plant (g)
weight (g)
A 平均值 50.52 2.16 1.73 6.53 5.70 22.58 13.42 18.57
变异系数 (%) 18.58 15.76 24.97 16.68 20.47 32.45 34.55 31.83
B 平均值 83.53 2.26 1.74 5.86 5.59 25.06 13.11 16.87
变异系数 (%) 9.49 30.58 26.41 21.10 16.46 37.18 34.05 28.43
C 平均值 136.87 2.10 1.67 5.44 4.87 31.37 15.46 16.82
变异系数 (%) 6.95 19.75 30.98 4.98 25.82 10.08 21.12 7.85
D 平均值 104.47 2.22 1.82 6.06 5.39 28.57 14.99 17.47
变异系数 (%) 9.92 12.55 21.73 26.39 14.71 33.06 33.66 25.57

Table 5

Screening of excellent germplasms of Pisum sativum L."

Plant height
Number of pods
per fruit node
Number of
Pod length
Number of
pod seeds
Number of
Yield per
plant (g)
weight (g)
高秆Longstalk 87 132.0 2.4 2.0 5.42 5.2 33.2 18.102 15.21
148 136.2 2.4 2.0 5.38 4.0 36.4 14.742 16.70
307 141.0 1.4 1.0 5.28 3.4 28.0 10.074 16.63
220 153.8 2.2 2.0 5.28 4.4 28.4 17.334 17.01
高产High yield 82 127.6 2.0 2.0 6.18 5.2 41.8 27.676 20.27
145 110.8 2.0 2.0 5.36 5.2 53.4 28.364 17.65
46 100.0 2.2 1.8 7.22 7.0 36.2 29.532 22.32
114 110.6 2.2 2.0 7.06 4.4 25.8 30.044 24.12
大粒Large grain 303 104.6 1.6 2.0 7.82 6.0 14.4 18.876 30.84
276 42.8 2.0 1.8 6.60 2.8 31.4 17.100 32.33
250 37.8 2.0 2.0 6.18 2.8 15.6 9.496 34.97
317 43.8 1.6 2.0 7.28 4.4 11.2 10.962 35.22
群体平均值Population average 89.35 2.22 1.78 6.07 5.49 26.53 14.17 17.48
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