Crops ›› 2016, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (5): 38-43.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2016.05.007

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Study on Photosynthetic Characteristics and Grain Filling Characteristics of Large Panicle Type Rice Variety 7-37

Sun Huimin1,Zheng Shuwen1,Zheng Wei2,Wang Anping1,Feng Guanping1,Duan Shihua1,Zheng Zhuo1   

  1. 1 School of Life Sciences,Jinggangshan University,Ji′an 343009,Jiangxi,China;
    2 Agricultural Bureau of Ji'an City,Ji′an 343000,Jiangxi,China;
  • Received:2016-05-22 Revised:2016-08-05 Online:2016-10-15 Published:2018-08-26
  • Contact: Zhuo Zheng


In order to reveal the photosynthetic and grain filling characteristics of high efficiency variety 7-37, large panicle 7-37 with short growth period, small panicle R122 with short growth period and large panicle R1126 with long growth period were used as the tested materials in the field experiment. The results showed that large panicle 7-37 had obvious advantages in photosynthetic characteristics, especially the intercellular carbon dioxide concentration Ci, always with lowest position in the three varieties before the 25d after flowering. Leaf source capacity ( LSC) of flag was 1.96 times higher than R122 and 20% higher than R1126. In grain filling characteristics, the 7-37 had obvious advantages in GR0, although the Va was a little lower than R122, significantly higher than R1126, and the effective filling time was also shorter than R1126. At the same time, the spike length, total number of kernels and grain density of 7-37 were no obvious difference with R1126, but significantly higher than R122. The primary branch and secondary branch were analyzed separately, which the secondary branch of 7-37 had obvious advantages on the total number of spike grain number, but there was no significant difference to R122 and R1126, which secondary branch to cytopathology substances existed more fierce competition, but still could be normal full. The tests indicated that the main reasons for large spike 7-37 with high photosynthetic efficiency were the higher leaf source capacity, the shorter effective filling time and the total number of secondary branch grains.

Key words: Rice, Photosynthesis characteristics, Grain filling characteristics, High efficiency


Comparison of photosynthetic rate in different rice varieties"

Table 1

Comparison of leaf area and leaf source capacity in different rice varieties"

叶面积Leaf area(cm2) LSC
均值Mean 变幅Range
7-37 111.04 99.28~125.17 143.91
R122 56.59 53.20~60.18 73.34
R1126 91.92 80.42~100.35 120.42

Table 2

The filling parameters for grains on different positions of a panicle in different rice varieties"

品种Cultivar 粒位Position GR0(g/1000 grain) Vmax[g/(1000 grain·d)] t-Vmax(d) T99(d) Va[g/(1000 grain·d)]
7-37 S1 0.488 2.916 18.78 27.14 0.877
S2 0.543 2.526 17.32 36.53 0.658
Z1 0.530 3.028 20.51 31.26 0.824
Z2 0.434 1.605 23.88 37.57 0.714
X1 0.498 1.831 21.12 29.60 0.967
X2 0.407 1.565 24.79 37.32 0.504
R122 S1 0.494 3.318 15.56 26.04 0.901
S2 0.412 2.084 16.15 30.92 0.786
Z1 0.478 3.532 15.31 29.10 0.983
Z2 0.383 1.821 17.28 38.00 0.817
X1 0.292 3.100 18.29 28.17 0.806
X2 0.347 1.776 25.06 32.66 0.653
R1126 S1 0.378 2.350 16.02 35.15 0.786
S2 0.352 2.065 19.15 41.75 0.798
Z1 0.373 2.222 19.74 39.48 0.700
Z2 0.320 1.895 21.11 45.85 0.551
X1 0.367 2.032 19.52 38.78 0.591
X2 0.336 1.534 21.31 46.53 0.431

Table 3

Comparison of panicle traits in different rice varieties"

品种Cultivar PL(cm) GNP GD(grains/cm2) PBN GNPB TGWPB(g) SBN GNSB TGWSB(g)
7-37 32.17±2.26Aa 398.69±37.87Aa 12.39±2.88Aa 17.81±5.38Ab 90.27±11.03Ab 25.58±4.25Aa 47.75±8.00Aa 308.42±64.84Aa 24.00±5.73Aa
R122 24.08±1.57ABb 247.24±23.48Ab 10.26±0.75Ab 16.07±1.66Ab 84.45±11.24Ab 26.23±2.25Aa 45.42±11.60Aa 162.79±25.77Bc 24.65±0.92Aa
R1126 30.44±1.54Aa 349.97±46.23Aa 11.48±2.45Aa 22.22±3.67Aa 132.08±26.85Aa 24.68±2.88Aa 54.53±5.59Aa 217.89±20.69Bb 23.46±4.44Aa
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