Crops ›› 2018, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (3): 84-89.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2018.03.013

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Preliminary Study on Grain Dehydration Rate of Maize Hybrids and Their Parents

Shi Lei,Wang Guohong,Wang Yanbo,Wang Dawei,Zhao Haiyan   

  1. Corn Research Institute, Liaoning Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Shenyang 110161, Liaoning, China
  • Received:2018-03-07 Revised:2018-05-17 Online:2018-06-20 Published:2018-06-20


In this study, six hybrids and their 12 parents inbred lines promoted to a larger area in Liaoning Province were chosen as the materials to analyze the changes in maize grain moisture content, dehydration rates and the correlation of dehydration rates with major traits by random plot design. The results showed that the grain fresh weight of hybrids (inbred lines) grain increased at the early filling stage and slightly decreased at the late filling stage. The grain dehydration rate of hybrids (inbred lines) decreased gradually during the filling period, and the rate declined gradually and approached zero finally. The natural dehydration rate and the harvested moisture content of hybrids (inbred lines) were significantly different among different varieties, and no significant difference among different densities. The dehydration rate was significantly negatively correlated with the number of filling days. The longer the filling period, the slower the dehydration rate. The natural dehydration rate was negatively correlated with the harvested grain moisture content, rows per ear and 100-grain weight.

Key words: Maize, Hybrids, Inbred lines, Dehydration rate

Table 1

Tested hybrids and parental inbred lines"

杂交种Hybrid 亲本自交系Parental inbred line 杂交模式Cross model 审定年份Registration year
郑单958 Zhengdan 958 郑58×昌7-2 Zheng 58×Chang 7-2 瑞德×塘四平头Reid×Tangsipingtou 2000
丹玉39 Danyu 39 C8605-2×丹598 C8605×Dan 598 瑞德×旅大红骨Reid×Lüda Red Cob 2001
辽单565 Liaodan 565 中106×辽3162 Zhong 106×Liao 3162 热带血缘×(瑞德×兰卡斯特)
Tropical strain×(Reid×Lancaster)
先玉335 Xianyu 335 PH6WC×PH4CV 瑞德×兰卡斯特Reid×Lancaster 2006
农华101 Nonghua 101 NH60×S121 (瑞德×兰卡斯特)×(旅大红骨×黄改)
(Reid×Lancaster)×(Lüda Red Cob×Huanggai)
迪卡516 Deca 516 D1798Z×B1189Z 瑞德×兰卡斯特Reid×Lancaster 2012

Table 2

Variance analysis of dehydration rate of maize hybrids"

变异来源Variation source 平方和Square sum 自由度Degree of freedom 均方Mean square F P
年际Year 0.0015 1 0.0015 0.3400 0.5685
品种Variety 0.3119 5 0.0624 13.9643 0.0001
密度Density 0.0120 3 0.0040 0.8935 0.4672
年际×品种Year×Variety 0.1468 5 0.0294 6.5753 0.0020
年际×密度Year×Density 0.0198 3 0.0066 1.4769 0.2609
品种×密度Variety×Density 0.1475 15 0.0098 2.2018 0.0688
误差Error 0.0670 15 0.0045 - -
总变异Total variation 0.7065 47 - - -

Table 3

Variance analysis of grain moisture content of maize hybrids at harvesting stage"

变异来源Variation source 平方和Square sum 自由度Degree of freedom 均方Mean square F P
年际Year 315.1875 1 315.1875 66.6304 0.0001
品种Variety 170.7742 5 34.1548 7.2203 0.0013
密度Density 12.6342 3 4.2114 0.8903 0.4687
年际×品种Year×Variety 55.1125 5 11.0225 2.3301 0.0937
年际×密度Year×Density 0.2842 3 0.0947 0.0200 0.9960
品种×密度Varieties×Density 56.1508 15 3.7434 0.7913 0.6719
误差Error 70.9558 15 4.7304 - -
总变异Total variation 681.0992 47 - - -

Table 4

Multiple comparison of dehydration rate and grain moisture content of maize hybrids at the time of harvest"

Dehydration rate at different days after pollination
Natural dehydration rate
Grain moisture content
45~49d 49~53d 53~57d 57~61d 61~65d
郑单958 Zhengdan 958 0.62c 0.39c 0.52bc 0.35d 0.39b 0.42b 30.6ab
农华101 Nonghua 101 0.83bc 0.66a 0.55b 0.63ab 0.38b 0.52ab 28.6bc
先玉335 Xianyu 335 0.75c 0.65a 0.48c 0.67a 0.62a 0.59a 26.8c
迪卡516 Deca 516 0.70c 0.40c 0.55b 0.33d 0.37b 0.41b 29.0bc
辽单565 Liaodan 565 1.01b 0.57ab 0.53b 0.40cd 0.28c 0.41b 31.5a
丹玉39 Danyu 39 1.27a 0.63a 0.62a 0.52bc 0.39b 0.51ab 32.5a

Table 5

Variance analysis of grain dehydration rate of inbred lines"

变异来源Variation source 平方和Square sum 自由度Degree of freedom 均方Mean square F P
自交系Inbred line 1.4890 11 0.1354 5 189.609 0.0001
年际Year 0.0091 1 0.0091 0.130 0.7252
自交系×年际Inbred line×Year 0.7707 11 0.0701 2 686.182 0.0001
误差Error 0.0012 46 0.0000
总变异Total variation 2.3673 71

Table 6

Variance analysis of moisture content of grain harvested from inbred lines"

变异来源Variation source 平方和Square sum 自由度Degree of freedom 均方Mean square F P
自交系间Inbred line 240.1603 11 21.8328 8 049.626 0.0001
年际间Year 2.5916 1 2.5916 0.106 0.7510
自交系×年际Inbred line×Year 269.1950 11 24.4723 9 022.801 0.0001
误差Error 0.1248 46 0.0027
总变异Total variation 521.7916 71

Table 7

Multiple comparisons of grain dehydration rate and grain moisture content of inbred lines at harvest"

Inbred line
Dehydration rate at different days after pollination
Natural dehydration rate
Grain moisture content
45~49d 49~53d 53~57d 57~61d 61~65d
中106 Zhong 106 0.12f 0.71c 0.57c 0.52c 0.19ef 0.43f 33.6a
辽3162 Liao 3162 1.21c 0.15e 0.09ef 0.95b 1.16a 0.73c 28.0efg
PH6WC 0.92d 0.64cd 0.81b 1.12ab 0.24e 0.72c 26.7gh
PH4CV 2.14a 0.03e 0.34d 1.58a 0.28e 0.74c 30.6bcd
郑58 Zheng 58 1.67b 0.12e 0.77b 0.22e 1.17a 0.72c 30.5bcd
昌7-2 Chang 7-2 0.03g 1.59b 1.19a 0.23e 0.11f 0.51e 28.9def
D1798Z 0.26f 0.37d 1.37a 0.97b 0.18ef 0.84b 29.0cde
B1189Z 0.68e 0.71c 0.24e 0.36d 2.30a 0.91a 25.3h
NH60 0.19f 0.74c 0.39d 1.47a 1.47a 0.86ab 27.1fg
S121 0.45ef 2.03a 0.03f 0.92b 0.92b 0.36g 30.8bc
C8605-2 1.15c 0.72c 0.71b 0.50c 0.68c 0.63d 31.9ab
丹598 Dan 598 1.02cd 0.15e 0.15e 1.05b 0.46d 0.55e 33.0a

Table 8

Correlation analysis of grain dehydration rate and related traits of grain in maize"

相关性状Related trait 自然脱水速率Natural dehydration rate 生理脱水速率Physiological dehydration rate
灌浆日数Filling days -0.39* -0.35*
出苗至授粉日数Days of emergence to pollination -0.21 -0.13
子粒含水量Grain moisture content -0.38* -0.07
母本穗长Female ear length -0.11 -0.13
母本穗粗Female ear diameter -0.03 -0.04
穗行数Ear rows -0.39* -0.06
行粒数Grains per row -0.11 -0.16
百粒鲜重100-seed fresh weight -0.35* -0.04


Comparison of 100-seed fresh weight of hybrids and inbred lines"


Comparison of grain moisture content of hybrids and inbred lines"


Comparison of grain dehydration rates of hybrids and inbred lines"

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