Crops ›› 2021, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (5): 176-180.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2021.05.027

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Correlation Analysis of Soil Micronutrient and Chemical Components of Tobacco Leaves in Taoyuan County

Liu Wenlong1(), Ning Shanghui2(), Cao Mingfeng2, Zhu Li2, Gao Yuzhen3, Zhang Xuewei4, Wen Zixiang2, Jiang Baodi2, Jing Yanqiu1(), Deng Yong2()   

  1. 1College of Tobacco Science, Henan Agricultural University, Zhengzhou 450002, Henan, China
    2Changde Branch of Hunan Tobacco Company, Changde 415000, Hunan, China
    3Gansu Tobacco Industrial Co., Ltd., Lanzhou 730050, Gansu, China
    4China Tobacco Guangdong Industrial Co., Ltd., Guangzhou 510310, Guangdong, China
  • Received:2021-03-22 Revised:2021-05-21 Online:2021-10-15 Published:2021-10-14
  • Contact: Jing Yanqiu,Deng Yong;;;


In order to explore the relationship between soil micronutrient and conventional chemical components of tobacco leaves, and to provide theoretical basis for stabilizing and improving the quality of tobacco leaves, descriptive statistics, simple correlation and typical correlation statistical analysis methods were used, and the relationship between soil micronutrient and chemical components of flue-cured tobacco leaves in Taoyuan county tobacco growing areas was studied. The results showed that the average contents of Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, B and Mo in soil of tobacco-growing areas in Taoyuan county were all in the suitable range or above. Soil available Cu was negatively correlated with K of flue-cured tobacco leaves. Soil available B was positively correlated with reducing sugar, total sugar, chlorine, sugar to alkali ratio, and negatively correlated with total nitrogen, protein, potassium to chlorine ratio. Soil available Mo was negatively correlated with reducing sugar, total sugar, and sugar to alkai ratio, and positively correlated with total nitrogen, protein. The effect of soil micronutrient on the chemical composition of flue-cured tobacco were as follows: available B > available Mo > available Mn > available Zn > available Fe > available Cu. The results of canonical correlation analysis showed that nicotine, total nitrogen, protein, potassium to chlorine ratio increased with the decrease of available Mn and B or the increase of available Mo of soil in Taoyuan county, and decreased reducing sugar, total sugar, chlorine and sugar to alkali ratio.

Key words: Flue-cured tobacco, Soil micronutrient, Chemical composition, Correlation analysis

Table 1

Contents analysis of soil micronutrient in Taoyuan county"

Range (mg/kg)
Mean (mg/kg)
Standard deviation
Coefficient of variation (%)
有效铁Available Fe 16.00~422.70 196.69 95.96 48.79 0.42 0.07
有效锰Available Mn 7.64~77.10 35.37 17.27 48.81 0.37 -0.42
有效铜Available Cu 0.24~13.30 3.05 2.18 71.48 2.76 9.64
有效锌Available Zn 0.51~10.90 2.10 1.59 75.78 3.58 17.46
有效硼Available B 0.16~1.08 0.55 0.28 50.76 0.53 -1.01
有效钼Available Mo 0.05~0.58 0.16 0.11 68.65 1.88 3.88

Table 2

Analysis of routine chemical components contents in Taoyuan county tobacco leaves"

Chemical component
Standard deviation
Coefficient of variation
还原糖Reducing sugar 20.96%~31.87% 26.80% 2.48 9.26 -0.34 -0.19
总糖Total sugar 27.14%~37.88% 32.30% 2.46 7.62 0.01 -0.76
钾Potassium 1.38%~2.67% 1.97% 0.30 15.23 0.28 -0.27
氯Chlorine 0.05%~0.45% 0.20% 0.09 42.78 0.73 1.06
烟碱Nicotine 1.57%~3.32% 2.31% 0.41 17.88 0.54 0.21
总氮Total nitrogen 1.20%~1.98% 1.62% 0.20 12.45 0.04 -0.98
蛋白质Protein 5.80%~9.25% 7.62% 0.93 12.24 -0.06 -0.99
糖碱比Sugar to alkali ratio 6.47~19.51 12.07 2.92 24.19 0.50 0.28
氮碱比Nitrogen to alkali ratio 0.59~0.92 0.71 0.08 10.75 0.64 -0.08
钾氯比Potassium to chlorine ratio 3.67~45.90 12.25 8.24 67.26 2.42 6.33

Table 3

Correlation analysis of soil micronutrient and routine chemical components of flue-cured tobacco leaves in Taoyuan county"

Chemical component
Available Fe
Available Mn
Available Cu
Available Zn
Available B
Available Mo
还原糖Reducing sugar 0.043 0.180 -0.068 0.131 0.463** -0.595**
总糖Total sugar 0.118 0.206 -0.016 0.080 0.443** -0.479**
钾Potassium -0.183 -0.095 -0.399** -0.173 0.056 -0.198
氯Chlorine 0.249 0.143 0.130 0.204 0.497** -0.118
烟碱Nicotine -0.013 -0.167 0.051 -0.017 -0.229 0.241
总氮Total nitrogen 0.009 -0.238 0.083 -0.080 -0.389** 0.396**
蛋白质Protein 0.019 -0.242 0.091 -0.097 -0.416** 0.421**
糖碱比Sugar to alkali ratio 0.054 0.188 -0.067 0.047 0.392** -0.409**
氮碱比Nitrogen to alkali ratio 0.066 -0.016 0.014 -0.072 -0.063 0.061
钾氯比Potassium to chlorine ratio -0.245 -0.046 -0.141 -0.097 -0.417** 0.100

Table 4

Canonical correlation analysis on soil micronutrient and chemical components of flue-cured tobacco leaves in Taoyuan county"

Wilk’s 卡方χ2
Degree of
1 0.7582 0.1592 204.1493 60 0.0354
2 0.5586 0.3745 177.5593 45 0.5346
3 0.5437 0.5444 149.1079 32 0.7187
4 0.3932 0.7729 118.2800 21 0.9534
5 0.2281 0.9142 84.0000 12 0.9837
6 0.1887 0.9644 43.0000 5 0.8998

Table 5

Composition of typical variables of soil micronutrient in Taoyuan county"

典型变量Canonical variable
mi rui
有效铁Available Fe -0.0613 -0.1592
有效锰Available Mn 0.1677 -0.2697*
有效铜Available Cu -0.0268 0.0717
有效锌Available Zn -0.1252 -0.2039
有效硼Available B -0.7000 -0.8322**
有效钼Available Mo 0.5633 0.7622**

Table 6

Composition of typical variables of routine chemical compositions of flue-cured tobacco leaves in Taoyuan county"

典型变量Canonical variable
lj rvj
还原糖Reducing sugar -0.6469 -0.8528**
总糖Total sugar 0.1709 -0.7422**
钾Potassium -0.0310 -0.1631
氯Chlorine -0.1611 -0.5734**
烟碱Nicotine 1.3323 0.3555**
总氮Total nitrogen -6.9708 0.6097**
蛋白质Protein 6.1636 0.6542**
糖碱比Sugar to alkali ratio -0.2509 -0.6337**
氮碱比Nitrogen to alkali ratio -0.5582 0.1062
钾氯比Potassium to chlorine ratio 0.2489 0.4899**
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