Crops ›› 2022, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (1): 38-43.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2022.01.005

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Analysis of Authorized Hybrid Wheat Varieties in China since The Tenth Five-Year Plan

Zhang Shengquan1(), Ye Zhijie1, Ren Liping1, Gao Xinhuan1, Wang Zheng1, Yang Yongli2, Mu Lei2, Dong Yanhua2, Chen Zhaobo1   

  1. 1Beijing Engineering Research Center for Hybrid Wheat, Beijing 100097, China
    2CNSGC Hybrid Wheat Seed (Beijing) Co., Ltd., Beijing 100097, China
  • Received:2021-03-11 Revised:2021-05-25 Online:2022-02-15 Published:2022-02-16


This paper summarized and analyzed the variety approval, yield components, quality characteristics of hybrid wheat since “The Tenth Five-Year Plan” of China. The results showed that 22 hybrid wheat varieties have been approved in China since “The Tenth Five-Year Plan”, and the approval speed has been significantly accelerated since “The 12th Five-Year Plan”. The northern winter wheat region has become the dominant region for the approval of hybrid wheat varieties in China. The yield of approved varieties showed an increasing trend. The average annual yield of hybrid wheat varieties increased by 76.0kg/ha in production test in northern China, with an average annual increase of 1.25%. Meanwhile, the quality of hybrid wheat varieties also improved continuously. There was a positive correlation between yield of approved hybrid wheat varieties and sink capacity, and the exploitation and improvement of grain number per spike and 1000-grain weight potential contributed the most to yield increase, but the spike number did not increase significantly. It is of great significance to improve the yield potential of hybrid wheat and speed up approval of hybrid wheat varieties by further increasing the spike number and expanding the sink capacity.

Key words: Hybrid wheat, Authorized varieties, Yield, Yield increase range, Quality characteristic

Table 1

Summary of approved hybrid wheat varieties in China since The Tenth Five-Year Plan"

Year of approval
Breeding institution
Suitable cultivation area
“十五” 云杂3号 C49S-87×98YR5 2002 云南省农业科学院 云南
The Tenth Five-Year Plan 绵阳32 C49S×杰17 2003 绵阳市农业科学研究院 长江上游冬麦区
云杂5号 K78S×01Y1-1069 2004 云南省农业科学院 云南
京麦6号 BS210×F832 2005 北京杂交小麦工程技术研究中心 北京
“十一五” 云杂6号 K78S×01Y1-608 2006 云南省农业科学院 云南
The 11th Five-Year Plan 绵杂麦168 MTS-1×MR-168 2007 绵阳市农业科学研究院 长江上游冬麦区
京麦7号 BS366×CP43 2009 北京杂交小麦工程技术研究中心 北京
川麦59 99FP2×01MP10 2010 四川省农业科学院 四川
“十二五” 新冬43 AL18A×99AR144-1 2013 新疆农垦科学院 北疆
The 12th Five-Year Plan 京麦8 BS366-1×CP811 2014 北京杂交小麦工程技术研究中心 北京
绵杂麦512 4377s13×MR168 2014 绵阳市农业科学研究院 四川
京麦9 BS1086×CP730 2015 北京杂交小麦工程技术研究中心 北京
衡杂102 石1515×衡5 2015 河北省农林科学院 河北
川麦69 川麦104×B2183 2015 四川省农业科学院 四川
西南112 2011Z1(08L5070)×K152-2 2015 西南大学 重庆
“十三五” 绵杂麦638 MTS-1×09638 2016 绵阳市农业科学研究院 四川
The 13th Five-Year Plan 渝麦18 LB-78×R725 2017 重庆市农业科学院 重庆
京麦21 BS1745-1×CP731 2017 北京杂交小麦工程技术研究中心 山西
京麦179 BS1745-1×04Y花27-1 2018 北京杂交小麦工程技术研究中心 北部冬麦区
京麦11 BS1086×05Y花68-2 2018 北京杂交小麦工程技术研究中心 北京
京麦12 BS1453×CP279 2019 北京杂交小麦工程技术研究中心 北京
京麦183 BS237×05Y花68-1 2020 北京杂交小麦工程技术研究中心 北部冬麦区


Statistics of yield and increase range of approved hybrid wheat varieties in China since The Tenth Five-Year Plan"


Statistics of yield level and yield increase range of approved hybrid wheat varieties in different wheat cultivation areas in China since The Tenth Five-Year Plan"

Table 2

The correlation analysis of yield and yield components of approved hybrid wheat varieties in China since The Tenth Five-Year Plan"

Cultivation area
Spike number
Grain number per spike
1000-grain weight
北方冬麦区 穗数Spike number 0.491
Winter wheat region in northern China 穗粒数Grain number per spike 0.711* -0.101
千粒重1000-grain weight 0.516* 0.143 0.706
库容量Sink capacity 0.900** 0.637 0.697 -0.648
南方冬麦区 穗数Spike number 0.504*
Winter wheat region in southern China 穗粒数Grain number per spike 0.563* 0.089
千粒重1000-grain weight 0.221 -0.268 -0.024
库容量Sink capacity 0.717** 0.711 0.762 -0.221


Analysis of yield components of approved hybrid wheat varieties in different wheat cultivation areas in China since The Tenth Five-Year Plan"

Table 3

Main quality traits of approved hybrid wheat varieties in China since The Tenth Five-Year Plan"

Grain protein content (%)
Wet gluten content (%)
Dough stability time (min)
Volume weight (g/L)
“十五”The Tenth Five-Year Plan 12.8 28.8 2.9 788.5
“十一五”The 11th Five-Year Plan 14.2 29.1 4.0 790.0
“十二五”The 12th Five-Year Plan 15.0 31.4 7.1 777.3
“十三五”The 13th Five-Year Plan 14.9 33.8 3.1 803.8
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