Crops ›› 2022, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (4): 154-159.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2022.04.021
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Xie Kuizhong1(), Sun Xiaohua1, Luo Aihua1, Liu Yongqiang1, Tang Dejing2, Zhu Yongyong3, Hu Xinyuan1(
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[1] | Chen Yuzhen, Tang Guangbin, Ma Xianxin, Tian Guiyun, Yu Hongxin, Luo Yingluo, Fan Mingshou, Jia Liguo. Four Major Regulatory Pathways of Potato Tuber Development [J]. Crops, 2022, 38(4): 9-13. |
[2] | Liu Ju, Li Guangcun, Duan Shaoguang, Hu Jun, Jian Yinqiao, Liu Jiangang, Jin Liping, Xu Jianfei. The Effects of Different Night Temperature Treatments on in vitro Tuberization and Related-Genes Expression in Potato [J]. Crops, 2022, 38(3): 92-98. |
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[4] | Liu Yajun, Wang Wenjing, Wang Honggang, Wang Qi, Hu Qiguo, Chu Fengli. Effects of Crop Rotation on Soil Microbial Community in Sweet Potato Field [J]. Crops, 2021, 37(6): 122-128. |
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[7] | Luo Lei, Li Yajie, Yao Yanhong, Li Fengxian, Fan Yi, Dong Aiyun, Liu Huixia, Niu Caiping, Li Deming. Effects of Planting Small Whole Potatoes with Different Specifications and Seed Dressing on the Growth and Yield of Potatoes in Continuous Cropping Land [J]. Crops, 2021, 37(6): 211-216. |
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[10] | Hu Qiguo, Liu Yajun, Wang Wenjing, Wang Qi, Wang Honggang, Chu Fengli. Effects of Sweet Potato Rotation and Intercropping on the Microbial Community of Rhizosphere Soil [J]. Crops, 2021, 37(5): 153-159. |
[11] | Lou Shubao, Li Fengyun, Tian Guokui, Wang Haiyan, Tian Zhendong, Wang Lichun, Liu Xicai, Wang Hui. Evaluation of Germplasms for Resistance to Potato Late Blight and Molecular Markers Assisted Screening [J]. Crops, 2021, 37(4): 196-201. |
[12] | Yang Ping, Chen Yuli, Gong Fajiang, Bi Haibin, Gao Minghui. Bulking Characteristics of Potato Tubers and Its Correlation with Tuber Fresh Weight [J]. Crops, 2021, 37(2): 130-134. |
[13] | Qiu Tian, Niu Lili, Zhu Jiang, Cai Fuge, Wang Qingwei. Effects of Three Growth Regulators on the Growth of Potato Test-Tube Seedlings [J]. Crops, 2021, 37(2): 160-164. |
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